Pubic hair removal: men also adept at intimate hair removal

Pubic hair removal: men also adept at intimate hair removal

Bikini line hair removal is not just for women, and more and more men are resorting to pubic hair removal. What is the opinion of women on intimate hair removal for men? What are the consequences for male hair removal on sexuality? How to proceed with intimate hair removal when you are a man? Update on the issue.

Men’s intimate waxing: zoom on the reasons that push men to wax their sex

Gone are the days when bikini waxing was taboo, no more hairs considered attributes of virility, men’s intimate hair removal is on the way to becoming a fashion. At the time of the metrosexual, men take care of their physical appearance just like women, and for some this involves the eradication of hair from the chest to the back, through the inter-gluteal fold and sex. So why such a craze for pubic hair removal?

Men influenced by pornographic images and ads

How many hairy males are on the posters advertising a perfume? What hairiness on the actors of porn movies? It is a fact, the men who appear naked are in their great majority beardless. This lack of hair largely influences men in their daily life: when fashion prints and sexual performers are waxed, men’s intimate hair removal is essential as an effective solution for a better appearance.

Hair removal of the pubis for aesthetic reasons

This widespread idea motivates many men: a shaved penis looks bigger. In search of sexual performance, the man is therefore tempted to resort to intimate hair removal in order either to impress or to alleviate a complex relating to the size of his penis. Beyond this concern, men admit to loving the aesthetic aspect of their shaved sex.

Waxing the bikini line: a way for men to better satisfy their partners

By waxing, the man also places himself in a quest for satisfaction from his partner. The intimate hair removal of the man indeed offers more softness to the touch, for a feeling of increased sexual pleasure.

Beyond aesthetic reasons or arguments in favor of increased pleasure, men like women advance as a justification that hair removal of the pubis allows better hygiene – less development of bacteria and risk less unwanted odors – and appreciable comfort. 

Male hair removal, what do women think?

So many men fantasize that their partners shave completely for sex, what about women? Opinions are mixed.

Bad smells, a double-edged sword

Man’s pubic hair retains odor. In this context, many women are particularly reluctant to perform fellatio on their partner at the end of a long day, and the man’s intimate hair removal then appears to be an effective solution to promote the couple’s sexuality. However, it is also the smells accused of hindering sexual intercourse that stimulate desire: the pheromones secreted by men and retained in pubic hair play an essential role in the sexual attraction of partners.

Virility vs gentleness

Mores have changed, and hair is no longer automatically seen as a symbol of virility by women. Some keep this bestial image of the hairy man and look down on the man with the pre-pubescent teenage appearance, while others prefer a hairless, gentle lover. This is a very personal matter of taste. In this context, not all women require their partner to have intimate hair removal. 

Intimate hair removal, instructions for use

Several methods of intimate human hair removal are available to them.

  • Complete shaving of the penis has the advantage of speed. On the other hand, the man must be cautious in the use of the razor: the micro-cuts are frequent, vectors of infections. Another disadvantage of waxing the bikini line with a razor: the risk of ingrown hairs and rapid and coarse regrowth.
  • Intimate waxing provides clear and effective results over the long term. However, this practice is painful, especially when male hair removal concerns the sensitive area of ​​the pubis, the skin of the testicles being particularly thin.
  • The trimmer is a good solution for waxing, but not for men who want full pubic hair removal. 

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