Psychology Emotional dependency

Psychology Emotional dependency

La emotional dependence or pathological attachment is a psychological state that can manifest itself in couple relationships, but also in family and friendship relationships. These relationships are characterized by being unstable, destructive and very unbalanced. This psychological pattern makes others assume responsibility for the most relevant parts of their lives, they have difficulty in making decisions and, of course, an inability to express disagreement.

All this behavior has to do with the fear that relationships will end, panic over breakup and the intense fear of loneliness. Thus, it is common for these people to cancel themselves in favor of their friends, partner or friends and are very sensitive to the approval of others.

At the bottom of all emotional dependence there is low self-esteem and great insecurity that it is only avoided by cultivating self-love and self-knowledge. To generate healthy relationships with others it is essential to generate them before with yourself. This is the only way to prepare for a healthy relationship.

The first thing to get out of these types of toxic and unstable relationships is to recognize and accept reality and be aware that this emotional situation is not healthy. To verify this, you can make a list of things that have been stopped doing or that have been done to satisfy the other person and that in one way or another have harmful or harmful results.

To improve self-esteem, you have to work on different aspects, from assertiveness to decision. Start a new project and meet new people it can be a good opportunity to start healthy relationships. It is essential to stop comparing yourself and take responsibility for your own life and individual happiness, knowing the needs and desires.


  • Lack of own opinion
  • Insecurity
  • Easy handling
  • Identity is blurred
  • Feeling of inferiority
  • Can cause depression

How to detect it

  • Self-loathing
  • Tendency to depression and anxiety
  • Lower position in relationships
  • Fear of rejection
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Low self-esteem
  • Vacuum sensation
  • Insecurity

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