Psychosis – types and symptoms of the disease

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Psychosis is a mental disorder characterized by a disturbance in the perception of reality and a lack of criticism towards the symptoms of the disease. There are many different types of psychosis, with different causes, course and treatment, but hallucinations and delusions are the common denominator.

Symptoms of psychosis

Initial symptoms of most types of psychosis are usually quite similar. We include among them:

– mood changes

– isolation,

– problems with memory and concentration,

– sleep and appetite disorders,

– loss of energy and lack of motivation to take action.

Psychosis in a more advanced stage characterized by the following symptoms:

– hallucinations: auditory, visual, sensory and olfactory hallucinations;

– various types of delusions, e.g. persecutory delusions (the belief that you are being followed or eavesdropped on), unveiling delusions (the belief that someone is reading our minds);

– emotional instability, isolation, inability to establish and maintain relationships with other people;

– frequent anxiety attacks, usually for no apparent reason;

– disorganization of behavior, consisting in excessive agitation or slowing down of movement and undertaking incomprehensible behavior;

– disorganization of thoughts, manifested in the formation of short, perfunctory statements, often completely inadequate to the situation;

– emotional coldness – difficulties in experiencing and expressing feelings.

Talk to a specialist about disturbing symptoms. You can use the option of an e-visit with a psychiatrist, where you can comfortably talk about your problems during an online chat. Sign up for an online consultation and receive professional advice without leaving your home.

Types of psychosis

Although all types of psychosis have many common elements, nevertheless – due to the development and course of the disease, the treatment method and risk groups – each of them constitutes a separate disease entity. These are the most common types of psychosis:

1) Schizoaffective psychosis – a medical condition in which there are symptoms both from the group of psychoses and mood disorders (depression, mania). Psychotic symptoms appear simultaneously with mood disorders, but they can also occur independently, between episodes of depression or mania. Due to the types of combinations of symptoms, the following are distinguished:

a) manic psychosis – is characterized by an elevated and irritable mood and the presence of symptoms characteristic of psychosis: delusions, hallucinations and disorganization of behavior and thoughts;

b) depressive psychosis – is characterized by a depressed mood and the presence of symptoms characteristic of psychosis: delusions, hallucinations and disorganization of behavior and thoughts;

c) manic-depressive psychosis, also called the mixed type of schizoaffective psychosis – for this type, mood swings are very characteristic: from mania and depression to the apparent recovery of mental health.

2) Postpartum psychosis – extreme reaction to the appearance of a baby, definitely stronger and more dangerous than baby blues or postpartum depression. It appears within a few days to several months after giving birth. Initial symptoms include separating oneself from relatives, reluctance to perform daily duties, especially caring for a newborn, avoiding contact with the baby. After some time, there is unjustified suspicion towards loved ones. A young mother begins to have thoughts about harming her child, but realizes the absurdity of her ideas. In the more advanced stage of the disease, a woman has hallucinations, usually auditory – she hears voices that urge her to harm the child or herself. Postpartum psychosis poses a threat to the health and life of the mother and child, therefore, if diagnosed, treatment must be started immediately.

3) Alcoholic psychosis – arises as a result of alcohol abuse, usually after many years of addiction. It appears within 2-4 days after stopping alcohol and comes in several varieties:

a) alcohol delirium – is characterized by the presence of unjustified fear that turns into persecution mania accompanied by disturbed consciousness. Insomnia is also a hallmark of this mental state. There may be visual hallucinations, most often in the form of insects crawling on the body;

b) Othello syndrome (alcohol paranoia) – psychosis affecting men with alcohol dependence (in some cases it also affects women). It manifests itself in excessive, morbid jealousy resulting from the paranoid delusion of the partner’s alleged betrayal. Any unusual behavior of a woman is sometimes perceived as undeniable evidence of infidelity;

c) alcohol hallucinosis – manifested by strong hallucinations, especially visual (famous white mice) and auditory (e.g. voices urging to kill). Alcohol hallucinations are often accompanied by severe aggression that is difficult to explain rationally;

d) Korsakov’s psychosis – for this type of alcoholic psychosis, memory problems are characteristic. The sick person often has “holes in his memory”, he loses many memories filled with imaginary stories. The inability to distinguish real time from memories and delusions is significant.

4) Paranoid psychosis – it rarely occurs spontaneously, more often it is the result of schizophrenia or drug intoxication. Its characteristic features are, above all, auditory hallucinations and delusions, especially persecution.

In the case of not only mental disorders, but also the work of individual organs, it is worth performing diagnostic tests, including those that detect pancreatic disorders. The indication for research is, inter alia, long-term medication.

See also: Tactile hallucinosis, or parasitic insanity

1 Comment

  1. አመሰግናለሁ እኔ የ12 ዓመት ልጄ ታሞብኝ ነበር ሳይኮሲስ ነው ተብዬ ነበር ግን እዚህ ላይ ካነበብኩት ምልክቶች የሱን አላገኘሁም ምን ሊሆን እንደሚችል አልገባኝም

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