Swelling of the face is a phenomenon that has happened at least once in a lifetime to everyone. There are many reasons why a person’s face swells in the morning. But from a physiological point of view, all causes lead to the same result, forming edema of varying degrees, which is not always easy to remove.
Problems are added by the fact that puffiness often affects not only the cheeks, nose and lips, but also manifests itself as bags under the eyes, affecting the eyelids, neck, arms, legs. Often, even a mild variant of edema is accompanied by difficulty opening the eyes normally, because the eyelids are literally “swollen”, as well as pain, which is especially true if the provocateur of edema is bad teeth, a bruise, a burn, a condition after hitting the head.
Pathogenetically, puffiness is explained by the retention of excess fluid in the intercellular space in the facial tissues. Because of this, a person “gets” a swollen face, provoked by various reasons.
It should be understood that trying to get rid of the “pillow face” at home is a bad idea. In most cases, this syndrome may indicate the onset of the development of a serious illness, acting as only one of the symptoms. In such a scenario, only a doctor can tell you what to do to improve your well-being. He will tell you how to relieve puffiness, and also prescribe a comprehensive treatment aimed at combating the cause that caused this symptom.
Why do people get puffiness
Schematically, all the causes leading to swelling of the face can be divided into one-time and systemic. In the first case, a person is faced with an enlarged face due to some external or internal factors that do not repeat. This can even include malaise after alcohol intoxication, when the consequences of intoxication of the body appear.
The same applies to situations after an operation to install anti-aging threads, an allergic attack, tooth extraction, sunburn, in some women before menstruation, during pregnancy. When shortness of breath is added to the characteristic symptoms, this is unlikely to be an allergy. With a greater degree of probability, such swelling of the face, which occurs constantly, may indicate heart failure. Additionally, a marker of heart failure is an enlarged liver.
When blood pressure jumps, and the skin becomes bluish, then you should not try to find a solution to the issue in the reference books of the “We treat ourselves” format, taking diuretic pills all in a row. Instead of applying an ointment, or making masks from herbal decoctions, you should immediately contact your general practitioner for a referral to a cardiologist.
When puffiness is predominantly observed under the eyes, where the so-called “bags” appear, then this is an occasion to conduct an examination of the health of the kidneys. Indirect evidence that the kidneys were the source of the pathology is the most significant deterioration in the morning after sleep, while in the evening the picture improves somewhat.
Itching and rash usually do not bother a patient with predominant swelling of the eyelids on the face. Other typical renal abnormalities include:
- localized more often in the upper part of the body, on the face, eyelids;
- watery edema, movable, easily displaced by pressure on the edematous area;
- the edematous area is paler, does not differ in temperature from the surrounding tissues;
- often accompanied by disorders of the excretory system – back pain, urination disorders, changes in urinalysis.
Lymphatic drainage massage, self-massage, dietary supplements, gels, lotions will not save here. It is necessary to eradicate the source of the problem in humans.
No less often, the culprit of the pathology is sinusitis, which occurs against the background of fever, headache, otitis media. If the paranasal sinuses are affected by an infectious agent, swelling is a common occurrence, because the outflow of lymph ceases to occur at the proper level.
Here, against such symptoms in the face, it is necessary to fight with a complex anti-inflammatory treatment. As soon as the inflammation becomes smaller, the swelling also decreases.
The risk group for edema on the face includes: people with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine; those who have very sensitive skin that reacts sharply after peeling, and especially immediately after sunburn, when the face is covered with burning and itching.
Also, the danger threatens those who have a sick heart, liver, blood vessels, hormonal malfunctions of the thyroid gland, pathological lymph nodes, herpes on the lips, cheek. Such patients by default have a weakened immune system, which is easy to “finish off” with infectious pathogens. This also includes diabetes mellitus, weakened body in the elderly, the presence of oncology.
Unlucky patients with chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, or paranasal sinuses with periodic exacerbations of diseases. With these diagnoses, it is forbidden to apply cold to the affected area, as users who are far from medicine advise on thematic forums. To stop the problem, a comprehensive solution of the issue is required.
Diseases of the endocrine system can also cause conditions when the swollen face seems to be on fire, and the tongue increases in size. The causes of such conditions are called violations of hormonal processes, such as: hypothyroidism, conditions after childbirth, when the female body has to rebuild, etc.
To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you will have to prepare for a long therapeutic course, and the methods are selected individually by the endocrinologist, based on the current state of the patient.
Among other reasons that exclude angioedema, or Quincke’s syndrome, temporary phenomena after plastic surgery, braces, laser resurfacing, biorevitalization, there are:
- malignant and benign tumors, including lung cancer;
- infectious process with localization in the maxillofacial region;
- reaction to a blood transfusion;
- chronically high blood pressure;
- toxicosis in pregnant women;
- lesions of the genitourinary system.
