Puff pastry

Puff pastry is the base product for baking. It produces light, crispy products. Puff blanks are suitable for creating both sweet cookies and vegetable and meat pies.

Currently, a wide range of ready-made dough is presented on store shelves: chilled, frozen. Each of the semi-finished products has its own characteristics and composition, but the key components in it remain unchanged. This is butter or margarine, water, flour.

In small doses, puff pastry is harmless. Due to the abundance of fats in the composition, it quickly saturates, serves as the main source of energy, and forms protective layers for internal organs. The usefulness of the product depends on the original ingredients from which it is made.

History of occurrence

Currently, there are two versions of the appearance of puff pastry. The first says that the recipe for the preparation of “oily” pastries was discovered in the ancient state of Assyria. The second one dates back to 1645 and is due to the apprentice of the French confectioner Claudia Gele, who wanted to bake bread for his sick father. However, the classic recipe did not meet the dietary requirements of the patient. Without thinking twice, the baker wrapped a piece of butter in dough mixed with water and flour, rolled it out several times, and sent it to the oven. After half an hour, he took out a huge bread of non-standard sizes from it, which surprised the household very much.

After some time, the baker finalized his invention and presented it to the public in Paris. The new puff masterpiece gained wide popularity among local residents, which brought money and fame to the creator. Subsequently, he moved to Florence and continued his business. At the same time, the know-how recipe was kept in the strictest confidence. However, there is nothing hidden that would not become clear. Soon the ingredient composition of air baking was revealed and the culinary field experienced a “puff boom”, which has not passed to this day.

Types of test

All puff products are made from cold water, animal fat, and sifted premium wheat flour. To improve the taste and increase the elasticity of the dough, additional ingredients are introduced into it – cognac or vodka. Depending on the composition, the basis for baking is prepared with or without the addition of yeast. In the first case, the dough rises due to the evaporation of oil and the use of fermentation cultures. In the second, only due to the effect produced by oil vapors. That is why in a yeast-free dough there are about 150 layers, and in a yeast dough this indicator varies from 24 to 160. At the same time, “160” is not the limit, the number of rolls can reach up to 240 times.

Fermenting fungi not only determine the chemical composition of the semi-finished puff product, but also affect its taste and “fragility”.

When buying a ready-made packaged dough, you should carefully study what ingredients are included in it. You can often see impurities in its composition. If it’s vitamin supplements A, B, E, PP don’t worry. Things are much worse if harmful dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives are found in it.

Types of puff pastry:

  1. Classic. To prepare the base for baking according to the classic recipe, you need to mix water with flour in equal proportions, add salt and oil. Then the turn is performed.
  2. Curd. To create this type of puff pastry, chilled butter, flour and cottage cheese are taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. The first two ingredients are thoroughly kneaded, salt and baking powder are added. Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, gently mixed into the dough, which is subsequently subjected to turning.
  3. Creamy. To obtain an airy “milk” semi-finished product, cream (sour cream), butter and flour are taken in a ratio of 0,8: 1: 2. All components are thoroughly mixed, the dough is folded into three, rolled out, placed in the cold, otherwise the layers will stick together. Then a similar procedure is performed at least 5 times.

The process of preparing puff pastry is laborious and takes at least 3 hours. However, pastries made on its basis are distinguished by their unusual light structure and crispy feature of the layers.

Due to the complexity and duration of cooking, housewives and business women who lack free time often prefer ready-made store products. However, the quality of the purchased semi-finished product is sometimes in doubt. In order to be 99% sure of the composition, freshness and naturalness of the product, it is recommended to cook it yourself.

Chemical composition

Puff pastry, made from quality ingredients, has a neutral taste, plastic and pliable for making a variety of pastries. It goes well with vegetable, meat, fish and sweet fillings.

Interestingly, ready-made puff pastry is considered a relative of phyllo, prepared in the Middle East, which in turn is stretched rather than rolled. In addition, it contains less water.

Nutritional value of puff pastry
NameContent in 100 g of product
organic acids38,3
Alimentary fiber1,0
Chemical composition of puff pastry
NameThe concentration of nutrients in 100 g product mg
Choline (B4)30,4
Tocopherol (E)6,7
Niacin (PP)0,6
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,2
Retinol (A)0,1
Pyridoxine (B6)0,1
Thiamine (B1)0,09
Riboflavin (B2)0,06
Folic acid (B9)0,0145
Biotin (H)0,0012
Cobalamin (B12)0,00007
Trace Elements

Often in the process of preparing products from puff pastry, housewives face two problems: it does not rise or does not bake. Why is this happening? In the first case, the cause of the trouble is the use of low-quality (expired) raw materials, placing the dough in an unheated oven, and low baking temperatures (up to 230 degrees).

