Pulmonary fibrosis – causes, symptoms and prognosis

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Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease that is most often diagnosed in the elderly. This disease also affects children and adolescents, but diagnoses are much less frequent. Pulmonary fibrosis can be triggered by a variety of factors, including cigarette smoking and inhalation of contaminated air. What are the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis and how is it treated?

Lung fibrosis – characteristics

Pulmonary fibrosis is also known as interstitial pneumonia and is a disease of the alveoli. Fibrosis occurs when scar tissue is formed around the alveoli of the lungs, which gives a highly shaded image during examination. Densities that form in the lungs and the increasing stiffness of the tissues cause the lungs to stop working properly. This in turn causes low oxygen saturation in the blood and an insufficient amount of it in the bloodstream. Pulmonary fibrosis can be a serious disease that affects the entire body, but some types of this condition are not harmful to your health. Single, minor fibrosis of the lungs, such as after inflammation, occurs naturally and is not a cause for concern. However, if the fibrosis covers large areas, this can lead to serious problems with breathing. Such cases should be immediately reported to a physician, preferably a pulmonology specialist. You can make an online appointment with a pulmonologist via the halodoctor.pl portal.

Pulmonary fibrosis – causes

There are several factors that contribute to the formation and development of pulmonary fibrosis. The most important ones include:

  1. long-term inhalation of polluted air, including: silica dust, asbestos fibers, grain dust, bird and animal faeces;
  2. radiotherapy to the lungs;
  3. use of drugs: chemotherapy drugs, drugs to treat heart disorders, some antibiotics;
  4. lung diseases: tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, scleroderma;
  5. heavy cigarette smoking.

How does pulmonary fibrosis manifest itself?

Lung fibrosis is a disease that affects men much more often. This disease does not manifest itself in a characteristic way, therefore it is difficult to diagnose in its initial stage. The symptoms occurring in the development of pulmonary fibrosis include:

experiencing breathing difficulties including shortness of breath;

  1. chronic fatigue and difficulties in undertaking physical activity;
  2. frequent cough;
  3. headaches;
  4. shortness of breath;
  5. significant weight loss;
  6. low-grade fever;
  7. swelling of the legs;
  8. enlarged liver.

If you do not want to wait for the date, under the National Health Fund, arrange an appointment with a pulmonologist at Arkmedic private medical centers. During the visit, you will receive professional help and any referrals for necessary tests.

Pulmonary fibrosis – diagnostic tests

Correct diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis is based on several tests that may be ordered by a specialist doctor. The diagnostic tests indicated in the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis are:

  1. chest x-ray and computed tomography;
  2. echocardiography, or ultrasound of the heart;
  3. spirometry;
  4. oxymetria;
  5. stress test;
  6. bronchoskopia;
  7. bronchopulmonary lavage;
  8. surgical biopsy.

Pulmonary fibrosis – prognosis and treatment

Pulmonary fibrosis causes permanent and irreversible damage to these organs, and the course of the disease and the severity of its symptoms can vary widely. Pulmonary fibrosis can be treated with drugs and oxygen therapy. In the most severe cases, however, a lung transplant may be necessary. Drugs that are used for pulmonary fibrosis are corticosteroids combined with drugs that suppress the immune system. Acetylcysteine ​​is also used in the treatment.

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