Psychotechnical tests – indications, obligation to perform, preparation. What to do if you get a negative result?

Psychological tests and tests assessing mental fitness and the ability to operate machinery (e.g. specialized construction equipment), drive vehicles (professional drivers, company vehicle drivers, emergency vehicle drivers, driving instructors and examiners, tram drivers) to perform certain work (e.g. work on high altitude).

What are the indications for psycho-technical tests?

After losing the driving license due to exceeding the permissible number of penalty points or driving under the influence of alcohol, you must undergo a psychotechnical examination to recover the document. A workplace, a doctor or the police refer to psycho-technical examinationsdepending on the reason why the tests are required. The tests are most often carried out by a psychologist or a team of psychologists in a facility that has the appropriate authorization to do so. Psychotechnical tests usually last from 2 to 3 hours.

The research consists of several evaluation tests:

  1. personality,
  2. intellectual ability,
  3. concentration,
  4. observation,
  5. speed of decision making, apparatus tests,
  6. containing research in the so-called “Darkroom” to determine the ability to drive vehicles at night.

Who is obliged to perform psychotechnical tests?

Psychotechnical tests are required to be performed by:

  1. driving school examiners and instructors,
  2. drivers and entrepreneurs who perform road transport,
  3. tram drivers,
  4. people who have lost their driving license due to driving under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances,
  5. persons applying for the position of a professional driver,
  6. drivers carrying cash,
  7. persons driving emergency vehicles,
  8. people using vehicles that require a category B driving license,
  9. miners,
  10. machine operators who perform work that requires psychological efficiency,
  11. persons involved in an accident in which another person was injured or died,
  12. drivers after exceeding 24 penalty points,
  13. drivers who have been referred for tests by a doctor.

How often should psychotechnical tests be repeated?

In the case of drivers and entrepreneurs who perform road transport, psychotechnical tests are performed depending on the age:

  1. up to the age of 60 – every 5 years;
  2. from the age of 60 – every 30 months.

However, examiners, instructors, tram drivers and emergency vehicle drivers should repeat the tests:

  1. up to the age of 65 – every 5 years;
  2. over 65 – once a year.


The frequency of psycho-technical examinations depends on the occupational medicine physician who refers employees to a psychological consultation. The duration of this type of research depends primarily on the type of test position. The person’s well-being, health and age are also of great importance.

Preparation for a psycho-technical examination

First of all, you should come to the psycho-technical examination well rested and well-rested, while on the day preceding the examination, consumption of psychoactive substances and alcohol is contraindicated.

What should you take with you?

  1. ID or passport,
  2. drivers: driving license,
  3. if used: contact lenses, glasses,
  4. a referral for a psycho-technical examination issued by the employer or a doctor (the examination is also possible without a referral),
  5. referral from the City Hall / Poviat Starosty, if any.

Psychotechnical tests and negative result

What if I have a negative ruling?

1. Examiners, instructors, taxi drivers, professional drivers and emergency vehicle drivers – if these people are not allowed to drive and the decision is negative, they can appeal within 14 days of receiving the decision. Such a letter is submitted through the psychologist who issued the decision to the Voivodship Center of Occupational Medicine, where re-examinations will be carried out.

2. Miners – in the event of contraindications to perform the profession of a miner, the examined person or the entity referring the research may appeal against this decision within 7 days from the receipt of the decision. Here, too, the appeal is submitted in writing, through the issuing psychologist, to the Voivodship Center for Occupational Medicine, where the examination will be repeated.

3. People working at heights, company car drivers and machine operators – there is no appeal procedure in the event of a negative decision on the test for which the examined person was referred by an occupational medicine doctor. The doctor decides about further treatment.

4. Drivers referred for examination by the President of the City, Poviat Staroste or the Police – the existence of contraindications as to driving and a negative result of the decision is not a final decision, because the test subject or the entity referring the examination, within 14 days of receiving the decision, may appeal to its content (via a psychologist, to the Provincial Center for Occupational Medicine).

Psychotechnical tests – frequently asked questions

How can I get a referral for psychotechnical tests?

The referral is issued by your doctor or employer, although this is not always possible. Therefore, there is a chance to perform a psycho-technical examination without a referral. People who drove a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances are referred for tests by the Mayor of the City or the County Governor. This also applies to drivers who have exceeded the 24 penalty points and those who have committed an accident in which another person was injured or killed.

Is a visual impairment a contraindication to a positive decision?

If the test person wears glasses or contact lenses on a daily basis, he should take them with him. Failure to do so may adversely affect the test result and extend the test time due to poor eyesight. Sometimes, due to the need of an occupational medicine physician, tests of twilight vision and glare sensitivity are performed.

I have lost my psychological judgment, what next?

If the test has been damaged or lost, you can apply for a duplicate. The price depends on the studio where it was made.

What should I do if I lose my referral for a psycho-technical examination?

If the psycho-technical examination is directed by the Poviat Staroste or the Mayor of the city – the referral is necessary for it to be carried out. In the event of its loss / destruction, you should immediately contact the competent office and try to obtain a copy of the referral. However, when the referral was issued by the employer or a doctor, you should ask for a new referral.

Can a psychological certificate for a driving instructor be used in the profession of a taxi driver?

The psycho-technical certificate issued for a driving instructor has a different legal basis than the one for a professional driver. In such cases, the test should be repeated.

How much time do I have to do a psychological test after receiving a referral from the City Hall / County Office?

After receiving a referral for examination from the above-mentioned institutions, there are 30 days for its execution and for the original of the decision to be delivered to the relevant department of communications. If the original of the decision is not delivered within the specified time – the driving license may be withdrawn.

How are the psychological tests of professional drivers (categories C, D, E) different from those of people who use a car requiring category B at work?

The research is similar, although there are different requirements and judgments for each of these groups. In the case of professional drivers, the certificate is issued for a period of five years. On the other hand, people who drive cars that require a category B driving license for business purposes receive a certificate without a specific date on which to perform another test.

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