Psychosomatics vs cosmetology: how to start the rejuvenation process

It’s impossible to turn back time. There is no magic that can change the flow of time. Every day a person continues to grow old, as if he was born only for this … If you think the same way, then you are greatly mistaken. The human body is the miracle you are looking for. And to become again the same as before — not a fairy tale, not fiction, the rejuvenation process can be started, so put all your doubts aside and go to your desire.

Psychosomatics vs cosmetology: how to start the rejuvenation process

What is this process

Rejuvenation is the process of regeneration of new cells by the body at the same rate as in youth. If we touch on esotericism and spiritual practices, then results can be achieved through the intention to be young, convincing oneself that this is possible, and starting to behave like a young person. It cannot be said that this is the most effective way, but it does not make sense to refute it, since some are able to follow these recommendations and achieve the goal. However, this requires not a single year of study and a completely different worldview. It is difficult to believe in a miracle and your own abilities, so we will talk with you about other methods of rejuvenation that you do not need to believe in.

How to start the rejuvenation process, relying on psychological techniques, including self-hypnosis and the study of stressful situations? Despite the fact that the basis of the psychological attitude to change the physical plane, as well as in the previous case, is confidence and purposefulness. The mechanisms of work of psychosomatics in this case differ markedly.

For the psychological study of this issue, the following attitudes and techniques are required:

  • Your body is always responding to your thoughts and lifestyle. Think positively, start eating right.
  • Associating with people who are younger than you will make you more energetic and give you the strength to live a full, dynamic and vibrant life, because you will unconsciously look up to your younger and more energetic surroundings.
  • Sports recreation, preferably where there is fresh air. This will affect the body very quickly. A healthy and strong body will at least stop aging at a double rate due to the constant changes in the hormonal background, the production of the necessary hormones of the adrenaline group, serotonin and dopamine.
  • Smile more and rejoice, the so-called hormone of happiness is able to work real miracles with your body. And even if at first the smile and emotional upsurge are not sincere enough, over time you will notice that enjoying life becomes more natural and easier.
  • Believe that you are young, confidence is the basis of many psychological processes.
  • Take care of your body, love it give yourself rest and good sleep.
  • Engage in meditation practices, breathing exercises and yoga, even if you are not a follower of the religions that practice them, in any case it is good for the body, even if it is purely mechanical and pragmatic. 

    Psychosomatics vs cosmetology: how to start the rejuvenation process

Intervention from outside

Cosmetology and physiotherapy also offer many proven ways to restore youth, for example:

  • Microcurrents. Therapeutic effect on the cover of the skin, muscle tissue and lymph with low voltage pulsed current. This method will not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also start the metabolic processes in the skin and muscles, which will support the result.
  • Ultraphonophoresis. With the help of ultrasound, cosmetic substances are introduced under the skin, which tone the muscles and start the rejuvenation mechanism.
  • A safe method for non-invasive injection into the upper layers of the epidermis medicinal substances that fight wrinkles, increase elasticity, correct the skin.
  • Chemical peeling. Special skin burn, which is controlled by specialists. Old skin is exfoliated, and the body is forced to build up a new, young one.
  • Collagen care is a long-term lifting, carried out according to the type of methods listed above.
  • Immunostimulation of the skin — increase and improvement of Lagerhans cells, which are responsible for the restoration of damaged skin areas.
  • Photorejuvenation — intense exposure of a beam of light to the layers of the skin, launches restorative and rejuvenating functions.
  • Plasticizing masks are cosmetic care products that can give a lifting effect and improve skin condition. 
  • Special massages. 

    Psychosomatics vs cosmetology: how to start the rejuvenation process

In general, you need to believe not only in yourself, but also in the fact that at least two more specialists are on your side: your cosmetologist and your psychologist. And the three of us cope with the task is already easier.


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