Pumpkin seeds are the seeds of a pumpkin, which is a herbaceous plant that grows in subtropical and tropical areas. The seeds have a flat shape, different lengths – from 0,5 to 1,2 cm. The peel of the seeds is white, and inside there is a green seed, which is of value to humans.
Latin America is the birthplace of the pumpkin. The first seeds were found by archaeologists in Mexican caves, which were inhabited as early as 7000 BC. It is known that the American Indians already in those days used pumpkin seeds and its pulp for the preparation of dietary and medicinal dishes. Now pumpkin is grown in almost every country in the world, in general, up to 900 of its species can be counted.
Pumpkin seeds are a valuable and useful product that helps to treat many diseases. To get tasty and high-quality seeds, they must be properly prepared. To do this, they are removed from the fetus, cleaned of pulp and washed under running water. After that, they are carefully dried in the sun or in some other way. The shelf life of the seeds is small and does not exceed one month. It can be extended for 30 days if the seeds are placed in a cold place. Properly store seeds in containers with a tight-fitting lid.
As for the taste of seeds, after roasting, they resemble peanut kernels. They are often used for baking, added to salads, meat dishes and eaten in their pure form.
Composition and calorie content
Pumpkin seeds are a high calorie food. There are about 100 kcal per 559 g of the product.
Calories 559 KKal
- Fats:
49 g
- Proteins:
30,2 g
- Carbohydrates:
10,7 g
- Water:
5,23 g
- Ash:
4,78 g
- Cellulose:
6 g
Vitamins (in 100 g): | Quantity | %RDN |
Gamma-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E) | 35,10 mg | 234% |
Vitamin B3 (PP, nicotinic acid) | 4,99 mg | 24,9% |
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) | 0,27 mg | 15,9% |
Vitamin V5 (pantothenic acid) | 0,75 mg | 15,0% |
Vitamin H (B7, Biotin) | 4,57-10,0 μg | 14,6% |
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) | 58,0 mcg | 14,5% |
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) | 2,18 mg | 14,5% |
Vitamin V4 (choline) | 63,0 mg | 12,6% |
Minerals (in 100 g): | Quantity | %RDN |
Vanadium | 170,0 mcg | 425% |
Manganese | 4540,0 mcg | 227% |
Phosphorus | 1174-1233 mg | 150% |
Copper | 1340-1500 μg | 142% |
Magnesium | 535-592 mg | 141% |
Zinc | 7,4-20,2 mg | 115% |
Silicon | 25,0 mg | 83% |
Cobalt | 8,3 mcg | 83% |
Chrome | 40,0 mcg | 80% |
Hardware | 8,82-15,0 mg | 79% |
Bor | 55,0 mcg | 78,6% |
potassium | 807-814 mg | 33,4% |
Rubidium | 26,0 mcg | 26% |
Zirconium | 11,2 mcg | 24% |
Sulfur | 146-160 mg | 15,3% |
Molybdenum | 10,0 mcg | 14,3% |
Selenium | 5,6-9,4 μg | 11,5% |
Iodine | 12,0-18,0 μg | 10% |
Full chemical composition ➤
Other important connections:
Phytosterols — 523 mg (951% of RDN). Of them: campesterol — 19 mg (34,5%), beta-sitosterol — 2,6 mg (6,5%), stigmasterol — 6,8 mg (19%), spinasterol — 112 mg (204%), delta -7-avenasterol — 72 mg (131%), delta-7-stigmasterol — 20 mg (36%), delta-7,25-stigmastadienol — 106 mg (192%), delta-7,22,25-stigmastatrienol — 151 mg (274%).
Purine — 37 mg (29% of RDI)
The Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
The benefits of pumpkin seeds for the human body are undeniable, although many people are accustomed to carelessly treat this healing product.
Useful properties of pumpkin seeds are diverse, here are the main ones:
Normalizing sleep and reducing the risk of depression. Regular consumption of seeds improves the quality of a night’s rest, as they contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which is very useful for humans. Once in the body, it is transformed into niacin and serotonin, which directly affect human sleep.
Prevention of hypertension. Pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of arginine. After entering the body, this amino acid is converted into nitric oxide, which is responsible for the expansion of arteries and blood vessels, improving blood flow through them.
