Psychologist’s Day 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
Psychologist’s Day 2022 in Our Country and the world falls on November and is a professional holiday for specialists who know how to “treat the soul”

With the increase in the pace of life and, in connection with this, stress, panic attacks, self-doubt and many other worries that accompany our lives, the demand for the services of a psychologist is only growing every year. It is very important for each person to understand that they will listen to you and not judge you. 

When is Psychologist’s Day celebrated in Our Country 

Psychologist’s Day 2022 is celebrated in Our Country 22 November, in honor of the first congress of the Psychological Society. This holiday is not official, but it is professional for all specialists in the field of psychology.


The first psychologists can be called the ancient shamans, healers and sorcerers. After all, the positive effect of their work was more due to the power of suggestion than from the benefits of potions and witchcraft rites. 

It was only in the XNUMXth century that psychology received a scientific focus and the founder of this was the physician, physiologist and psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, who first used experimental psychology to study the structure of consciousness on a scientific basis. 

The next stage in the development of psychology is the study and development of the method of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud, with the help of which he successfully treated neuroses. 

As for the development of psychology in Our Country, the first experimental laboratory was opened in 1885 by the physiologist Sechenov I.M. In 1912, the Institute of Psychology was established in Moscow. 

In the 80s, the introduction of universal secondary education led to the need to create a psychological service, which was experimentally developed over 10 years. Now the presence of a psychologist in schools is completely normal. 

In the 90s, the constant participation of educational psychologists in the educational process revealed the need to create psychological faculties in universities, after which the system of professional psychological education began to develop actively. 

Over time, the importance was felt in uniting professionals in this field into certain groups, where there was an opportunity to develop and increase knowledge in the field of psychology. 

So on November 22, 1994, the founding congress of the Psychological Society, the largest scientific organization of psychologists in Our Country, was organized. To perpetuate this important date, since 2000, it was on this day that the Day of the Psychologist began to be celebrated. 

Today, psychologists can be found in the system of education, healthcare, social security, in many enterprises, in private practice. Psychological culture becomes an important component of everyday life. It is necessary in any field, in the upbringing of children, in family and business relationships. 

Holiday traditions

Psychologist’s Day 2022 should once again emphasize the importance of the professional work of these specialists for our peace of mind, the opportunity to look at a seemingly unsolvable problem from the other side. Every year on this holiday, conferences, seminars, lectures are held, at which topics from working practice are raised, problems and achievements of modern psychology are considered. It does not do without solemn events, concerts, banquets and congratulations among colleagues and close people.

Briefly about the profession

A psychologist is a specialist who studies human behavior in various situations, deals with the correction of his actions in life, at work, in society. It helps to overcome fears, complexes, to understand oneself, one’s actions, to find out the root cause of certain erroneous decisions. All this is aimed at achieving harmony in human life. In other words, psychologists are “healers of souls.” 

A psychologist must have such qualities as: the ability to listen, empathize, but at the same time not take the client’s story to heart in order to be able to think sensibly and provide quality assistance, be patient, observant, have the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. In this profession, stress resistance and balance are required. 

If a person still decides to choose the path of psychology, then you need to be prepared that you will always have to learn. One higher education is not enough to become a practicing psychologist. It is necessary to take additional courses and obtain certificates, and in the future, regular improvement and confirmation of qualifications.

Moreover, studying at the university is in no way connected with reading the books we are used to on the relationship between people. This is a serious science that studies fundamental psychology, the methodology of psychological research, human genetics, neuropsychology, clinical psychology, etc. Throughout the training, students will have to study a lot of scientific works and psychological research. 

The training program in universities is designed for 5 years, but many of them are switching to a two-level system, where after 4 years of study you get a bachelor’s degree and then after 2 years – a master’s degree. The master’s program provides an opportunity to gain specialized knowledge in a particular area of ​​psychology. 

In any case, you need to choose the profession of a psychologist at the behest of your heart, and not following fashion. After all, this job will never be easy. You need to be ready to work with people whose problems and difficulties may seem insoluble, with people in deep depression, with developed aggression, uncontrollable teenagers, adults who do not understand. All of them need the help of a specialist who is confident in his abilities, ready to help, instruct on the true path, empathize and pull out human mistakes and utopian thoughts from the bottom. And every year the number of people who want to apply for this help will only grow. 

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