Pu-erh: benefits and harms to the body
Together with the doctor, we understand what effect pu-erh has on the body, and what are its benefits and harms

Any specialized tea shop will tell you that most of the sales in recent years have come from pu-erh. This type of drink has become incredibly popular and even fashionable. Pu-erh is a synonym for an elite variety, the versatility of which taste will be appreciated only by a true connoisseur. We talked with a nutritionist about the dangers and benefits of pu-erh tea, its effect on the body of men, women and children.

The history of the appearance of pu-erh in nutrition

It is called the most ancient tea. The birthplace of pu-erh is the regions of East Asia: Burma, Laos, Thailand, China. It is harvested from Yunnanese tea trees. The most ancient type is sheng pu-erh. It is closest to green tea. Sheng pu-erh varieties are purple and white, the most expensive varieties.

Shu pu-erh began to be produced only half a century ago and it has become the most commercially widespread type of this tea. It is made from sheng tea by fermentation: sprayed with water and covered with a cloth or film. The end result is that earthy taste. Many people think that pu-erh is buried in the soil, which is why it acquires a special blend. However, this is a myth. Water destroys the structure of the leaf and natural chemical processes give firm taste.

We know that pu-erh originated in ancient Asia. In mountainous areas, people consumed a lot of fatty foods: lard, butter, meat. Such food is difficult for the body to digest. And pu-erh just promotes the breakdown of fats. In addition, he helped maintain the balance of vitamins in the body of people who were deprived of gastronomic diversity.

In Our Country, shu pu-erh is most loved. Black tea is closer to us than green tea. Although in his homeland in Asian countries, it is sheng that is in great demand. Our man got acquainted with pu-erh more than a century ago, during the -Japanese and -Chinese conflicts. True, in those years, Asian tea “pur-cha” was considered a real medicine and was used accordingly.

With the establishment of Soviet power, the number of varieties of tea on the shelves of a large country has noticeably decreased. Pu-erh returned only in the new Our Country. The fashion for Asian gastronomic culture is growing year by year. With it, consumer interest in tea is also developing.

– Puer is an ambiguous and unique drink. On the one hand, the tea of ​​Chinese sages and Tibetan healers. On the other hand, he is credited with an intoxicating effect, the ability to cause a burst of energy and even euphoria. In fact, it does not contain any narcotic components. The unusual effect is due to the stronger effects of caffeine and theine, since pu-erh has a high concentration of these substances, explains doctor-dietitian, nutritionist Alexandra Noev.

The composition and calorie content of pu-erh

Caloric content for 100 grams152 kcal
Proteins20 g
Fats5,1 g
Carbohydrates6,9 g

The benefits of pu-erh

In the homeland of the drink in China, pu-erh is considered a healthy drink for men in terms of preventing impotence. Although recently this property is attributed to almost every product. But in the case of this tea, you can still draw a scientific basis.

– The composition of pu-erh includes substances that thin the blood. This helps to improve erection. Due to anti-inflammatory properties, the risk of prostatitis and adenoma is reduced. Pu-erh reduces the level of stress, which indirectly affects erectile function, explains Alexandra Noev.

Ladies also note the benefits of the drink. Asian women use pu-erh to keep their skin beautiful. The drink contains antioxidants that actively fight the signs of aging. Tea improves the condition of hair and tooth enamel.

– Pu-erh has a positive effect on libido. Able to normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce cramps and pain during menstruation, the doctor adds.

The properties of pu-erh were studied not only by folk medicine, but also by evidence-based medicine. It was possible to find out that pu-erh reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides. So, theoretically, tea helps to cope with patients with cardiovascular diseases and obesity. But this does not mean at all that pu-erh is a medicine. It has been established that it removes some of the harmful compounds from the body, but is not able to fully replace therapy.

– According to research by Dr. John H. Weisburger of the American Health Foundation (New York, USA), this tea contains a large amount of antioxidants. They just reduce the oxidized form of low-density cholesterol, which in turn is considered one of the main causes of heart disease. Thus, tea polyphenols prevent cell damage by free radicals,” says Alexandra Noev.

In his research, an American doctor claims that “Pu-erh reduces blood sugar levels, improves digestion, due to the high content of manganese in this drink, which increases the intensity of fat utilization, reduces the level of lipids in the body.” Substances in pu-erh block the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. Simply put, they improve fat, carbohydrate and activate oxygen metabolism.