Reducing bad cholesterol levels. Thanks to the phytosterols contained in pumpkin seeds, a person who regularly includes them in the diet prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
Beauty and youthfulness of the skin. The seeds contain a large amount of vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles.
Prevention of osteoporosis, reduction of inflammation in arthritis of the joints. The benefits for bones from taking pumpkin seeds are due to the fact that zinc is included in their composition.
Prevention of inflammation of the prostate. This property of pumpkin seeds is relevant for men, not only older, but also young. Indeed, according to statistics, more than 30% of men over the age of 25 have prostatitis. In addition, the seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, which prevent the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
From worms. Since ancient times, pumpkin seeds have been known to expel worms and other parasites from the body. Therefore, in many countries they are used as a natural remedy for getting rid of pinworms.
Protecting the heart from disease. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium, which protects the body from rhythm disturbances and helps to normalize the contractile function of the heart.
Prevention of diabetes. Despite the fact that pumpkin seeds are very high in calories, they contain a lot of protein, which is easily digested and helps to normalize blood sugar.
Normalization of bowel function. This useful property of the seeds is provided due to the fact that they contain a lot of fiber, which stimulates peristalsis and works like a natural “brush” for the intestines. Chronic constipation is a direct indication for the regular inclusion of pumpkin seeds in the menu.
Prevention of thyroid diseases. This is possible due to the high content of zinc in the seeds, which is necessary for normal functioning. In order to protect this most important organ from diseases, it is enough to eat up to 140 grams of seeds per day.
Regular intake of pumpkin seeds helps to improve twilight vision and color perception. This is due to their vitamin A, which is involved in the production of rhodopsin (the visual pigment of the retina).
Pumpkin seed oil, which is rich in the seeds of this fruit, contains many components that are beneficial for immunity. Therefore, do not forget about them in the autumn-winter period.
It has been established that regular consumption of pumpkin seeds contributes to the production of both female and male sex hormones, so they are equally useful for both sexes.
You can use pumpkin seeds to improve your cognitive abilities, especially memory.
It is worth taking seeds with you on the road to people who suffer from seasickness, who are motion sick in a car. The fact is that the use of seeds helps to reduce the severity of nausea. Therefore, they are recommended to be consumed in moderation by pregnant women.
Prevention of male infertility. So, the seeds contain a lot of phosphorus, namely, it is necessary for spermatozoa to grow full tails. Thanks to these tails, spermatozoa become more mobile, which increases the chance of conceiving a child.
Pumpkin seeds can be a valuable source of protein for raw food, vegetarian or fasting people.
It is an excellent source of iron, zinc and many other minerals.
It is worth remembering that in order to get the maximum benefit from pumpkin seeds, they must be consumed fresh. After heat treatment (after roasting), most of the vitamins and minerals are destroyed. It is better to clean the seeds right before use, and not in advance.
pumpkin seeds for men
Pumpkin seeds for men are very useful, as they help fight diseases of the male reproductive system. It has been established that men require zinc for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. As a rule, the amount of the mineral that men get from food is not enough. This leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate. Especially acute is the need for zinc in men after 50 years. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from prostate adenoma and prostatitis, it is enough to eat 50 kernels of pumpkin seeds per day.
In addition, zinc is part of the testosterone molecule, the main male hormone. The trace elements included in the seeds can increase sperm motility, which is an excellent prevention of male infertility.
Men are known to be prone to alopecia at an early age. Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds will strengthen the hair roots and prevent premature hair loss. In addition, zinc, which is part of the seeds, allows you to fight dandruff, which is a fungal disease, and not just a cosmetic defect.
It has been proven that men develop atherosclerosis earlier than women, which leads to heart attacks and strokes, and the consumption of pumpkin seeds will stop this process. The amino acids that make up their composition strengthen the vascular wall, iron increases hemoglobin, arginine dilates blood vessels, and phytosterols help lower blood cholesterol levels.
pumpkin seeds for women
Pumpkin seeds for women have an undeniable benefit, which is to maintain not only beauty, but also health.
It has been found that women are much more likely than men to suffer from osteoporosis. The processes of calcium leaching from bones are especially active after the age of 45 years. The minerals included in the seeds will allow this process to be suspended. The fact is that in the seed useful substances are present in such combinations that help each other to be mutually assimilated.
