Pumpkin seeds with prostatitis
The seeds of this popular plant have long been used in the treatment of many diseases, and for good reason. We learn from experts whether pumpkin seeds help with prostatitis and what is their secret

Many diseases in the modern world are “getting younger”, and prostatitis already appears not only in middle-aged men, but also in fairly young ones. There are many drugs available to combat this problem. But you can return to the roots, remembering an effective folk remedy.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

With prostatitis, which is also called inflammation of the prostate gland, against the background of edema, pain occurs, as the vessels and nerve endings are pinched. Also, the outflow of fluid worsens, which aggravates the situation. During treatment, it is necessary to reduce swelling and relieve inflammation by activating local immunity. Pumpkin seeds can help with this.

Pumpkin seeds are a source of many trace elements important for men’s health. One of the main ones is zinc, the lack of which can even worsen the quality of seminal fluid.
Sergey TrubinDoctor urologist-andrologist of the first category

In addition to zinc, pumpkin seeds contain B vitamins. A high concentration of vitamin A, which is considered an antioxidant and generally improves the condition of the body. Fatty acids in the composition of pumpkin seeds: oleic, linoleic, palmitic and others, improve the condition of blood vessels, which is important for the blood supply to organs. Fatty acids are also essential for cell membranes and immune cells. Their activity is the key to the rapid suppression of inflammation.

Pumpkin seeds contain an important substance L-arginine, which is involved in the synthesis of testosterone, the male sex hormone, and improves the functioning of the prostate gland.

This product has more L-arginine than anywhere else. The amino acid L-arginine is produced in the body in insufficient quantities on its own, but it can be ingested with food. Against the background of taking this amino acid, blood flow in the pelvic organs increases. The prostate gland is also located there, and enhanced blood microcirculation helps relieve swelling.

Harm of pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

The main harm lies in the fact that sometimes they try to cure prostatitis only with the help of pumpkin seeds. Unfortunately, they are not able to cope with the disease completely, so they are taken only as part of drug therapy prescribed by a doctor. Do not forget that pumpkin seeds and preparations based on them are a dietary supplement, not a medicine. Such substances enhance the effect of drugs, but do not replace them.

There are practically no contraindications for taking pumpkin seeds with prostatitis, except for individual intolerance and acute intestinal diseases. Those who are overweight should also eat them with caution, as this product is quite high in calories.

How to take pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

Pumpkin seeds are not only healthy, but also a pleasant-tasting product. The course of admission should be at least a month. The effect of pumpkin seeds is cumulative. In order to preserve the maximum of vitamins in the seeds, it is better not to fry them, but to use them raw. Take seeds 15 – 20 minutes before meals with water


Most often, pumpkin seeds are taken in their pure form for treatment. It is better to divide the reception into 3 parts, eating about 15 – 25 seeds at a time.

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Seed oil is high in calories, and you can’t take a lot of it. The dose is not more than one teaspoon at a time, and 2 – 3 spoons per day will be enough. You can season salads with pumpkin seed oil, which will only improve their taste.

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If pumpkin seed oil does not taste good to you, you can find it in pharmacies in the form of gelatin capsules. Also sometimes they are additionally enriched with vitamins. The amount per course is determined by the doctor who prescribed the remedy.

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Other recipes

If you are not allergic to honey, pumpkin seeds can be made into a healthy treat. Mix the seeds with honey, your favorite dried fruits and spices in a blender, and mold them into small balls. They can be rolled in chopped seeds, cocoa, flax seeds.

Sometimes it is recommended to drink juice from pumpkin pulp. But its composition is very different from the seeds, so taking juice is rather useless for solving the problem of prostatitis. But pumpkin juice will not bring harm either.

Popular questions and answers

Many men seek to be treated with natural remedies, supplementing the therapy prescribed by doctors. Answered the popular questions of patients about taking pumpkin seeds for prostatitis urologist-andrologist Sergey Trubin.

What is the secret of the effectiveness of pumpkin seeds for prostatitis?

The secret lies in a unique set of vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances with the ability to restore and maintain prostate health. These substances include vitamin E, “male vitamins” of group B, antioxidant vitamin A, magnesium, zinc and others.

In what quantity per day can you use pumpkin seeds for prostatitis and for its prevention?

The recommended dose is 30 g of peeled seeds. It should be borne in mind that the seeds are quite high in calories so as not to overeat. Also, with caution, start eating them for people prone to allergies.

Can I find preparations based on pumpkin seeds in a pharmacy?

Urologists often prescribe medications based on pumpkin seeds in the complex treatment of prostatitis and for the prevention of the disease. Such drugs are available in all pharmacies in our country.

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