Pumpkin – Queen of Autumn – Dietetics – Articles |

Pumpkin is one of the symbols of autumn. It has many advantages – ranging from dietary to decorative qualities. This inconspicuous plant may surprise us even more.

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We have been hearing about pumpkin pies, soups, pumpkin casseroles, and even cookies based on it since the beginning of October. And rightly so. It’s worth taking advantage of the ‘pumpkin period’ and getting the most out of it. The great advantage of pumpkin is its unobtrusive taste. So you can create your own compositions as much as you want, treating it as an excellent base. However, is it all about flavor in this case?

The pumpkin belongs to the gourd family, it is native to South America. She came to Europe on the ships of Christopher Columbus. In the beginning, it was popular mainly for aesthetic reasons, but it took 100 years for Europeans to appreciate its nutritional value and start growing pumpkins in almost every country.

The most important advantages of the pumpkin

Pumpkin is not only taste and appearance, but also a whole lot of beneficial ingredients. Already in ancient times, this plant was used for constipation and insomnia. Now we know that there are many more benefits of pumpkin:

  1. It is low in calories. 100 g of pumpkin is only 28 kcal!
  2. It improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  3. It is a rescue measure for problems with bowel movements. Pumpkin compote drunk on an empty stomach works perfectly in this case.
  4. It contains numerous minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, and fluorine.
  5. It is a rich source of a number of vitamins, including beta carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin PP.
  6. It has a diuretic effect, it is perfect for people with kidney and bladder ailments.
  7. It is easily digestible and easy to digest when it is overcooked. 
  8. It has a low ability to bind nitrates from the diet. This is why pumpkin dishes are given to babies as one of the first foods. 

What about the seeds?

It has been known for a long time about pumpkin seeds and their beneficial properties. In addition to the entire list of vitamins (B vitamins) and minerals (manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc), pumpkin has at least two interesting compounds:


These are complex chemicals. Its structure resembles cholesterol. They have a beneficial effect on prostate diseases and are also used in anti-atherosclerotic prophylaxis.


It is a substance that destroys the digestive system parasites, ie tapeworms, roundworms and pinworms. Moreover, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties without causing any harm to the body. Thanks to a large amount of fat, and more precisely unsaturated fatty acids, pumpkin seeds have an anti-atherosclerotic application. The comprehensive action of pumpkin seeds has a positive effect on the appearance of skin, hair and nails. They are also used in the treatment of stomach ulcers and badly healing wounds.

Pumpkin is not only a visually pleasing vegetable, decoration and gadget for November 1. It is a base for dishes full of beneficial ingredients and pleasant to use.

The title photo is from: ginnerobot / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 1 of the text is from: terren in Virginia / Foter / CC BY

Photo 2 of the text is from: aturkus / Foter / CC BY

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