Public displays of love: kissing on the lips

• 92% of women use lipstick regularly. Lipstick is used more often than any other cosmetic product.

• During the Victorian era, women applied red crepe paper to their lips to add color.

• Lipstick became a commercial product in 1880. Its main ingredients back then were oil, wax and grapefruit.

• By 1950, 98% of women had at least one tube of lipstick.

• Cosmetics for lip augmentation is the fastest growing segment of the lip cosmetics market, whose share increased from 1% in 2003 to 16% in 2005.

• 93% of Americans remember their first kiss.

• When kissing, we close our eyes, as sexual arousal makes the pupils dilate, and our brain takes it for the onset of darkness.

• Kissing is addictive. The glands located on the border of the lips and in the mouth, during the kiss, produce substances that increase our desire. The kiss itself increases the production of these substances. That is why people love long kisses so much.

• Not all people kiss. To express feelings for each other, aborigines from the Philippine Islands bring their lips close to their partner’s face and then suddenly take a breath.

• According to Clinique’s online survey at, Julia Roberts and George Clooney have the most kissable lips.

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