
Psychotherapeutic counseling is a popular style of psychological help focused on solving the problems of problem clients (problem clients are clients who are immersed in difficult feelings and are in the position of the Victim). Usually it is soft, cautious. not quick work in a helping style that appeals to feelings and demonstrates understanding of the client’s difficulties.

Psychotherapeutic counseling produces a systemic restoration of the mental health of the client.

For example, a request comes in like: “I’m so smart, but everyone around is stupid, no one appreciates me. I’m so worried… But before… Is it possible to return that state somehow? — Here psychotherapeutic counseling is required for a long time, with debriefing and teaching the client to move from the role of the Victim to the position of the Author. The entire toolkit will go here, from listening to a complaint to instructions.

This is psychotherapy, but not one-time (operational), but long-term, systematically built.

Psychotherapeutic counseling should not be confused with psychological counseling. The first is psychotherapy, the second is not. Psychological consultation is an orienting conversation of a psychologist with a reasonable client about his life situation. There are no patients here, no one treats anyone.

It is unacceptable when, instead of consulting, psychotherapy is actually imposed on a client, just as it is clearly not enough and simply bypassed when a psychologist gives advice to a patient who really needs psychotherapeutic help.

When a client calls and asks for a consultation, be sure to clarify whether he needs a consultation or psychotherapy. At the same time, of course, the clients themselves do not know this and even usually do not understand what the question is about, but in the process of clarification, the psychologist can understand and feel what the client really needs.

Quite traditionally, there are three main approaches to psychotherapeutic counseling.

  • Problem-oriented consulting (consulting) is aimed at analyzing the essence and external causes of the problem, finding ways to resolve it. The approach is similar to behavioral psychotherapy, often involves the involvement of family members of the patient in counseling and organizational assistance to him and his family.
  • Personally-oriented counseling (counseling) is centered on the analysis of the individual causes of the problem, the genesis of destructive personal stereotypes, and the prevention of similar problems in the future. The approach is similar to psychodynamic psychotherapy, the consultant refrains on principle from advice and organizational assistance.
  • Solution-oriented counseling (solution talk) is centered on identifying resources to solve a problem. This is most typical for short-term positive psychotherapy and the synton approach. However, the synton approach, even if it starts working in the mode of psychotherapy, uses all the possibilities to switch the client to the author’s position and the mode of setting tasks.

The methodology of psychotherapeutic counseling usually includes such points as: Contact, rapport, format. Speak out, relax. Problem definition. Finding a solution to a problem. Working with the client here and now. Completion of the consultation. See →


In family psychotherapy — the construction of family genograms. Fascinating for the client, provides rich material for reflection and vivid persuasiveness for the therapist’s suggestions.

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