Allergy is the main provocateur of edema
One of the most common culprits for swelling of the face, accompanied by a constant runny nose, shortness of breath, is an allergy.
In some cases, it even leads to loss of consciousness. Despite the fact that outwardly, the condition with allergies often repeats the picture, as after alcohol intoxication, the process of spreading puffiness itself is much faster.
Auxiliary markers are:
- slit-like lips, eyelids;
- enlargement of the back of the hand;
- pinkish tint.
Eliminate dangerous manifestations is required immediately so that the situation does not worsen. To do this, it is recommended to use antihistamines, which are sold in a pharmacy in the public domain. Ointments with a similar effect are applied to the place of edema.
In medicine, a chronic form of the course of an allergy is distinguished, which is caused by multifactorial causes, as well as a sudden one. The latter manifests itself as a response of the body after:
- mesotherapy;
- laser;
- Botox injections;
- dental implantation, when the material was not hypoallergenic;
- lifting;
- mechanical cleaning of the face from acne;
- the use of hyaluronic acid, fillers.
Sometimes those who applied to the clinic say: “I wake up, and my eyes are so swollen that it is impossible to open.” You can earn this condition even with flu, sore throat, cough, flux, after eating, beer. The anomaly is not directly related to any disease. It’s just that a person faced an individual intolerance to the components of a medicine, a food product, a drink, etc.
An identical picture will be if the patient is allergic to:
- insect bites;
- pollen;
- animal hair;
- dust.
With such a diagnosis, it is better to stock up on a set of antihistamine tablets before the “meeting” with possible allergens, otherwise not only the appearance of the face will suffer, but also the feet, throat, temples, chest, and other parts of the body. Quincke’s edema syndrome is especially dangerous, which develops very quickly even from conventional antibiotics.
Death also occurs as a result of suffocation due to the rapid accumulation of fluid and swelling of the larynx.
Dental and postoperative edema
No less often do you have to deal with puffiness for those who visited the dental office. A side effect of tooth extraction is far from always possible to remove with a compress. It lasts for a long time, sometimes not falling off for several days.
If we exclude the situation that the eyes are watery and one of the front sides has increased in size due to an allergy to anesthesia, then such swelling is not dangerous. Dentists say that there is no need to look for ways to make the oval of the face normal again. You just have to wait until such a specific postoperative effect does not stop on its own.
Causes for concern can only be developing against the background of pathology:
- elevated temperature;
- inflammatory process.
The above is the result of the unprofessional work of the doctor, when the focus of infection was not eliminated, or when a piece of the tooth or its nerve remained inside. Sometimes this condition is caused by the irresponsibility of the visitor to the dental clinic, who did not follow the recommendations for disinfecting the postoperative wound at the site of the extracted tooth.
Puffiness after a circular facelift, lipofilling, sinus lifting, rhinoplasty, electrolysis, darsonval, reinforcement, photorejuvenation will seem quite familiar to physicians. But the deterioration of well-being after a vitamin dropper, a fight, alcohol intoxication, an attack of neuralgia is a reason to make an appointment with a therapist. He will tell you which doctor to contact, and the specialized doctor will clarify what this external effect is connected with.
In order to reduce swelling and the sensation of fluid bursting from the inside after a surgical or cosmetic intervention as soon as possible, doctors do not recommend taking a bath or a hot shower for the first two weeks after the operation.
Also banned were:
- sauna;
- overheating in the sun in the heat;
- solarium visit.
Such categoricalness is explained by the fact that after the bath, the edema intensifies. It is better to use a contrast shower scheme for the first time or wash your face with cool water only.
Applying cold will slightly improve the situation, and ice should not be placed directly on the area with swelling, but a cloth must be used. It is also forbidden to apply makeup, cosmetics. Instead, it is better to rest more, exclude physical activity, adhere to the rules of the diet, which contributes to the correct functioning of the body as a whole.
You will also have to adhere to the sleep regimen, using a pillow for rest, which is laid higher. It will work as an effective tool that relieves swelling.
First aid for swelling after injury
Edema of traumatic origin is very different from what happens to the face from tears, or with SARS. Here, in addition to the flow of an excessive amount of fluid to the upper body, there is still a violation of the integrity of the vessels. This makes the immediate site of the injury blue, and then acquires a yellowish tint.
Difficulties are added by the fact that it always takes a very long time to wait for complete healing – about two weeks. To speed up the process, you will need to learn how to properly provide first aid, resorting to harmless techniques.
The most delicate area is the area under the eyes. If a bruise or injury of any other nature has such a localization, then only folk remedies cannot be dispensed with. You should immediately contact the nearest medical facility, even if the head is not spinning.
