Punch: 16 Recipes + Tips for Perfect Taste

The term punch refers to a wide range of non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, usually containing fruit or fruit juices.

The drink was brought from India to the United Kingdom at the beginning of the seventeenth century, from there its use spread to other countries.

Punch is usually served at parties in large and wide bowls, cold or warm.

Tips before starting

  1. Use fresh and beautiful berries and fruits for punch. Some of the berries can be crushed to add zest to the drink.

  2. If you are making a cold punch, make sure you have enough ice. Additionally, it would be appropriate to put a bucket of ice separately, just do not forget to add ice sticks.

  3. You don’t have to use a bowl for punch. Any container that will fit a scoop or that is easy to pour into a glass will do, for example some Americans serve punch in a barrel!

  4. There should be plenty of fruits and berries. Do not be stingy, because this is the main feature of the punch!

  5. Don’t stress. Punch is easy, add whatever you like and fantasize with your taste.

  6. Taste before serving to guests. If you don’t like the taste, chances are your guests will react the same way – the party is ruined.


Chill all liquids (juices, alcohol, syrups) before making cold punches.

Punch Recipe with Apples, Oranges and Lemons


  1. Apple juice – 2 cups

  2. Orange juice – 1/2 cup

  3. Ginger ale – 2 cups

  4. Lemonade – 3 cups

  5. Vodka – 2/3 cup vodka

  6. Fresh strawberries – 125 g (peeled and diced)

  7. Ice – 10-18 cubes

Method of preparation

  1. Combine apple juice, orange juice, dry ginger ale and lemonade in a large bowl.

  2. Добавьте водку, клубнику и лед. Готово!

Strawberry Apple Punch


  1. Fresh strawberries – 500 g

  2. Lemonade – 3 cups

  3. Apple juice – 2 cups

  4. Sparkling water – 2 cups

  5. Favorite tea – 1 cup

  6. Mint – 1 bunch

  7. Ice – 10-18 cubes

  8. Rum or vodka – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Place 250 grams of strawberries in a blender and blend until smooth.

  2. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve into a punch bowl or serving jug.

  3. Cut the remaining strawberries into cubes and add to the bowl.

  4. Pour in all ingredients, mix well and serve over ice.

Fruit punch with white wine


  1. Water – 1 glass

  2. Orange juice – 1,5 cups

  3. Apple juice – 1,5 cups

  4. Pineapple or apricot juice – 2 cups

  5. White wine – 1,5 cups

  6. Lemonade – 1 L

  7. Ginger beer – 500 ml

  8. Sugar – 1,5 cups

  9. Summer berries and fruits – 1,5 cups

  10. Ice – 10-18 cubes

Method of preparation

  1. Prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar.

  2. Возьмите 3 разных вида понравившихся вам ягод, которые нужно добавить целиком, и фруктов, нарезанных на половинки.

  3. In a deep container, mix juices, sugar syrup, put fruits, and leave for an hour.

  4. Before serving guests, pour beer and lemonade into the container.

Punch with vodka and ginger ale


  1. Apple juice – 500 ml

  2. Orange juice – 370 ml

  3. Ginger ale – 500 ml

  4. Lemonade – 750 ml

  5. Vodka – 200 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour apple juice, orange juice and lemonade into a deep container.

  2. Pour vodka into the mixture and refrigerate for a while.

  3. Before serving it, pour ginger ale into it to create a characteristic fizz.

  4. Decorate glasses with berries and ice cubes.

Коктейль гавайский пунш

Calculation for one portion.


  1. Lime juice – 40 ml

  2. Orange juice – 80 ml

  3. Pineapple juice – 80 ml

  4. Vodka – 30 ml

  5. Amaretto – 40 мл

  6. Southern Comfort – 40 мл

  7. Pomegranate syrup – a couple of drops

  8. Ice – a couple of cubes

Method of preparation

  1. Pour all the alcohol and juice into a shaker with ice.

  2. Shake well and pour through a strainer into a highball glass.

  3. Drizzle a couple of drops of pomegranate syrup on top and garnish with a cherry and an orange wedge.

Berry punch


  1. Raspberries – 50 g

  2. Strawberry – 50 g

  3. Red currant – 50 g

  4. Dry white wine – 300 ml

  5. Champagne – 300 ml

  6. Sugar syrup – 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation

  1. Порежьте клубнику на половинки, положите в посуду вместе с малиной и смородиной.

  2. Add the sugar syrup and leave the mixture for a while so that the berries release their juice.

  3. Pour them with cold alcohol and let it brew for 15 minutes.

  4. Serve with garnished berries over ice.

Citrus punch


  1. Honey – 3 tbsp. l.

  2. Soda – ½ cup

  3. Champagne semi-sweet – 1 bottle

  4. Lemon – 8 pcs.

  5. Orange – 8 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Squeeze juice from the pulp of citrus fruits.

  2. Добавьте в него мед и содовую.

  3. Freeze the mixture in the freezer.

  4. Crush the resulting ice and fill it with champagne.

  5. Garnish with orange slices when serving.

Classic warm punch with rum


  1. Black tea – 2 tsp.

  2. Sugar – 3 st. l.

  3. Water – 750 ml

  4. Dark rum – 350 ml

  5. Lemon – 1 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Boil water and let it cool down a bit. Then brew the tea and leave it for 15 minutes so that it has time to brew.