The Dutch Blood Institute found that 1-2 cups of pu-erh per day reduced the risk of atherosclerosis by 64%. At the University of Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen University), Professor He Guopan found that such tea helps to normalize blood pressure and is also indicated for the elderly.

It can be summarized that the benefits of pu-erh can be expressed in:

  • increased efficiency and concentration;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and preventing the occurrence of blood clots;
  • help the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • breakdown of fats;
  • reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks;
  • neutralization and removal of toxins;
  • strengthening bones and teeth.

The harm of pu-erh

The Renaissance physician Paracelsus is credited with the phrase: “Everything is poison, and everything is medicine.” Speaking about the benefits of pu-erh, one cannot omit the presence of strict contraindications to it. Among them are urolithiasis, serious problems with blood pressure, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, elevated body temperature – fever.

– You should not drink pu-erh on an empty stomach, even for healthy people. It stimulates increased production of gastric juice. This can lead to cramps, pain, and heartburn. You should not drink pu-erh before going to bed, so as not to get insomnia, – Alexandra Noev warns.

As for the use of pu-erh by children, the main problem lies in the abundance of caffeine in this tea. Doctors do not recommend caffeine to children up to 15-16 years. Therefore, it is better for a child to brew classic black or green tea, rather than pu-erh. And it is unlikely that the child will appreciate the exquisite taste of the drink.

The use of pu-erh in cooking

The most common use of pu-erh is classic brewing in a teapot, gaiwan (steeping bowl) or simmering tea. It is recommended to drain the first water that comes into contact with the pu-erh. This is the so-called flush.

You can find many step-by-step recipes for brewing, indicating the exact time, thickness and materials of pu-erh dishes, gramming of raw materials for different volumes of the vessel. However, tea masters are skeptical about formalizing the process. It is recommended to experiment and look for your own recipe that you will like. The key is clean water.

Some try to replace the effect of alcohol intoxication with pu-erh. To do this, a large amount of tea leaves are boiled for several hours. Such “chifir” is very harmful to the heart and stomach. In addition, unique flavor notes disappear from the drink. We will not recommend this recipe to anyone.

Admirers of Kalmyk salted tea can add fat or oil to pu-erh, as well as salt to taste. You can generally take a spoonful of finished lard and stir in tea.

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For an interesting tea drink, try adding clove star, a couple of cardamom seeds, and cinnamon to your brew. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for three to five minutes.

Some people like the combination of citrus and pu-erh. Zest of lemon, orange and even grapefruit interestingly complement the earthy blend of tea. Love sweeter? Put a spoonful of flower honey.

For a fresher summer drink, add mint, raspberry, and basil leaves to the pu-erh. Raspberry leaves can be replaced with currant ones. Or even use fresh berries.

How to choose and store pu-erh

Pu-erh tea is classified according to quality categories of raw materials. They are assigned numbers from 1 to 10. The lower the number, the more expensive. The most expensive varieties are denoted by Chinese words, for example, Gong Ting or Gong Xing – imperial. Considered a high quality variety.

Although there are two main types of pu-erh – shu and sheng, it is very easy for a beginner to get confused among their markings. Therefore, it is easiest to determine the quality of pu-erh by brewing and tasting the drink. At the same time, it does not mean at all that you will like expensive pu-erh. The aroma of expensive small leaves is sharper than that of large leaves. Ideally, masters collect a balanced blend from several varieties of tea raw materials.

The best varieties can withstand up to ten waterings. The more tender, smaller and thinner the leaf, the more expensive the pu-erh. The presence of kidneys in tea leaves is a sign of quality. But the age of pu-erh (10, 20 or more years) is not an indicator of quality at all. Much more influenced by the quality of the work of the technologist. Unfortunately, it will be possible to evaluate it only by testing the drink.

Therefore, to get acquainted with pu-erh, beginners who want to immerse themselves in the tea world are advised to purchase trial sets. These are specialized tea shops.

Pu-erh is recommended to be stored at a temperature of +20…+25 degrees Celsius, air humidity of 60-70%. After opening the package, it is better to drink tea 6-12 months in advance. It is better to store tea leaves in an airtight bag or glass container in a dark place.

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