
According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, mania it is a “kind of madness, characterized by general delirium, agitation and tendency to rage”, but he also defines it as “extravagance, capricious preoccupation with a subject or thing”; “Disordered affection or desire” and, colloquially, “resent someone or have a mania.” Due to this diversity of uses, we find many manias in our daily behaviors and in those of the people around us.
However, for psychiatry, it is a syndrome or clinical picture, which is usually episodic, characterized by psychomotor excitement derived from an exaltation of self-awareness. That is, it is the mood opposed to depression In which there can be, in addition to an abnormal euphoria and excessive humor, too much joy, an uninhibited behavior and even an increase in self-esteem that can reach an ideation close to delusions of grandeur.
As with depression, mania can be triggered by internal factors of the person as a genetic predisposition or a biochemical imbalance of brain neurotransmitters, or external factors such as lack of sleep, use of stimulant substances, lack of sunlight or lack of some vitamins.
The treatment of manic episodes can only be done under diagnosis, prescription and medical follow-up that will assess the need to use medications to stabilize mood. Early detection of key symptoms is vitally important. In addition, they can adopt preventive measures avoiding risk factors of external origin for this it is important to sleep the right hours, not consume stimulants or any type of drugs and have a healthy lifestyle.
- High loquacity
- Accelerated chatter
- Loss of thread of argumentation
- Excitement
- Hypersensitivity
- Incoherence
- Feelings of greatness
- Feeling of invulnerability
- Loss of risk assessment
- Disproportionate spending of money
- Hospital admissions
- Pharmacotherapy
- Prevention measures to avoid relapses
- Medical monitoring