Psychotherapy – how much does it cost?

Psychotherapy is a method of treating mental disorders and difficult emotional states, which, however, requires a lot of visits, time and energy. If we expect results, however, it is worth sticking to the end, and if necessary, also cover the financial costs. How Much Does Psychotherapy Cost? Which forms of therapy are the most expensive? How to sign up for free psychotherapy reimbursed by the National Health Fund?

Psychotherapy at the National Health Fund

The prices of psychotherapy can be quite high, especially taking into account the fact that the whole therapy consists of even several dozen sessions costing PLN 70-200 in the short-term variant. The cost is spread over time if we use long-term psychotherapy lasting even several years. Spending money on psychotherapy can be avoided if we decide to have reimbursed visits. However, the use of this option requires the receipt of an appropriate medical referral.

Free psychotherapy at the National Health Fund is available at some clinics. If a given center has a signed agreement with the National Health Fund, you should make sure what is the scope of the services provided. It happens that we only use psychological consultations free of charge or the number of free psychotherapeutic sessions per week is limited. A certain disadvantage of psychotherapy at the National Health Fund is also the waiting time in the queue. This may take an average of several months to a year, which can be problematic in emergencies when the intervention is urgent (e.g. depression, suicidal thoughts).

When we want to be free to choose a psychotherapist, and start visits as soon as possible, paid appointments are the solution. Their price depends on the type of therapy, the frequency of meetings and the city.

How much does individual psychotherapy cost?

Individual psychotherapy is one of the most popular therapeutic forms. It works especially well when working with a patient struggling with problems of a personal nature, emotional or mental disorders. Individual meetings take place in the psychotherapist’s office in accordance with the arrangements discussed by both parties. Depending on the patient’s condition and the techniques used by the psychotherapist, meetings are held once or twice a week, and may also last 45–60 minutes. Price of individual psychotherapy it ranges from PLN 100–180 for one visit.

The final cost of treatment depends on the number of meetings. Shorter therapy, that is, for example, 10 sessions, costs about 1000–1800 PLN. Individual therapy is suitable for adults, but may also be tailored to the needs of children.

  1. Read more: The course of psychotherapy – contracts, goals, methodology, duration

How Much Does Psychotherapy For Couples Cost?

Psychotherapy for couples is a proposal for married couples and people in partnerships who need help in solving problems in the relationship. Relieving tensions and working through conflicts in a psychotherapeutic office is effective because an outsider with psychological experience has the opportunity to look at difficulties. This type of assistance for couples is reimbursed only in selected centers.

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The price of one psychotherapeutic session for couples depends on the duration of the visit and its form. Some specialists suggest meetings lasting 50–80 minutes at an average price of PLN 120–260. A specific form of work with patients is therapy conducted by two psychotherapists. Most often, a visit lasts from 80 to 90 minutes, and its cost is 300-400 PLN.


Therapy with two psychotherapists is dynamic, allows for a deeper analysis of problems and reduces concerns about the specialist’s bias when assessing problems in the relationship. This form of therapy should be chosen in the case of acute conflicts, ineffectiveness of other forms of psychotherapy or in the case of such a suggestion from a psychologist.

How Much Does Family Psychotherapy Cost?

Psychotherapeutic meetings for families enable discussing family problems with a specialist in various configurations (parent with child, adult with parent). If we want to use this form of visit, we will pay PLN 60-150 for a 260-minute conversation. The price of longer sessions of 90 minutes may reach PLN 200-300. As in the case of psychotherapy for couples, family therapy in some centers is also carried out in cooperation with two psychotherapists – the cost of one session can reach PLN 410.

Solving family difficulties is most often based on the assumptions of systemic psychotherapy. In certain circumstances, it is necessary to take advantage of the mitigation of a conflict and finding a way out of a tense situation family mediation. They consist in cooperation with a mediator in the event of educational conflicts, divorce cases or disputes between siblings or spouses and in-laws. The average fee for one mediation meeting is PLN 200-290.

How much does group psychotherapy cost?

Meetings in therapeutic groups are a slightly different type of therapy than individual, marital or family psychotherapy. Usually, it is the psychologist who can say that this form of analysis and looking at problems should be appropriate in a specific case. Working in a group allows you to confront your own experiences with the experiences of other people and acquire important social skills. People with depression, personality or eating disorders, difficulties in establishing close relationships, and other problems will find a suitable group for themselves.

One meeting as part of group psychotherapy lasts 1-2 hours, and the prices start from PLN 70-100. Psychotherapeutic groups for adults, children and adolescents that meet once or twice a week are proposed. Some psychological centers offer too group addiction psychotherapy.

They are also a special form of psychological help support groups for:

  1. parents;
  2. people in mourning;
  3. obese people;
  4. disabled people;
  5. cancer patients;
  6. alcoholic families, especially children with ACoA syndrome;
  7. families of mentally ill people;
  8. people suffering from various chronic diseases.

Support groups are designed to connect people with similar problems, they can be organized by professional institutions, and sometimes independently by people who are members of a given support group. Participation in a single meeting of a support group costs about PLN 30-80.

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