Puff yeast dough does not like drafts, therefore, in order for it to rise, it is impossible to open a window or window in the room.

In the second case, baking is not baked due to the abundance of fat in the composition. As a result, the cake is wet, heavy and tasteless.

Utility and danger

The advantages and disadvantages of the product fully depend on its composition. In any case, this is a high-calorie product, 100 g of which contains 337-362 kcal. The most useful is the dough prepared without yeast.

The main advantage of the puff semi-finished product is its high energy value, which causes the body to quickly saturate. It is enough to eat 150-300 g of pastries and you will get strength for the whole day ahead. In addition, products made from puff pastry have excellent taste and a crisp airy structure, from which not everyone manages to break away in time. Therefore, overweight people should deliberately limit their intake of processed foods or completely eliminate them from the diet, otherwise you can gain even more weight. In addition, it is recommended to refuse the product for diabetics and people who have problems with metabolism.

The benefit of puffs is the presence of complex carbohydrates in them, which are digested for a relatively long time as opposed to empty calories. Because of what, the energy is partially annihilated, reducing the likelihood of gaining extra pounds.

However, in large quantities, the product can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and harm the heart. Due to the abundance of fat in the composition, puff pastry increases the level of cholesterol in the blood. If pastries are consumed in moderation (up to 300 g per day), then there should be no health problems.

However, with systematic abuse (exceeding the maximum doses), low-density lipoproteins contribute to the growth of atherosclerotic plaque, which threatens the development of heart disease (stroke, heart attack, thrombosis). In addition, a person may experience unpleasant symptoms from the digestive tract: flatulence, constipation, nausea.

In limited quantities, puff pastry products supply the body with vitamins A, B, E, H, PP, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, aluminum, boron, vanadium, nickel, tin, selenium, titanium , iron, iodine, cobalt, zinc, chromium, fluorine, manganese, copper, molybdenum, organic acids.

Useful properties of the vitamin composition of the product:

  • niacin (PP) – guards the health of the pancreas, normalizes cholesterol, prevents the development of diabetes;
  • vitamins of group B – ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, affect the condition and development of nails, hair, teeth, bones;
  • tocopherol (E) – improves the regenerating properties of tissues and blood circulation;
  • retinol (A) – participates in metabolic reactions, protein synthesis, ensures the normal functioning of the immune system, the proper development of bones, the process of cell renewal;
  • biotin (H) – improves glucose metabolism, is a “transporter” of sulfur, relieves muscle pain, heals nervous tissues, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats.

Puff pastry is a source of mineral compounds that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Macro- and microelements normalize the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, help produce insulin, fight anemia, fatigue, weakness, stimulate general immunity, increase protein production, and activate a number of enzymes. In addition, they are involved in hematopoiesis, fatty acid metabolism, oxidative processes, the construction of body cells, the formation of hormones, the regulation of water metabolism, strengthen bones and teeth, and control the functioning of the endocrine system. These compounds nourish the brain and thyroid gland, improve bile secretion, relieve spasms, maintain the tone of the vascular walls, provide collagen synthesis, and energy production.

Remember, the usefulness of puff pastry, like most products, depends on the quality of the original ingredients and the observance of moderation in use.

Cooking tips

To make pastries airy, tasty and crispy, you must follow some rules in the process of kneading puff pastry.

Recommendations for hostesses:

  1. To increase the elasticity of the dough, salt and vinegar are introduced into its composition. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful in the amount so as not to spoil the taste of the product. For 400 g of flour, take no more than 15 ml of 9% vinegar.
  2. To obtain a golden color of the crust, the upper part of the product is smeared with a chicken egg, without capturing the edges. Otherwise, the dough will not rise.
  3. To make the dough airy and rise well, only the highest quality flour is used. At the same time, it must be sieved.
  4. In the process of cutting the dough, a well-sharpened knife is used, otherwise the edges of the sheet can be crushed. As a result, the appearance of baking will deteriorate.
  5. To give lightness and airiness, strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, cognac) are introduced into the dough – no more than 15 ml per 400 g of flour.
  6. Cooling at all stages is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the layers may stick together and rise poorly.
  7. For kneading the dough, only cold water is used, the temperature is close to zero, not very saturated with coagulants, mineral salts.
  8. Roll out correctly so as not to disturb the structure of the layers (in one direction).
  9. Use butter/margarine only when cold.

Subject to the above rules, puff pastry products will turn out not only aesthetically beautiful, tasty, but also healthy.

Before heat treatment, the baking sheet is moistened with cold water, and portioned pieces of dough are pierced with a fork. This will eliminate the possibility of bubbles appearing on the surface of the product during the baking process. In order for the layers to rise, the temperature in the oven must be maintained at 230-240 degrees. Otherwise, the fat will flow out, and instead of puffs you will get “pancakes”.