  2. Remove the brew. Squeeze lemon juice into tea, pour alcohol into it and add sugar.

  3. Pour the mixture into a deep container and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

  4. Having prepared a punch with rum, the recipe involves serving it warm in porcelain or ceramic cups.

warm apple punch recipe


  1. Apple juice – 250 ml

  2. Dry red wine – 350 ml

  3. Apple – 1 pcs.

  4. Cinnamon – 2 sticks or 2 tsp

  5. Star anise – 1 pc.

  6. Сухая гвоздика – 2 бутона

  7. Sugar – 2 st. l.

  8. Cognac, brandy or apple calvados – to taste.

Method of preparation

  1. Remove the core from the apple with seeds and cut it into circles. If desired, you can cut off its skin, but then choose a hard variety.

  2. Heat red wine almost to boiling point.

  3. Put an apple, spices and honey there.

  4. Налейте в смесь крепкий алкоголь и на медленном огне варите несколько минут.

  5. Serve warm, garnished with apple rings and cinnamon.

Cherry punch recipe



  1. Rum – 300 ml

  2. Cherry juice – 300 ml

  3. Sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l

  4. Lime – 1 pcs.

  5. Ginger – a pinch

  6. Cloves to taste

  7. Cinnamon – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Pour cherry juice into a saucepan.

  2. Добавьте туда сахар и специи.

  3. Heat until the sugar dissolves.

  4. Выжмите сок из лайма и добавьте его в смесь.

  5. Strain through a strainer and add alcohol there.

  6. Serve the cherry punch hot.

orange punch easy recipe


  1. Brandy – 100 ml

  2. Apple juice with pulp – 1 l

  3. Lemon juice – 100 ml

  4. Orange – 3 pcs.

  5. 1 sprig lemon verbena

Method of preparation

  1. Pour apple juice and brandy into a container, heat to boiling point.

  2. Squeeze the juice from 1 orange and add it to the mixture along with the lemon.

  3. Cut the remaining oranges into slices, put there along with the verbena stem.

  4. Подавайте горячим, украсьте бокалы дольками апельсина.

Egg punch


  1. Cognac – 250 ml

  2. Freshly brewed tea – 1 l

  3. Wine – 750 ml

  4. Yolk – 6 pc.

  5. Lemon – 1 pcs.

  6. Powdered Sugar – 300 g

  7. Cloves – 3 buds

  8. Cinnamon – on the tip of a knife

Method of preparation

  1. Brew strong black tea and leave it to infuse.

  2. Cut the zest from the lemon, chop it and add it along with the spices.

  3. Leave the mixture for an hour.

  4. Mix the yolks and powdered sugar in a blender.

  5. Add alcohol and freshly squeezed lemon juice to tea.

  6. Let it simmer on low heat and add the yolks there.

  7. Serve in tall glasses and top with chocolate shavings.

Sea buckthorn punch


  1. Cognac or brandy – 60 ml

  2. Sea buckthorn jam – 60 g

  3. Honey – 60 g

  4. Green tea – 400 ml

  5. Lemon – 2 slices

  6. Lime – 2 slices

Method of preparation

  1. Brew green tea and let it brew.

  2. Strain it and put honey there.

  3. Add sea buckthorn jam and alcohol.

  4. Put citrus fruits inside, and garnish the glass with one slice of lemon.

cranberry punch


  1. Cranberry juice – 250 ml

  2. Hot water – 400 ml

  3. Rum – 50 ml

  4. Lemon zest – 1 tbsp. l.

  5. Fresh cranberries – 300 g

  6. Cherry vodka – 100 ml

  7. Sugar – 2 st. l.

  8. Cinnamon – 2 sticks or 2 tsp

Method of preparation

  1. Put cranberry juice and alcohol on a slow fire.

  2. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved.

  3. Put the whole cranberries into the mixture along with the spices.

  4. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for 2 minutes.

  5. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

  6. Strain the liquid through a strainer and pour water into it.

  7. Подавайте горячий пунш сразу.

ginger punch


  1. Ginger – 80 g

  2. Sugar – 1 cup

  3. Tea – 1 cup

  4. Water – 150 g

  5. Red wine – 600 ml

  6. Lemon – 20 g

  7. Cloves to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Peel the ginger from the rough shell, cut into slices and cook over low heat, without boiling.

  2. Add spices and sugar to it. Cook syrup for 10 minutes.

  3. Strain the liquid.

  4. Heat the wine and add freshly squeezed lemon juice to it.

  5. Combine wine, tea and ginger syrup in a large bowl.

  6. Warm glasses before serving.

raspberry punch


  1. Water – 1 L

  2. Raspberry syrup – 1 cup

  3. Lemon – 1 pcs.

  4. Black tea – 5 tsp. (for 1 cup)

  5. Ром – ½ стакана

  6. Cognac or brandy – ½ cup

Method of preparation

  1. Заварите крепкий чай и оставьте его на время, чтобы он настоялся.

  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and simmer until 60-70 ° C.

  3. Готово! Подавайте горячим.

Relevance: 16.09.2019

Tags: other alcohol

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