Pumpkin can be eaten raw or cooked. Both its seeds and pulp are edible. We eat the first ones directly, after shelling, the pulp is most often used to make salads, salads, stuffing. You can also cook soup from it or use it as an addition to cakes, pancakes or casseroles. However, few people realize how much good eating pumpkin does for our body.
Pumpkin is a real autumn treasury of vitamins and minerals. Contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, T, minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sugars, proteins, fats, folic acid , fiber, pectin. Check, therefore, what health-promoting properties it has, and you will see that you will want to include it in your menu more often.
- It lowers blood pressurePumpkin seeds contain a lot of potassium and little sodium. They have diuretic properties, thanks to which they prevent water retention in the body. They are able to reduce and even eliminate swelling. Their food is therefore recommended, among others. people suffering from hypertension.
- It supports the heart and circulatory systemAbout 30-40% of pumpkin seeds is oil, which contains a lot of phytosterols and unsaturated fatty acids. They inhibit the deposition of bad cholesterol deposits in the tissues, thus preventing atherosclerosis, heart and blood circulation diseases.
- It improves eyesight Thanks to the presence of beta-carotene, pumpkin has a beneficial effect on our eyes, preventing the so-called. night blindness. It is recommended to consume it for people with poor eyesight, as well as people who work at the computer for a long time or watch TV often.
- It deacidifies the bodyCalcium, potassium and magnesium work in such a way that they restore the acid-base balance of our body. The state of acidification, on the other hand, is the cause of headaches, indigestion, problems with metabolism, acne and promotes atherosclerosis and rheumatism.
- It supports the slimming processPumpkin pulp is low in calories and quickly gives a feeling of satiety. It’s a great snack for those who watch their weight and count calories. Pumpkin provides a lot of insoluble fiber, stimulating intestinal peristalsis and inhibiting the process of fat absorption. In addition, it improves metabolism.
- It’s good for the skinIt has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Thanks to vitamin A, it soothes irritations and makes the epidermis more elastic. Vitamin C has regenerating properties. Natural enzymes contained in pumpkin slightly exfoliate dead skin, initiating the process of rebuilding a new, healthy one.
- It counteracts acneVitamins E and T and zinc unclog pores and reduce the secretion of sebum, thus preventing the formation of pimples and unsightly blackheads.
- It works dewormingA substance called cucurbitacin contained in pumpkin has antiparasitic properties, fighting tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms and giardias. Importantly, its healing effect applies only to fresh vegetable seeds.