Remember, during the baking process, the first 10 minutes after placing the baking sheet with the dough in the oven, the oven must not be opened. During this time, there is an active “growth” of the layers and the consolidation of their structure. The ingress of cold air into the cabinet will disrupt this process, reduce the overall temperature in the oven, which will lead to spoilage of the product. You should start decorating the finished puff pastry only after the product has cooled down.

Preparation and selection of raw materials

The technology for manufacturing semi-finished products from puff pastry is based on compliance with special requirements for raw materials and work methods.

They include:

  • the use of a modern type of baker’s yeast;
  • reduction of kneading time;
  • introduction of specialized types of improvers;
  • the use of high-quality flour with high baking properties;
  • minimization of water consumption during dough kneading;
  • elimination of the possibility of fermentation of mixed ingredients.

Defrosting, cutting and baking should be carried out on the same baking sheets. To obtain a high-quality product, it is necessary to strictly observe technological discipline at all stages of production.

Consider the criteria for selecting raw materials for the production of puff pastry.


For the preparation of frozen dough, it must contain at least 32% raw gluten and 17% glutenin protein. If these figures are below the established norm, the gas-holding capacity of the workpiece will be insufficient, as a result, puff pastry baking will not be able to rise to the desired level. To prevent this, low-protein flour is enriched with dry gluten.

The baking properties of the product used to make puff pastry must exceed that of wheat, which is used in cases of traditional dough making. To obtain a puff semi-finished product, for the purpose of further freezing, you should use flour with a minimum content of damaged starch and fatty acids. Make sure that the diamond activity of the product is weak.

Yeast (optional)

The main problem of the technology of freezing products from puff pastry is the difficulty of survival of yeast cells after thawing the product. This ingredient ensures that the layers rise during the baking process.

Yeast is a key component in yeast dough, which is responsible for the course of physicochemical and enzymatic reactions. These processes, in turn, affect the elasticity, porosity, and structure of the dough. As well as the aroma and taste of finished baking.

For the preparation of frozen dough, domestically produced yeast is dosed twice as much as for the usual one. This is due to a decrease in their gas-forming ability – the rate of carbon dioxide release under the influence of low temperatures. That is why for the manufacture of a semi-finished product, they prefer pressed yeast. The main thing is not to use them dry. Yeast powder is absolutely not intended for the production of frozen dough. Such a product exhibits low resistance to strong cooling.

It is recommended to give preference to fresh, pressed yeast of foreign origin with special strains of microcultures that cause fermentation, which have special baking properties (for example, “Hirondelle”). Such a product does not lose its activity under the influence of various food additives, baking acids, as well as during freezing and storage.


In the process of rapid freezing, the factors that stimulate the strengthening of the gluten of the dough disappear. In this case, specialized improvers are introduced into the composition of the base, compensating for the absence of the effect of fermentation on it. In addition, they increase the stability of the blanks during defrosting and the gas-retaining ability of the dough during baking, which favors its rise.

The usual dosage of the complex additive is 0,8-1,5% and depends on the quality of the flour. The composition of the improver, as a rule, includes ascorbic acid, an emulsifier (Lecitin), which helps to strengthen the protein framework, improves the mechanical workability of the dough (strength, elasticity, extensibility).

The most common reducing agent in Europe is Mors from the Mizhimax series of the Lesaffre concern.


When heated during the baking process, edible fat pushes the dough layers apart, allowing them to rise. The water concentrated in margarine, under the influence of high temperatures, begins to evaporate, which contributes to the “growth” of the product. At the same time, melted fats, being absorbed into the dough, prevent it from sticking together. It is one of the most important ingredients that provides a tender, brittle and fluffy texture to baked goods.

Puff base – alternating layers of dough and margarine, followed by pinching the ends of the product so that the latter, in turn, cannot leak out.

The main task of fat is to isolate the layers from each other. The melting point of a puff yeast-free workpiece is 43 degrees, yeast – 36 degrees. This indicator is of great technological importance. At low temperatures, margarine loses its plasticity, which leads to tearing of the dough layers, and too high a temperature makes it very soft, due to which they stick together.

When buying a product, preference should be given to professional grades, which contain special types of emulsifiers that stimulate dough to rise. Such margarine is packaged in calibrated layers, weighing 2 kg and 20 mm thick.

Otherwise, it is recommended to purchase a product labeled “for yeast” or “yeast-free” dough.

“Universal” margarine, most often, is ordinary table fat, which does not differ in high melting point and plasticity. It contains no emulsifiers. In this case, it will be impossible to achieve high quality puff pastries.