The doctor will conduct a thorough diagnosis to eliminate the risks:
- damage to the eyeball;
- internal bleeding;
- fracture, crack, bone displacement.
The average person is unlikely to be able to independently determine most of the complications. Only instrumental diagnostics such as radiography, CT or MRI studies will allow to clarify the complete clinical picture. A patient may be sent for a computed tomography (CT) scan with suspicions of a violation of the integrity of bone tissues, and an MRI for violations of the integrity of soft tissues. Concomitant dizziness, recent craniotomy, pain in the back, and nausea become a marker for issuing a referral for CT and MRI.
If the injury occurred in the mountains, at the sea, in a ski resort, where it takes time to get to the first-aid post, then they use the general rule to neutralize the primary edema. It is about applying something cold to the injured area. In the cold, snow will cope with this task, which is wrapped in a bag so that it does not come into direct contact with the skin.
It will take about ten minutes to hold the cold. In the future, just cool compresses will come to the rescue, which are created on the basis of decoctions of medicinal herbs:
- sagebrush;
- yarrow;
- plantain;
- heather;
- Hypericum
When an injury occurred in the middle of the forest during a picnic, in the country, or far from a place where you can take the cold, then you need to look for an alternative in food supplies. Cabbage leaves help well against puffiness, which are applied to the edema zone, after washing them well. A plantain leaf works according to a similar algorithm.
Edema as a result of alcohol intoxication
In medical practice, there are cases when a person with jet speed increased from smoking, where low-quality tobacco became a catalyst. It also happens that the body reacts in a similar way to cosmetic clay, coffee, bay leaf, and other foods. But still, most are faced with the fact that their appearance changes markedly when drinking alcohol. On an ongoing basis, such an impartial change in appearance is kept by alcoholics.
The easiest way to help yourself is with cold water and a towel that is moistened under running water. Then the fabric is applied to the entire surface of the face, carefully smoothing out the wrinkles. It will take about ten minutes to be in a calm horizontal position, after which the compress is removed. To consolidate the effect, you will need to wash a few more times with cold water.
It will be even better if you approach the issue of self-help much ahead of time. To do this, pre-freeze blanks in ice molds. Moreover, if there is time and opportunity in the evening, then instead of plain water, it is better to pour weak decoctions of medicinal herbs into molds.
But do not apply ice directly to the eyelids. Even a short-term use of such therapy can cause complications in the future.
Well, lotions prepared on the basis of decoctions save from alcoholic swelling with localization on the face:
- chamomile;
- peppermint;
- lingonberry leaves;
- field horsetail.
You can try using weak green or black tea in the same way, using them as cleansers. But before using traditional medicine, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to their components. Otherwise, you will have to treat an allergic reaction, for example, Quincke’s edema.
The most common cause of swelling after alcohol intoxication is beer. By default, it implies a large consumption of salty foods, such as snacks, fast food, sausages, nuts, crackers, which contributes to an increase in fluid intake.
To improve the condition, taking some means inside is an almost useless task. You’ll just have to wait.
Causeless morning swelling
But if you figure out why the swelling of the nose makes itself felt with sinusitis, it’s still possible, but with the syndrome of the so-called “morning swelling”, things are much worse.
Nutritionists advise looking for clues in an incorrectly compiled menu if detailed diagnostics have not revealed any serious abnormalities in the body.
A detailed examination of the diet of such people almost always turns out that they consume too much food, which includes an excess amount of salt:
- smoked products;
- conservation;
- spicy dishes.
Also, the cause may be a disturbed water balance. The daily intake of clean water should be about two liters. The exact figure can be voiced by a nutritionist based on the individual characteristics of the body.
In addition, you should pay attention to the diet. Eating before bed, or even eating in the middle of the night, is a direct road to puffiness in the morning.
How to effectively get rid of puffiness
When swelling of the face is a consequence of pancreatitis, bulimia, cysts, and other serious diseases, any self-medication can not only blur the overall clinical picture, but also make it even worse. Therefore, if you find the first suspicious symptoms in yourself, you should immediately seek help from qualified specialists.
But when the presented symptom is a traditional consequence of lack of sleep, overwork, stress, then the classic tactic will work, aimed at alleviating the condition in the form of normalizing the regime of work, rest, sleep and nutrition.
When the source of such a change in appearance turned out to be allergic reactions to citrus fruits, a feather, or to some incomprehensible allergen, provided that the reaction occurs once, then antihistamines will help. They should be taken in emergency situations only strictly according to the instructions.
But the best solution is still prevention, which implies the rejection of an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits in favor of active physical activity. An effective method is the acquisition of a comfortable, orthopedic, high pillow.
All together, this will avoid problems in the future, so that every morning a person feels vigorous and fresh.