Psychologist Viktor Ponomarenko: biography, interesting facts

Psychologist Viktor Ponomarenko: biography, interesting facts

😉 Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing the article “Psychologist Viktor Ponomarenko: biography, interesting facts” on this site! Here you will learn about the main stages in the life of a popular psychologist, manager, and business coach.

Ponomarenko Victor Viktorovich

Victor was born on July 7, 1962 in the Urals in the city of Talitsa in the family of a career military man, engineer Viktor Nikolayevich Ponomarenko and his wife, doctor Tamara Trofimovna.

The young man graduated from school and entered the Moscow Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogova. Here his worldview and character were formed. He personally witnessed the return to life, excruciating pain and unbearable suffering, the hope of recovery and the collapse of this hope, human dignity and loyalty to his duty, not in words, but in deeds.

In medicine, these are not just words. It is a reality that is at arm’s length. Here you will not be able to be fainthearted and turn away. Reality takes you by the shoulders, powerfully “shakes” and you will look into her eyes. Medical students become adults early.

The Hippocratic Oath

The student years passed quickly. It seems that quite recently, they excitedly swore the Hippocratic oath, and already a farewell evening and young doctors with tears in their eyes are singing a song about doctors to the words of their fellow student V. Ponomarenko.

Ponomarenko had a diploma as a general practitioner and began his career in this very field. But very soon he was captured by another branch of medicine – psychology and psychiatry. It was here that the young doctor found an unfilled niche – the psychological prof. recruitment. He started from scratch, although he went through many refresher courses.

If he lacked knowledge, he compensated for this with ingenuity, which he successfully applied on recruits. After working for less than two years as a therapist, he asked to join the army, put on a lieutenant’s shoulder straps and became a military doctor.

About 150 recruits were brought in for examination every day. The doctor had three minutes for each of them. The task was not easy, to decide: can an 18-20-year-old boy become a sergeant or does his character contradict this?

Doctor Ponomarenko received 5-7 people at the same time. Talking to one, as if inadvertently observing the behavior of others. How do they behave: calm, confident or agitated, excessively talkative, etc.? I asked a couple of questions about quick wits and general erudition. This is how the psychological “sketch” of the character was created.

Calling – psychologist

Since 1989 he worked at the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Psychophysiology and Labor Psychology. In 1994 he graduated from the State Department of Psychology. social university, at the same time delved into various issues of neurophysiology.

Studying the so-called. “Difficult conditions”, he repeatedly went on business trips to Chechnya, where hostilities did not stop, and other “sore spots of the country.” The techniques created at that time have not lost their relevance today.

The largest criminal events that have taken place since the 1990s, the study of their psychological aspects was invariably entrusted to Ponomarenko. Here is some of them:

  • terrorist attacks in the capital’s metro;
  • explosions in trolleybuses on pl. Pushkin;
  • the murder of journalists Kholodov and Listyev;
  • the abduction of a group of TV journalist E. Masyuk in Chechnya;
  • detention of a serial killer in Losiny Ostrov park;
  • an attempt to hijack an aircraft at the Sheremetyevo airport …

Disagreement with the decision of the Russian government to close military medicine led to the resignation. The scientist took up private consulting. Retired Colonel Viktor Ponomarenko is the chairman of the board of the non-profit organization Center for Effective Teaching Technologies and lectures at prestigious universities in the country.

Dozens of books and articles have been written about his views on the ability to quickly recognize a person’s character, which will lead to the management of his behavior.

Business coach V.V. Ponomarenko in the cities of Russia conducts original training seminars on the method of “7 radicals”.

Workshop participants will learn about improving relationship management skills and dealing with difficult situations. Learn to practice the skill of quickly negotiating with “difficult people”. One can sincerely envy those who manage to attend the most interesting meetings with this psychologist.


In this video additional information: Psychologist Viktor Ponomarenko: biography, interesting facts

About Victor Ponomarenko

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