Pubic symphysis – causes, symptoms, treatment

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The symphysis of the pubis occurs through the stretching of the synchondrosis between the right and left pubic bones. It happens under the influence of stress and hormonal changes occurring in pregnant women. It is a minor ailment that manifests itself in pain that increases when getting up and carrying it. Damage to the pubic symphysis occurs in women during pregnancy, but also immediately after childbirth.

Diagnosis of the dissociation of the pubic symphysis

During pregnancy, the levels of hormones in the blood increase. They are responsible for the relaxation of the pubic synchondrosis and the connection between the sacroiliac joints. The aforementioned phenomena prepare a woman’s pelvis for childbirth. Symptoms divergences Symptoms of the pubic usually appear in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the baby lowers itself and presses its weight against the uterus.

Until the diagnosis and damage to the pubic symphysis a detailed interview with the patient is needed, on the basis of which it is stated whether she has any characteristic symptoms. Additionally, an ultrasound is performed to check if it is between the pubic bones chink.

The causes of pubic symphysis

Pubic symphysis located at the point of contact of the pubic bones. These, in turn, constitute the element closing the lap rim. The weight of the upper body rests on it. The hip girdle is also a load-bearing element for the lower limbs. Pubic symphysis is responsible for maintaining pelvic stiffness. It is also resistant to high static and dynamic loads. It owes this to the cartilaginous and fibrous connective tissue strands that connect the pubic bones.

Do damage to the pubic symphysis occurs in the vast majority of cases in perinatal situations. Ailments appear when the time from full dilatation to giving birth to a child is too long. Sometimes it turns out that the baby weighs too much for the width of the pelvis. Another reason symphysis pubis are forceps deliveries.

It very rarely happens symphysis pubis as a result of an injury. Any suspicion damage it is an indication for intervention during labor.

Symptoms of symphysis pubis

Typical symptoms accompanying the divergence of the pubic symphysis have:

  1. pain in the symphysis pubis that gets worse with walking;
  2. radiating pain to the area of ​​the sacrum and thighs;
  3. waddle;
  4. soreness during the examination. It is mainly complained of by women after childbirth.

Symptoms of symphysis pubis They are exacerbated by suddenly standing up, carrying a baby or carrying heavy objects.

Increasing ailments should not be underestimated because pubic symphysis prevents natural childbirth. Stretching the synchondrosis also leads to a faster termination of pregnancy.

Treatment of damage to the pubic symphysis

Treatment of symphysis separation is about resting and, most importantly, avoiding lifting heavy objects. Doctors also recommend taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, women should use them very carefully due to the possibility of active substances penetrating into the fetus. In case of damage to the pubic symphysis specialists also recommend rehabilitation. Properly selected exercises reduce pain. Exercises should be performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

In the case of damage to the pubic symphysisthat occurred during childbirth, the woman should be able to rest in a lying or reclining position. It is also inadvisable to walk and wear.

The situation of a pregnant woman in 8 or 9 months with symptoms is not very optimistic symphysis pubis. By the time of birth, your pregnant woman will weigh more than usual. In addition, caring for an infant, and maybe even older children, limits the possibility of rest. In this case, it is difficult for a woman to follow the doctor’s recommendations. Taking medications also turns out to be a problematic issue during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To relieve ailments related to the dissolution of the pubic symphysis, it is also recommended to wear a pelvic belt. It is very rare for treatment to require surgery.

How to avoid a pubic symphysis?

Damage to the pubic symphysis it is quite a painful ailment, so it is worth doing everything to avoid it. How to do it?

  1. do not lift – lifting is dangerous, especially for pregnant women;
  2. dose physical exercise – physical activity during pregnancy must be properly adapted to the physical condition of the mother;
  3. be careful, avoid impulsive behavior;
  4. allow yourself to rest.

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