Psyllium plantain – properties, dosage, contraindications

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Psyllium plantain, also known as Mediterranean plantain, is a plant that comes from the Mediterranean, Asia and North Africa. Its brown-colored seeds, resembling flaxseeds, are a valuable source of many substances important for the body, hence they are used in the treatment of a number of diseases and ailments.

Properties of psyllium plantain

Psyllium plantain in seeds has a number of substances that have excellent health-promoting properties. Among them there are, among others fiber (aids digestion – 100 g of psyllium seeds contain as much as 68 g), xylose, arabinose, vegetable fats, aukubin (anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral), tannins and phytosterols.

Psyllium plantain – application

Psyllium seed is an excellent remedy for constipation and diarrhea. They make it easier to defecate. Moreover, psyllium is used to relieve the painful ailments of hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Other uses for psyllium are to lower bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol, as well as lower blood sugar (up to 12%).

With the help of psyllium, you can support the weight loss process (it reduces the feeling of hunger, reduces fat absorption and accelerates metabolism) and improves the appearance of the skin (due to diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and rosacea).

Psyllium seeds are consumed as an infusion. It is best to drink this infusion twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. However, it is important that the seeds are of good quality, so it is worth buying products from reliable suppliers. Such a product is the Intenson brand psyllium seeds or a mixture of psyllium seeds, psyllium and fiber, which are available on Medonet Market.

Psyllium dosage

Psyllium seed, for optimal therapeutic effects, should be consumed by adults in an amount of at least 8 teaspoons, two to three times a day. In the case of children, however, the recommended dose is four times lower (2 teaspoons of seeds at a time).

Psyllium seeds can be eaten alone or added to other drinks (tea, compote) and food products (honey, natural yoghurt).

It is extremely important to drink plenty of water when consuming psyllium. A minimum of 1,5 liters a day is recommended to feel the beneficial effects of this herb on the body.

However, when it comes to applying psyllium on the skin, you should prepare an infusion of a few teaspoons of seeds and soak a compress in it. It has nourishing and moisturizing properties. It usually requires several weeks of treatment with compresses to restore the skin’s radiance.

Contraindications and side effects of psyllium use

As for contraindications, psyllium plantain should not be used by people suffering from intestinal obstruction and abdominal pain that have not been clearly explained. In this case, the symptoms of these ailments may worsen and side effects in the form of vomiting may occur.

What is extremely important, unlike other herbs, Psyllium is safe for pregnant and lactating womenhence it collects such positive feedback. Therefore, you do not have to worry that using it will cause them to develop certain side effects.

Psyllium plantain, however, should not be used excessively. Exceeding the recommended doses often produces the opposite of the desired effects. A particularly large amount of fiber in the seeds of this plant can have a negative laxative effect on the body.

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