Water and additives

To knead the dough, use clean cold water at a temperature of +1 … +3 degrees, not very saturated with coagulants, fluorine and chlorine. The amount of liquid depends on the purpose of the workpiece. To obtain a test for the purpose of subsequent freezing, its volume is reduced by 20% relative to the usual test.

Important components that affect the taste, gluten strength, fermentation rate are salt and sugar.

For the preparation of yeast-free puffs, the amount of sodium chloride is calculated based on the calculation of 4-5% of the substance per 100% wheat flour, for yeast – 2%. At the same time, the sugar level for making dough is rarely below 15%.

Eggs and milk

These products ennoble the dough, improving its taste and color. In the process of preparing homemade pastries, it is recommended to give preference to fresh chicken eggs and cow’s milk.

On an industrial scale, puff pastry is made from dry whey powder, melange, which reduces the cost of raw materials and the cost of the manufacturer.

Technology of kneading and forming blanks

For maximum development of the gluten framework, puff pastry is intensively kneaded. Basic kneading rules:

  • the dough should be cold (to slow down the fermentation process), lamellar (for rolling), strong consistency (to eliminate the likelihood of spreading during defrosting);
  • to develop gluten as much as possible, this will improve gas and dimensional stability;
  • exclude the possibility of yeast fermentation before freezing the product.

Puff pastry without yeast is prepared from the following ingredients: melange, citric acid solution, powdered milk powder, cold water, flour, flour improver, liquid margarine or vegetable oil. The components are placed in the bowl of the dough mixing machine, the apparatus is started. The duration of kneading varies from 10 to 20 minutes and depends on the technical characteristics of the device. At the exit, a strong homogeneous mass should form. A well-kneaded dough is left to “lie down” in a cool place (the temperature in the room should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius) for half an hour until the proteins swell.

The principle of preparation of the yeast base is similar. The only difference is the introduction of “fermenter” fungi after loading all the ingredients. At the same time, the yeast must first be diluted in cold water, evenly distributed in the dough mass.

After a good kneading, the workpiece is placed in a refrigerator to avoid premature awakening of yeast cells and the formation of a gluten framework.

The next step is rolling out the dough on laminators until the layer thickness is 1-2 mm. Then it is folded, the layers are allowed to rest for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the workpiece cools down and rests after intense mechanical impact. The procedure is repeated.

The number of rolls depends on the required number of layers and is about one and a half hundred. After that, the dough goes for cutting, followed by the formation of blanks for freezing or baking. It is very important to monitor the sharpness of the cutting elements. Otherwise, when cutting the dough with blunt knives, the edges are jammed, which leads to sticking and damage to the appearance of the product during the heat treatment process.

Next, semi-finished products are molded, frozen, packaged in moisture- and air-tight, cold-resistant, sealed packages. The duration of storage of blanks depends on the correct observance of the production cycle and the quality of raw materials.

The shelf life of frozen dough varies from 5 to 60 days at a temperature of 12-20 degrees below zero.

Thawed semi-finished puff pastry products must not be re-frozen.


Puff pastry is a product whose characteristic feature is the presence of fat of vegetable or animal origin in the composition. Depending on the initial ingredients, it can be yeast, yeast-free, creamy, curd. The main task of the technological process is the cold maintenance of the dough. Otherwise, it will lose its plasticity, gluten, which provides a strong structure for the workpiece.

The preparation of a puff semi-finished product is a laborious and lengthy process, which consists in demarcation of layers of dough and fat. Alternatively, it is often substituted with a less calorie “oriental” phyllo. Baking, cut from such a dough, is crispy, fragile, airy.

The puff base is used to make sweet and snack pies, pizza, croissants, strudel, pies, Napoleon cake, puffs.

To obtain a high-quality semi-finished product, the flour is pre-sifted to saturate it with oxygen, salt, citric acid, vinegar, improvers are added (in strictly prescribed doses, to improve the quality of gluten, improve elasticity, taste of the dough), the workpiece is rolled in one direction. Cutting the base should be done exclusively with a sharp knife (in order to avoid soldering its edges, which will lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the product during baking).

Pierce the dough before heat treatment. This will ensure that the baking surface is even. Rinse a baking sheet with cold water or cover with parchment paper (no need to grease). Observe the temperature regime at the level of 230-240 degrees.

The puff product owes its high nutritional value (332-367 kcal per 100 g) to vegetable or animal fats, which supply vitamins, macro- and microelements to the body, provide fast satiety, restore strength and increase vitality.

The main condition for the consumption of “oily” pastries is to observe moderation, otherwise the scale on the scales will crawl up, intestinal function will be disrupted, heart disease will occur, and existing health problems will worsen.

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