Public consultations around AI self-regulation in health are underway

Dozens of pages of practical solutions developed by experts in the field of artificial intelligence in health – this is the result of several months of work on the creation of the “White Book of AI in clinical practice”. On May 16, the document will go to public consultations. The final content of the industry’s self-regulation will be presented during the second edition of the “AI in Health” conference.

Medical facilities more and more often and more willingly use solutions based on artificial intelligence. However, this is associated with many challenges and doubts. Reason? The use of artificial intelligence in health has not yet been regulated in Poland or in the EU. The answer to the above-mentioned challenges and doubts is to be the “White Book of AI in clinical practice”.

– There is no turning back from artificial intelligence in health. This is a fact and at the same time a great opportunity for more effective treatment of patients and more effective functioning of the health care system. In practice, this means faster and more accurate diagnostics, implementation of appropriate treatment, as well as optimization of resources and costs – notes the initiator of self-regulation, Ligia Kornowska, Managing Director of the Polish Federation of Hospitals, Leader of the AI ​​Coalition in Health.

Why “White Book”?

The document aims to identify the most important questions and doubts that arise in the everyday practice of using AI. From the document, you will be able to find out what artificial intelligence is in health, what opportunities it creates, whether its use in health care is legally permissible, how artificial intelligence can support a medical professional and patient, and what is the public policy regarding the development of artificial intelligence in health care. The authors of the document also paid a lot of attention to the rights of the patient.

Artificial intelligence vs. law

Innovation leaders in Polish medical facilities have to deal with the lack of regulations regarding the use of AI in health. This applies to both European and national law. The legislative process at EU level is at a relatively early stage – emphasizes Paweł Kaźmierczyk from the DZP law firm.

As the expert notes, medical institutions and doctors are already asking questions about how to use solutions based on artificial intelligence in accordance with the existing law.

– It is primarily about respecting the rights of patients and the rules of practicing the profession and medical activity – adds the lawyer.

Medics want practical tips

The “White Paper of AI in Clinical Practice” will indicate the proposed directions of responses and possible solutions that, in the opinion of the authors of the self-regulation, may contribute to increasing the safety and quality of AI application, and consequently to building trust in this technology.

– The White Paper is to be as practical as possible, thanks to which it will translate into possible procedures that can be implemented, and thus increase the certainty of hospitals in terms of patient safety – assures Jarosław J. Fedorowski, President of the Polish Federation of Hospitals.

Public Consultation

The work of the medical, legal and technological industry on the “White Book of AI in clinical practice” started at the beginning of the year in cooperation with the DZP law firm. The development of AI self-regulation in health was accompanied by the appointment of the Scientific Council. It included, among others representatives of: the Minister of Health, the Patient’s Rights Ombudsman, the e-Health Center, the Supreme Medical Chamber, the Regional Penal Chamber in Warsaw, the Medical University of Piastów Śląskie in Wrocław, the Department of Cardiology and Internal Diseases, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of National Defense, Military Institute of Medicine, and the Institute of Healthcare Management at the Lazarski University.

Many significant Partners have been involved in the development of AI self-regulation in health, including: Abbott, Comarch Healthcare, IQVIA, LUX MED Group, Medicover and Microsoft. The Working Group for Artificial Intelligence in Health at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister also participates in the preparation of the “White Book of AI in clinical practice”. The results of the work of these entities will now go to public consultations, which will start on May 16 and will last until May 27.

We invite all interested parties to take part in the public consultation at the link:

The final of AI self-regulation in health is coming in June

After the end of public consultations, a team of experts will work out the final shape of the “White Book of AI in clinical practice”. The document will be presented on June 14 during the second edition of the “AI in Health” conference.

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