
September is synonymous with returning to the routine after the holiday period, the return to schedules, the rush, the traffic jams, even, for some, to a little stimulating job. Against this background, episodes of anxiety, lack of energy and emotional pressure can occur known as post-vacation syndrome.
In general, readjustment to work occurs with absolute normality, even more so, when one returns to a job. favorable work environmentIt is done with renewed energy and enthusiasm since not only work is resumed, but also positive social relationships. However, for some people this process involves a sudden readjustment that causes psychological and physical discomfort.
The usual period of duration varies between two and three days and two or three weeks and although it is usually a transitory disorder, it is necessary to pay enough attention to it as it can lead to stress or depression if it goes beyond a month.
There is no specific treatment for post-vacation syndrome since it is usually overcome naturally with gradual adaptation to the routine, however, for the most persistent cases it is advisable to go to the psychologist to receive the necessary support before having to address more serious disorders.
In any case, prevention is the best medicine for this syndrome. A prevention that begins by relativizing with good humor what it means to go back to day to day and giving it the importance of each of the activities we carry out. Negative feelings should also be recognized and accepted naturally. By understanding what it is something normal and temporary it is possible to improve the attitude towards readjustment.
Another interesting option is to get involved in a personal, professional, family or social development project that focus attention and stimulate motivation in a way that encourages a more positive overall mood.
- Tiredness
- Abulia
- General discomfort
- Anxiety
- Sadness
- Lack of concentration
- Performance decline
- sweating
- Mood swings
- palpitations
- Insomnia
- Return with time: Do not return from your vacation the day before starting work, it is better to do it a few days before to facilitate the readjustment to home and not feel so abrupt in the change.
- Schedules: Try to adapt the schedule to the work schedule, recovering the sleep and balanced eating routines.
- Goals: Review what you have to do and set realistic goals and priorities. Starting with small achievements provides a sense of satisfaction and improves your attitude towards work.
- Sport: It causes general well-being and helps fight stress.
- Free time: Leave work at work and enjoy free time. You can take advantage of the weekend to make a getaway and rediscover that also working you can have great experiences.