Pumpkin with HB

During lactation, it is very important to correctly compose the daily menu so that only the most useful substances get into it during milk production. And if before pregnancy it was allowed to eat a variety of foods, then after childbirth, the diet must be completely changed. During this period, it is required to choose only hypoallergenic products with the most useful composition. With extreme caution, you should eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. According to many nutritionists and pediatricians, pumpkin during breastfeeding is not only allowed, but also necessary, because it is low in calories, filled with useful trace elements and is easily digestible.

Pumpkin with HB

Is it possible to pumpkin while breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, it is necessary to carefully select products when compiling the mother’s daily menu, so that only those trace elements that benefit both her and her baby enter the body of a nursing woman. As for the melon culture, pumpkin with HB can be consumed in moderation, while it is allowed from the very first days after childbirth.

The body of a woman giving birth perceives an orange fruit well. Pumpkin is easy to digest and promotes proper digestion. In very rare cases, the body may react negatively to its presence in the diet, this mainly occurs with individual intolerance.

What is useful pumpkin for a nursing mother and child

Pumpkin is a storehouse of useful vitamins, micro and macro elements that help a woman recover after childbirth. In addition, most of all the nutrients will certainly be in the milk and get along with it to the newborn baby during feeding.

The composition of the pumpkin is rich in fiber, which normalizes the activity of the mother’s gastrointestinal tract, allowing you to eliminate constipation after childbirth.

The presence of beta-carotene improves the appearance of a woman, helps to restore strength, and also has a good effect on the work of the skin and mucous membranes. The presence of potassium strengthens the cardiovascular system, normalizes its tone, reducing swelling. Magnesium, which is also found in pumpkin, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which is the key to peace of mind.

Most pediatricians also recommend eating pumpkin when breastfeeding a newborn due to its ability to increase hemoglobin. The presence in the composition of elements such as copper, zinc, iron and cobalt makes the orange fruit a prophylactic for anemia. It is these elements that are involved in the synthesis of red blood cells.

Attention! Pumpkin is also a source of rare vitamin T, which promotes the breakdown of fats, thereby preventing the formation of lipid deposits during breastfeeding.

Vitamins C, B, PP, K, which enter the body along with the use of this fetus, help strengthen the immunity of the mother and newborn during feeding.

Benefits of pumpkin juice while breastfeeding

Pumpkin juice, like a fresh fruit, contains all the trace elements that help improve digestion, the appearance of a woman after childbirth, as well as reduce swelling and strengthen immunity.

Pumpkin with HB

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice does not contain allergens, which makes it absolutely safe for the newborn during feeding.

The use of pumpkin juice with HB contributes to the proper metabolism in the mother’s body. It has a diaphoretic and mild diuretic effect, which allows the body to get rid of toxins. In addition, this kind of liquid stimulates an increase in milk, providing a lactagon effect during feeding.

When and how to introduce into the diet

You can introduce pumpkin during breastfeeding as early as the 1st month after childbirth. Some pediatricians even allow its use from the first days of a child’s life. But in order for it to be exceptionally useful, and not harmful, the following rules for its use must be observed:

  1. When you first introduce this fruit into the diet, it is advisable to limit yourself to no more than 50 g.
  2. It is better to eat pumpkin only in the first half of the day, and 1-2 hours after consumption, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the newborn during feeding.
  3. If the child does not have any reaction to a new product, it can be consumed no earlier than a day later.
  4. With a positive effect on the mother’s body, as well as in the absence of a negative reaction in the newborn during feeding, the amount of pumpkin consumed can be gradually increased until the portion reaches the daily allowance (200 g).
  5. There is a pumpkin with HS in the first month, it is recommended as part of porridge.
Important! If the newborn has signs of intolerance to the orange fruit after feeding or has any reaction in the form of a rash, pumpkin should be excluded from the diet.

How to cook pumpkin for a nursing mother

Pumpkin during breastfeeding in the first month after childbirth can only be consumed in a thermally processed form. But it is worthwhile to understand that it is not recommended to eat pumpkin in fried form, as well as to eat dishes that have been fried in oil or other fat. Such food is considered heavy and can adversely affect the pancreas of the mother and child during feeding, causing indigestion in the newborn, which causes colic. Therefore, it is better for a nursing mother to stock up on recipes for cooking pumpkin dishes using boiling, steaming or baking.

