
Medicine in our time is becoming more and more narrow-profile, when specialists are trained who study mainly certain systems of the body. But, as before, the division into 3 main groups remains: specialization in therapeutic, surgical and pediatric areas.

Brief information

A pulmonologist is a representative of a narrow specialization, this is a typical general practitioner who deals with diseases of the respiratory tract, in particular, diverse pathologies of the bronchi and lungs.

There is a division into an adult and a children’s specialist. But often at the reception in district, and sometimes in regional institutions, there is only an adult doctor who treats the entire population. This is not entirely true, since the focus of the activity of a pediatric pulmonologist has a number of specific features.

For a pediatric pulmonologist, objectivity at the reception of such a category of patients is important. Indeed, at the consultation, often the kids are simply not able to accurately say and describe the clinic and the signs that bother them. Often they cannot even state the main complaints. Working with children differs from examining adults, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child’s body at different ages, to be able to persuade the baby to undergo an examination, to listen to the lungs in conditions of extreme behavior of a small patient.

Pulmonology departments, clinics and institutes deal with the problems of respiratory diseases. On the one hand, they are narrow specialists, on the other hand, pulmonologists know the intricacies of a huge range of various pathologies. After all, the problems of the respiratory tract are one of the most common today in the human population.

When is a consultation needed?

A pulmonologist deals exclusively with diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if there are characteristic symptoms of damage to these structures. The most common and common signs of respiratory tract damage include:

  1. Bouts of specific smoker’s cough

This kind of complaint often occurs in the morning. Only abundant expectoration of sputum facilitates the condition and well-being of patients. The formation of viscous sputum greatly complicates expectoration, it is prolonged and does not bring relief. Such a clinic often indicates the development of a chronic form of bronchitis. Without timely and adequate therapy, emphysema, severe respiratory failure rapidly develops, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often accompanies.

  1. Common cough

Why does cough occur? In fact, the brain is responsible for the occurrence of this symptom, namely, its cough center. Activation occurs when an irritant is exposed to the respiratory tract. Cough is a protective mechanism that is aimed at eliminating dust, mucus, foreign particles that have entered the respiratory tract. Diseases accompanied by a cough are quite dangerous. Indeed, in the course of insufficient examination and therapy, the symptoms often worsen and progress. That is, the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract passes to the bronchi and lungs. This aggravates the course, complicates recovery and increases the risk of complications. In such cases, consultation with a pulmonologist is urgent and extremely important. Only with its help you can determine the true cause of the problem and begin the necessary treatment.

  1. Dyspnea

This symptom has a number of features and may occur:

  • at rest – often due to lung problems, indicates emphysema – the true cause of a decrease in the inhaled air or the presence of extensive pneumonia. The state of a severe form of dysfunction of the heart may also be relevant. during physical activity – there is an increase in the number of respiratory movements with the slightest changes in body position: turning in bed, eating, getting up;
  • may be due to difficulty in breathing, which is more common with changes in the broncho-pulmonary system, the occurrence of obstruction in the bronchi during inflammation or external compression;
  • due to difficulty exhaling, especially in heart failure;
  • combination with difficult exhalation – the first symptom of diseases such as obstruction, asthma; in case of their occurrence, the conclusion of a pulmonologist will be required; in addition, an allergist should be visited; so it will be possible to identify a dangerous disease in the early stages, and, accordingly, exclude the possibility of aggravation.
  1. Bronchial asthma

This is a severe chronic disease, in which attacks of shortness of breath are clinically noted. Patients complain of a feeling of lack of air, dry cough. There is a lack of oxygen, severe compression of the chest, shortness of breath. Inhalations are short, and exhalations are slow, wheezing occurs, which can be heard at a distance. There is pallor, cyanosis, veins in the neck swell. The cough is unproductive and does not bring relief. There is also an increase in heart rate and muffled heart sounds. A transition to severe asthmatic status is possible. Bronchial asthma can develop against the background of an allergy, or as a result of an infectious inflammatory process.

Diagnostic approaches

Pulmonology is a clinical area in which an objective examination by a doctor is the key to making a diagnosis. The completeness of this procedure depends on his qualifications. First of all, a detailed survey of the patient is carried out, complaints are collected and detailed, followed by an objective examination using auscultation, percussion and palpation.

Often, a number of additional tests are required to clarify the diagnosis in severe, advanced cases. There are several main areas here:

  • skin testing;
  • general analysis blood;
  • examination of blood serum for the presence of specific immunoglobulins;
  • carrying out provocative tests – applicable as part of the remission of the disease.

Very often, the clinic of the disease is quite confusing. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, an instrumental examination of the patient is required. This is often used for:

  • echocardiography;
  • CT scan;
  • radiography of OGK;
  • determination of external respiration (spirography);
  • bronchoscopy.

An organism is a system of organs that are interconnected. Therefore, it is impossible to evaluate each organ structure separately, therefore, when examining and making a final diagnosis, consultation of related specialists is often required. We are talking about a cardiologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist.

Characteristics of the activity of a pulmonologist

Doctors of this specialization are engaged in the examination, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lower respiratory structures. The allocation of such a narrow specialization occurred historically, due to the huge number of ailments of these organs.

Several groups can be distinguished according to their etiology:

  • infectious – bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • hereditary – cystic fibrosis;
  • allergic – bronchial asthma;
  • professional – asbestosis, anthracosis;
  • traumatic – pneumothorax;
  • ailments of unknown origin – sarcoidosis, fibrosing alveolitis.

The specialist additionally leads and monitors the dynamics of patients with chronic obstruction, emphysema and pneumosclerosis. Often it is the pulmonologist who diagnoses tuberculosis and lung cancer.

How to get to the reception

For timely diagnosis and adequate therapy, it is extremely important to know where and to whom to turn for help. A therapist often refers to a pulmonologist when he has some doubts about the diagnosis and therapy. But at the same time, anyone who makes an appointment can consult a narrow specialist.

According to international criteria, there are a number of indications in which the consultation of this specialist is important. Among them:

  • prolonged cough;
  • shortness of breath with little exertion;
  • chest tenderness;
  • frequent SARS (more than 3 times a year).

In addition, they are sent for consultation during preventive examinations. Every year, many undergo fluorography of the lungs. If the slightest changes are detected, the patient is immediately sent to the pulmonology room. Especially often this happens with people working in hazardous industries.

Where does the specialist

You can contact this doctor in a polyclinic, in a private institution, in a clinic. The essential difference is only in the number of people and in the pricing policy. Everyone chooses for himself: a live queue and an acceptable price, or a more expensive appointment by appointment. The entire complex of examination, testing and therapy remains unchanged. This in no way depends on the place of reception. The essence of private service privileges is the speed of diagnostic procedures.

You can also find a doctor on the Internet. Online consultation is indeed less reliable, but it is affordable and very convenient. It allows you to ask questions, describe the clinic of the disease, get specialized answers, and, if necessary, make an appointment. That’s why a great way, according to experts, is to go to the site of a specialized doctor that is in your hometown. This will greatly simplify the task.

What does pulmonology mean, what does a pulmonologist do?

This branch of medicine directly studies and fights against diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus. A specialist in this area treats the respiratory system. It is important to regularly monitor your own health, periodically undergo preventive examinations. Breath is life.

Sources of
  1. Medical center “Guarantee”. – Pulmonologist: what does a doctor do.
  2. GC “MEDSI”. – A pulmonologist – who is he, and what diseases does he treat?

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