Pumpkin Smile

Pumpkin Smile was bred by breeders in Our Country in 2000. Breeding began at the very moment when the need arose for a new hybrid that could be grown in any climatic conditions, even the most severe. This culture is considered unpretentious, it does not require much effort to obtain a high yield. Pumpkin Smile belongs to early ripening varieties – you can start harvesting 85 days after planting in open ground. The main advantage is excellent taste and long shelf life.

Description of pumpkin Smile

Pumpkin Smile is a large-fruited variety. Due to the fact that the ripening process is fast, you can start harvesting 80-85 days after the planting material has been planted in open ground. As a result, even residents of those regions in which climatic conditions are far from southern will be able to harvest.

The pumpkin variety Smile differs from other varieties in its bushy form, which is very convenient if you are growing crops on small plots of land. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the lashes do not grow throughout the garden, thereby preventing other vegetables from fully growing. On large leaf plates of saturated green color, you can see a pattern. During the flowering period, flowers appear yellow or orange, with a pleasant, pronounced aroma. The seeds contained in the pumpkin are oval in shape, white in color and in small quantities.

Pumpkin Smile

Description of fruits

Given the description, photos and reviews of the Smile pumpkin variety, it is worth noting that the fruits grow small. As a rule, the weight is about 700 g, in some cases it can reach up to 1 kg. The formation of fruits is carried out directly near the stem. As practice shows, on each bush, on average, from 7 to 10 fruits can ripen, the maximum number is 15 pcs.

Pumpkin Smile has a spherical shape, slightly flattened. The bark is a rich orange hue, with the presence of stripes that have a lighter shade. When cut, you can see rich orange flesh, medium juiciness, with a small amount of seeds. Many gardeners note high taste qualities – pumpkin is very sweet and fragrant.

From ripe fruits, as a rule, puree soups are prepared, they are used as the main ingredient in vegetable stews. Since the amount of juice is small, it is not recommended to use the pulp for making pumpkin juice.

Attention! In the process of long-term storage, the taste only improves.

Pumpkin Smile

Characteristics of a variety

Before you start planting a crop, it is recommended that you first study in detail the description and photo of the Smile pumpkin variety. An attractive appearance that even seems funny can bring a smile to the face of anyone, perhaps this was the reason for this name of the culture.

Considering the characteristics of the Smile pumpkin variety, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • bushy plants with rather short shoots, of which there are up to 6 pieces;
  • shoots can reach a length of 6 m;
  • on each bush grows up to 10 to 15 fruits;
  • the pumpkin grows small, the maximum allowable weight is 1 kg, on average, the weight varies from 500 to 700 g;
  • fruits are segmented, have a spherical shape;
  • the leaf plate is rather large, pentagonal in shape, with the presence of patterns;
  • a pumpkin of a bright saturated orange color, in some places there are a lighter shade;
  • in the process of flowering, orange and yellow flowers appear, with a pleasant aroma;
  • seeds of a white shade, with a smooth surface, oval in shape, a small amount of seeds in fruits;
  • despite the fact that the peel is very thick and hard, it is quite easy to remove;
  • peduncle ribbed;
  • when cut, you can see the pulp is saturated orange, dense, of medium juiciness, there is a crunch.

Only after all the information about the culture has been studied, it is possible to make a decision on the acquisition and planting of planting material.

Attention! It is important to take into account the fact that the root system is very fragile, it is quite easy to damage it.

Pumpkin Smile

Pest and disease resistance

According to the reviews of those who have already managed to plant the crop and appreciate all the benefits, and the description, the Smile pumpkin variety has a high level of resistance to many types of diseases and harmful insects. The only drawback that should be considered in the growing process is that at a high level of humidity, the culture may be prone to rot.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to the irrigation system. Watering must be moderate, it is not allowed to have wetlands on the ground where the culture grows. In addition, it is recommended to remove weeds from the beds in a timely manner. Many experienced gardeners advise putting wooden planks under the fruits, thanks to which you can prevent the contact of the pumpkin with wet ground and, as a result, the appearance of rot.

Advantages and disadvantages

As a rule, any culture has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered first. Judging by the description and reviews, the Smile pumpkin is no exception in this case.

Among the advantages of this hybrid are the following:

  • unpretentiousness of the variety, as a result of which it is not necessary to create special conditions for growing pumpkin varieties Smile;
  • this variety perfectly adapts to any climatic conditions and soil used;
  • due to the fast ripening period, it is possible to start harvesting 80-85 days after planting the planting material in open ground;
  • high level of productivity regardless of weather conditions;
  • due to the fact that the Smile pumpkin can perfectly tolerate any weather changes, the culture is able to survive possible autumn frosts, which is facilitated by a high level of cold resistance;
  • due to the presence of a very thick peel, transportation over long distances is possible;
  • excellent taste qualities – sweet taste with a fruity aroma, there are notes of melon taste;
  • during storage, the taste characteristics of pumpkin improve significantly;
  • growth is carried out compactly, does not occur in the process of growing ejection of long and trailing stems;
  • this product is considered dietary.

A significant disadvantage of the variety is the low level of resistance to the appearance of rot, if an increased level of humidity is observed.

Advice! As a preventive measure, it is recommended to put boards under the fruits, preventing the contact of the pumpkin with wet ground. This will prevent the appearance of rot.

Pumpkin Smile

Growing Pumpkin Smile

As the reviews and photos show, the Smile pumpkin does not need special care, the culture is unpretentious. Despite this, the minimum favorable conditions for growing are still required. As a result of the fact that the variety is prone to rot, watering must be moderate.

Many gardeners recommend initially growing seedlings and only then transplanting them into open ground. For germination, it is necessary to place the planting material for some time in a solution that stimulates growth. During the planting process, it is necessary to adhere to the 70×70 cm scheme. 2 seeds are placed in each hole. If 2 processes appear, then the weak one should be removed.

Pumpkin Smile


Pumpkin Smile is a variety that is loved by many gardeners, both experienced and beginners. A distinctive feature is the unpretentiousness of the culture – it is not required to create special conditions for growing. In addition, the yield will be high, regardless of weather conditions. Due to the high level of cold resistance, the fruits can perfectly tolerate short-term frosts. If necessary, ripe pumpkins can be transported over long distances without losing their appearance, which is very beneficial if you grow on an industrial scale for further sale.

Pumpkin variety Smile

Reviews about pumpkin Smile

Tatyana Semenova, 56 years old, Moscow
I have been growing Smile pumpkin in my summer cottage for about 10 years in a row. During this time I have tried a large number of varieties, but, as a rule, I constantly return to Smile. I grow seedlings on my own, I plant a pumpkin in open ground. Harvest stable, regardless of weather conditions. I would like to draw attention to the fact that the fruits grow small in size, quite compact. I like the taste of the Smile pumpkin variety – the fruits are very sweet. I use the finished crop to make cereals, soups, or just cook vegetable stew.
Evgenia Starodubtseva, 37 years old, Tver
I have been growing pumpkin varieties Smile for several years. I saw this variety for the first time in the store when I was choosing planting material from the picture. In the end, I’m more than satisfied with the result. With little effort (only watering seedlings and removing weeds), we managed to get a fairly good harvest. From each plant it was possible to collect from 5 to 7 fruits. Particular attention should be paid to taste and shelf life. She kept ripe fruits at home almost until the middle of winter. I plan to plant again this year.

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