We sometimes tend to leave our hairs alone in winter, but when summer arrives, everyone dreams of soft, tanned skin. However, some hair removal techniques are not at all suitable for the summer period.
What about thepulsed light hair removal in summer ? Here’s everything you need to know if you, too, want to get rid of your body hair when the sun comes out and the temperatures rise.

Pulsed light hair removal, how does it work?
In hair removal, pulsed light works roughly on the same principle as the laser. It is a polychromatic light with a wavelength between 400 and 1200 nanometers.
It diffuses through small light pulses which are absorbed by the melanin contained in the hair. The heat diffusion simply destroys the bulb and impairs hair regrowth. The short duration of the pulse prevents destruction of surrounding tissue by heat.
Like any hair removal technique, pulsed light can be a bit disturbing but the pain remains a very personal feeling and I advise you to test at least once if you have no contraindication. In short, do not hesitate to consult this excellent article to know everything about pulsed light hair removal.
Can we do pulsed light sessions during the summer?
It is quite possible to do pulsed light hair removal sessions during the summer, but you really need to take some precautions. If you absolutely want to wax at this time, I recommend doing it in early or late summer when the risk of burns is over.
Hair removal will also be much more effective if you do it on skin that is little or not tanned because pulsed light is not very effective on skin that is too dark.
If there is really a time when you should not make an appointment, it is just before going on vacation: exposure to the sun is not recommended for one to two weeks after the session otherwise you will end up with small burning problems on the shaved part.
It is also a good test to verify the professionalism of your institute: you must be absolutely warned of the risks, side effects and contraindications before the session.
If a beautician agrees to epilate you with pulsed light when you have specified that you are just going on vacation, turn on your heels and go choose another institute.
What are the contraindications for a session?
Not everyone can benefit from pulsed light hair removal and if you are in one of these situations, I advise you to opt for a technique more suited to your situation:
- too white skin or white hair: too little melanin makes pulsed light ineffective for hair removal;
- pregnancy: it is better to postpone the sessions after childbirth even if the dangers remain minimal;
- use of photosensitizing drugs and certain antibiotics;
- type 1 or 2 diabetes, chemotherapy, blood disease: a weakened immune system can make sessions dangerous.
Even a few years ago, dark skin people could not benefit from pulsed light either, but with the development of technology, products were created especially for this clientele. If you have black skin, however, I advise you to go to a reputable institute.

Tips to make sure everything goes well
The first thing to do for your hair removal to go smoothly is to choose a beauty center known for its pulsed light sessions. Today, there are also dozens of pulsed light epilators that you can use at home to save money, but they are still less powerful than a session at a professional.
Also, keep in mind that you won’t get rid of all of your body hair in one session. It takes an average of 6 to 10 sessions depending on the area to be depilated and the density of the hair and you must respect a period of about 10 to 12 weeks between each session.
So allow about 1 and a half to two years to get the result of your dreams. But believe me, the wait is worth it and I’m not the only one to say it (4).
Be careful, you will also have to have a small budget to get rid of all your hair because the sessions in a specialized institute generally range from 50 to 150 euros per session depending on the area to be depilated.
To save some money, I advise you to turn to domestic epilators whose handling is now very easy, even for beginners of hair removal.
Pulsed light in summer, are we going or not?
To have peace of mind, I recommend that you start your sessions in winter and see how your skin reacts, at least for the first time.
On the other hand, nothing prevents you from continuing to have your waxing during the summer if you follow the instructions of the professionals and do not expose yourself immediately. To you the sweet legs!