In addition, pumpkin seeds strengthen hair and nails, fight wrinkles, provide elasticity and smoothness to the skin, promote epidermis renewal, and relieve micro-inflammation. Fatty acids moisturize the skin from the inside, prevent hair loss and eliminate the causes of dandruff.
It is useful to use pumpkin seeds for women during menopause, as the phytoestrogens included in it normalize mood, fight depression and improve the quality of night sleep. Tryptophan will relieve headaches and joint pains.
It is useful to consume pumpkin seeds in small quantities during pregnancy. A handful of seeds will make it possible to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, alleviate odor intolerance, and reduce nausea. In addition, seeds are an excellent means of preventing anemia and constipation, which often torment women who are carrying a child.
Harm of pumpkin seeds
The harm of pumpkin seeds for the body can be noticed with their excessive use:
The fact is that the product is very high in calories and if you eat more than 140 g of seeds per day, this can cause weight gain.
Eating salted and roasted seeds can provoke the development of stagnant processes in the joints and limit their mobility. In addition, the omega-3 contained in the seeds is oxidized during frying, and the product becomes toxic.
In addition, you can damage tooth enamel if you peel the seeds with your teeth instead of your hands.
Naturally, it is worth remembering the contraindications to the use of pumpkin seed.
Treatment with pumpkin seeds, recipes
Treatment with pumpkin seeds can be reduced to their daily intake in the recommended amounts. Regular inclusion of pumpkin seeds in food is the prevention of many diseases. Even conventional medicine has recognized the health benefits and medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds. So, in the pharmacy you can find the drug Tykveol, which is based on pumpkin seed oil. It is recommended to use it for infectious diseases, for the prevention of oncology and atherosclerosis. There are also many folk recipes based on pumpkin seeds:
The cardiovascular system.Cholesterol is a serious danger to humans. Pumpkin seeds contain 951% of the daily minimum of various phytosterols, which block the absorption of cholesterol from food, control blood pressure and thin the blood. And fiber and omega-6 can reduce the risk of arrhythmia and thrombosis, which is the most common cause of death in the world.
In order to strengthen your heart and vascular system, it is enough to regularly drink a decoction of pumpkin seeds. The recipe is very simple: take three tablespoons of pumpkin seeds and pour 300 ml of cold water. Put the resulting mixture on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. The decoction should be drunk before going to bed for a quarter cup.
A decoction of pumpkin seeds will help prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with the heart, and also strengthens blood vessels and normalizes sleep.
Treatment of wounds and burns. Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder or in a blender, wrap in thick gauze and scald with boiling water. After cooling, the compress can be applied to sore spots. Such a slurry will not only relieve pain, but will speed up the processes of tissue regeneration.
To normalize bowel function. Pumpkin seeds have a laxative effect and help remove all toxins from our body. They are considered an excellent remedy that helps to cope with constipation, bloating and other problems associated with the intestines.
Recipe. Peel 100 grams of raw seeds and grind them in a blender or coffee grinder. The powder should be taken every morning on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons and washed down with warm milk. After an hour, take a laxative. The course of such treatment is 5 days. It should be noted that pumpkin seed oil is also useful, which in itself is useful for the prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
For immunity. The composition of pumpkin seeds includes zinc, 100 grams account for half the daily requirement. Many people know that zinc is an active antibacterial agent against viruses and bacteria. It is enough just to eat pumpkin seeds and the zinc supply in the body will increase significantly.
With prostatitis. Pumpkin seeds contain a high amount of zinc, which helps prevent prostatitis in men. In addition, many traditional healers use extract and pumpkin seed oil to prevent the appearance of the prostate. Of course, the problem with the prostate will not be completely solved, but the condition will improve significantly. If a man is experiencing problems with the prostate, then a faithful companion is the frequent urge to urinate, which comes with pain in the scrotum. It is from these sensations that pumpkin infusion will help get rid of.
Recipe 1. Seeds (0,5 kg) are ground into flour and 200 g of honey (not candied) is added to them. The mixture is put in the refrigerator to thicken, after which it is rolled into small balls, the size of hazelnuts. Such balls need to dissolve on an empty stomach (1-3 balls). The course of treatment is a month.
Recipe 2. You can grind the seeds into flour, but they must first be dried thoroughly. The powder should be taken twice a day before meals in the amount of two tablespoons. The mixture is washed down with a glass of honey water. It is recommended to grind the seeds together with the peel, and sift before use.