Pulse oximeters are gaining in popularity. All because of the words of an American doctor
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A pulse oximeter is a small electronic device used for the non-invasive measurement of saturation (that is, oxygen saturation) in blood. In recent days, the pulse oximeter has grown in popularity significantly due to its suitability for the early diagnosis of COVID-19. What is the phenomenon of the pulse oximeter and why cannot you place great hopes on it?

The doctor explains why you should have a pulse oximeter at home

According to American doctor Richard Levitan, a pulse oximeter can help patients infected with COVID-19 and indicate when they should go to the hospital. Some patients experience the disease mildly, but sometimes their health breaks down suddenly and, despite the help, they die.

Dr. Richard Levitan, a specialist in respiratory diseases, said that using a pulse oximeter and a thermometer, Americans can be diagnosed and treated for COVID-19 before they develop severe symptoms.

All people with coughs and fever should monitor their health with a pulse oximeter, even if they have not been tested for coronavirus

Levitan focuses on monitoring the level of blood oxygenation using a pulse oximeter. The device is attached to the finger and after a few moments you receive information about the level of oxygen saturation in the blood. The correct value is between 95-98 percent. In people over 70, the norm is considered to be between 94 and 98%.

Pulse Oximeter

works by measuring the absorption by red blood cells in capillaries of radiation of two different lengths. The signal measured by a pulse oximeter consists of two components: a constant and a variable (pulsating). The variable component describes the absorbance of pulsating arterial blood. From the measurement, the degree of hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2) is calculated. The pulse oximeter can also measure your heart rate.

Pulse oximeter and COVID-19 diagnosis

Pulse oximeter testing is performed on patients to help prevent respiratory failure. This is important, especially when monitoring the patient’s condition during general anesthesia, during oxygen therapy and in the case of a serious condition of the patient.

When the saturation drops, we usually feel breathlessness (however, it does not always mean a decrease in saturation). According to The Times, some hospitals use pulse oximeters to test patients and facility staff for signs of low levels of oxygen saturation in the blood, which may indicate that a person has COVID-19.

Dr. Levitan noted that COVID-19 patients could experience a potentially dangerous drop in oxygen saturation without apparent breathing problems. Without a pulse oximeter, they may never find out or get used to how they feel, despite having very low oxygen levels.

Pulse oximeters gained popularity after an interview with Dr. Levin in the New York Times. If you are wondering whether you should also buy such a device, it is worth knowing not only its advantages, but also disadvantages.

The pulse oximeter may produce false results

Several factors can affect the result of a pulse oximeter test. Measurement accuracy is reduced with elevated levels of carboxyhemoglobin, methaemoglobin, or bilirubin. The results of the measurement may also falsify the spasms of blood vessels, caused e.g. by coldas well as the mobility of the test person. It is also worth paying attention to the coloring body cosmetics, tattoos on the fingers and dark varnish on the nails.

Measurement can also be difficult when the patient is in contact with strong light sources (phototherapy, surgical or fluorescent lamps).

Monitoring blood saturation at home should not give you a false sense of security. Even if your blood oxygen saturation is normal, you should be alert to other symptoms such as fever and cough. The advantage of a pulse oximeter (if we take the measurement correctly) is that we can observe a potential deterioration in health and react faster, even if we are still feeling well.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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