Pubic lice – the main causes and symptoms. Treatment of pubic lice

Pubic lice is a problem with which we go to the doctor when it is already in an advanced stage. Because how do you admit to having pubic lice? Although the cause of the disease are parasites, due to the way it is infected, it is classified as a venereal disease. Unfortunately, it can even endanger children.

«Pubic head lice caught me when I was an adolescent girl. Then I felt terrible shame. And I also had to explain myself to my parents. They refused to believe that I hadn’t had any close-ups during my foray into the mountains. For them, it was a confirmation of their worst fears, ”says Maria, forty years old today.

Because pubic lice is most often infected during intercourse. Most often, but not only.

«I got pubic lice because the blankets in the shelter were infected. In those days, mountain shelters were not very clean »says Maria.

What causes pubic lice?

The parasite, which likes these special places on our body, even has its own Latin name – Pthirus pubis. A pubic louse is different from the one that feeds on the scalp or from clothing. It’s smaller, only 2-3 millimeters in size, and it’s white and yellow, so it’s hard to spot. Enlarged in the photo can scare you. Her sucking and stabbing apparatus is a concern for the carriers of these parasites. It feeds on blood. Research shows that people with pubic lice often suffer from other sexually transmitted diseases.

It is comforting that the parasite itself, unlike its relatives, does not transmit other diseases, such as typhoid fever. We can also become infected with pubic lice by wearing someone else’s clothing, using other people’s towels and sleeping in one bedding. A louse is unlikely to attack us when we are in the same room with a host. Unlike fleas, pubic lice do not jump and are not spread by pets. Unfortunately, this parasite can even attack children. Worse, its presence may indicate sexual abuse. In the case of children, parasites usually hide in the eyebrows and sometimes feed around the eyelashes.

Symptoms of pubic lice

An infected person will feel the presence of parasites on their skin fairly quickly.

  1. After a few days after infection with pubic lice, itching appears around the genitals, thighs and even the abdomen (discomfort is especially felt at night). It is difficult to avoid scratching these areas, which can lead to infection of the wounds.
  2. A visible sign of the presence of pubic lice will be pale blue spots, indicative of bites. In more sensitive people, even low-grade fever, irritability and apathy may appear. Sometimes you need to use a magnifying glass to spot a pubic louse. If we notice moving parasites, we can be sure that we are infected. Instead of panic and “melting” in the bathtub, you should reach for pharmaceuticals.
  3. Pubic lice endure long and hot baths. Shaving your hair alone won’t do much. Eggs, the so-called nits, are folded in the hair close to the skin. After 7-10 days, the larvae hatch from them, and after the next two, they start feeding on blood. The nits resemble tiny grains of sand. They can hardly be removed from the hair.
  4. When we have doubts about our own diagnosis, we should see a doctor. As a rule, patients go to dermatologists because they see changes on the skin and feel the accompanying itching. They come at a late stage in the development of the disease.
  5. Until recently, doctors were required, as with all venereal diseases, to report infection with pubic lice to the sanitary inspectorate. The obligation has been lifted. Instead, tell your partner about the problem, although it may be difficult.

Pubic lice – treatment

The fight against head lice is quite burdensome. It should embrace not only your own body. So what are the tips for people who struggle with pubic lice?

  1. You should wash all towels, bedding, etc. at high temperature. On the Internet you can also find advice that clothes that cannot be washed at high temperatures should be sealed in a bag for 3-4 days.
  2. Fighting parasites on your own body should start with epilation of intimate places and carefully read the leaflet of the specific product you want to use. Pregnant women must pay particular attention.
  3. Drugs containing permethrin are available in pharmacies.
  4. Caution should be exercised when it is necessary to lubricate eyelashes with specificity, where pubic lice can also infect. Some shampoos against annoying parasites irritate the eyes, and others are not recommended for children. Information can be found on the leaflet. The eyelashes can be smeared with petroleum jelly for several days. 3-5 times a day. The ointment prevents small, parasitic arthropods from breathing.
  5. Lindane solutions are used overnight. The treatment should be repeated after 8-10 days, e.g. using mercury ointment. You can also use a pharmaceutical containing dimethicone. It is a substance that instantly suffocates both lice and nits, and is harmless to humans and does not irritate the skin.

Pubic head lice and myths

The fight against insects attacking private places is not easy. Patients with this condition are ashamed to see a doctor or even a pharmacy. People with pubic lice are sometimes stigmatized.

«Beloved, help me! I am begging you for home remedies to combat pubic lice. I won’t tell anyone about it !!! » – asks one of the internet users on a popular forum.

Meanwhile, many doctors emphasize that although the popular opinion is that the disease is associated with people living in dirt, it has little to do with the truth. This is one of the myths that causes infected people to feel ashamed of their problem and not seek help. Pubic lice should not be taken lightly.

W. Sz.

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