Pumpkin can be combined with cereals, other fruits, vegetables and berries. You can cook from it cereals, soups, mashed potatoes, casseroles, steam cutlets.

Fresh pumpkin can be eaten while breastfeeding only if iron deficiency anemia has been found in the mother or child. In this case, it is required to consume no more than 1-2 small pieces of fruit per day. But if, when eating raw pulp, a child often experiences pain in the abdomen, colic and bloating after feeding, then raw pumpkin should be replaced with juice.

Attention! When breastfeeding, only freshly squeezed pumpkin juice should be consumed, since concentrated juice will not only not be beneficial, but can also provoke allergies.

Pumpkin porridge for a nursing mother

Pumpkin with HB


  • pumpkin – 200 g;
  • millet – 0,5 tbsp.;
  • milk (can be replaced with water) – 1,5 tbsp.;
  • salt, sugar – to taste.

Method of preparation:

  1. Rinse the pumpkin, peel and seeds, cut into small cubes and boil in half the milk until tender (20-25 minutes).
  2. Sort the millet groats, rinse under running water and also boil until tender in the other half of the milk (15-20 minutes).
  3. Combine the boiled ingredients in a refractory container, you can use a clay pot. Add salt and sugar to taste (sugar should be taken in a minimum amount).
  4. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

pumpkin casserole for feeding

Pumpkin with HB


  • pumpkin – 100 g;
  • millet groats – 40 g;
  • milk (water) – 50 ml;
  • egg – 1 pcs .;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • salt, sugar – optional.

Method of preparation:

  1. The pumpkin is washed, cleaned and cut into pieces. Slightly sauté in butter.
  2. Boil millet until tender in milk or water (add salt and sugar to taste).
  3. Mix the cooked ingredients together with the egg.
  4. Spread the pumpkin-millet mass in a greased baking dish (if desired, you can sprinkle with a small amount of grated cheese).
  5. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pumpkin cream soup during lactation

Pumpkin with HB


  • pumpkin pulp – 300 g;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • butter – 10 g;
  • salt – to taste.

Method of preparation:

  1. Peeled pumpkin pulp is cut into cubes.
  2. In a small saucepan, bring water to a boil.
  3. Fall asleep chopped pumpkin pulp and cook on a minimum heat for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Salt to taste, mix and add butter.
  5. Remove from stove and let cool.
  6. The cooled soup is ground with a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

How to eat pumpkin dishes with GV

Pumpkin dishes with HB can only be eaten in the morning, preferably for breakfast. At the beginning of the introduction of this product into the diet, you should limit yourself to one serving per day. Closer to 3 months, you can already increase the number of servings to 2 per day. With additives to the dish, you should be careful, in particular, with honey, spices and sour cream. In large quantities, these components can cause an allergic reaction in a child after feeding.

How to take pumpkin juice while breastfeeding

Pumpkin juice can be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother from the first week after childbirth. The main thing is to choose high-quality juice without additives and dye. It’s best to do it yourself.

It is recommended to drink diluted pumpkin juice in the first month. This should be done with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. Its dosage should not exceed 100 ml per day. Over time, you can reduce the amount of water, and closer to 3-4 months, stop diluting it altogether.

Limitations and contraindications

Despite all the benefits of pumpkin for a woman during the feeding period, it still has its limitations and contraindications for use.

A large amount of this fruit can cause carotenemia in a child (appearance of yellow pigmentation of the skin). It is not very dangerous for the health of the newborn during feeding, but in this case it is necessary to exclude pumpkin and other products containing beta-carotene for a long time (at least 30 days).

In addition, pumpkin is contraindicated in:

  • low acidity of the stomach;
  • disruption of the liver and pancreas;
  • inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea.

In this case, the use of pumpkin can exacerbate these processes.


Pumpkin during breastfeeding, if consumed in moderation, can have a positive effect on both the body of a nursing mother and the child. It allows you to replenish the necessary amount of trace elements for the proper recovery of the body after childbirth, as well as enrich breast milk with vitamins.

About the benefits of pumpkin

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