Psychosomatic disorders

Psychosomatic disorders affect many people, regardless of age and place of residence. Their occurrence depends not only on physical factors, but also on psychological factors. The mechanism behind this type of disorder is the subject of research by scientists and has not been fully discovered. Everything indicates, however, that the state of physical health is influenced by our well-being, mental health, and stress.

Where do psychosomatic disorders come from?

Psychosomatics is a discipline that combines the scientific achievements of psychology, medicine, neurology and many other sciences. It treats the human being as a whole, as a unity composed of two complementary components: mental (or mental) and physiological (biological). The basis of the psychosomatics approach to the problem of human health and functioning is the belief that psychological conflicts can cause symptoms in the biological functioning of the organism. Therefore, what is important is the coupling that occurs between the body and the psyche of each of us.

Not all symptoms of the influence of the psyche on health have been discovered and described by scientists. The mechanism of stress is the best known (which does not mean that it is completely) known. Its negative effect on the human body can be, for example, carcinogenic. Stressful situations provoke an increased release of glucocorticosteroids, which may contribute to the development of diseases such as hypertension or diabetes.

The Chicago Seven

However, psychological factors can affect almost every organ in our body. The most popular view of this problem is the so-called Chicago Seven, a compilation of examples of seven illnesses caused by psychological and emotional factors. These diseases have been described in detail in numerous books, they can affect both adults and children. The author of this list is the psychoanalyst FG Alexander, who described their manner of manifestation in 1950.

The list includes the following disease entities:

  1. stomach ulcers,
  2. hypertension,
  3. bronchial asthma,
  4. rheumatoid arthritis,
  5. inflammatory diseases of the large intestine,
  6. overactive thyroid gland
  7. atopic dermatitis.

The list is short, but the repertoire of mind-body health problems is not so limited. It should be emphasized that this issue has not been fully researched, and the Chicago seven itself could now be supplemented with several more disease entities. These will mainly be:

  1. overweight,
  2. sleep problems, insomnia,
  3. lack of appetite
  4. migraine headaches,
  5. heart diseases,
  6. tics, nervous behavior,
  7. addiction to substances such as drugs,
  8. autoimmune diseases,
  9. backaches.

The psyche and its influence on health

The mechanism by which stress works is relatively well understood. A stressful lifestyle – for example, living in a hurry or a demanding type of work – is largely responsible for the development of gastrointestinal ulcers. Most often, ulcers are caused by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. These are bacteria that are also present in healthy people who do not develop ulcers throughout their lives. In addition, some peptic ulcer patients are not infected with this strain of the bacteria at all. On this basis, it is estimated that environmental factors such as lifestyle, chronic stress or long-term malaise may also contribute to the development of this disease.

Negative mental states can not only cause specific disease entities, but also affect their course and the way they develop. This relationship occurs, inter alia, in the case of bronchial asthma. According to numerous scientific studies, attacks of this disease intensify in situations of excessive stress, malaise, and lack of rest. In these situations, asthma attacks are characterized by sudden onset and extreme breathlessness. A similar situation occurs in the case of people suffering from arterial hypertension. In stressful situations, in moments of increased anxiety or emotional agitation, the pressure may increase significantly. Stress also affects the condition of our skin, causing certain changes in it, such as skin blemishes, dry epidermis, itching or others.

How to deal with psychosomatic disorders?

In people suffering from psychosomatic disorders, various techniques of introducing into a state of relaxation may be helpful, by means of which the state of emotional arousal, stress or anxiety is reduced. One of the basic techniques is deep breathing. It is a deep drawing of air through the nose in such a way as to fill the entire lungs. It is worth using the diaphragm and pushing the abdomen out while inhaling air. After a few seconds, release the air and then repeat the cycle several times. As a result, it will lower your stress levels and make you feel relaxed. Other relaxation techniques are also helpful – regular meditation, massage, walk, rest.

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