Psychological violence

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We usually have no problems recognizing physical violence. Its use causes pain and often leaves traces in the form of wounds, fractures and bruises. Although not everyone can cope with physical violence, they can recognize it. In this regard, psychological abuse is more problematic. Often times, the victim of psychological abuse is unaware that they are dealing with bullying. Nor is it always known how to prove psychological abuse, the traces of which are not obvious.

What is psychological abuse?

Psychological violence it is such a form of interaction with another person that makes them feel bad. Behind psychological violence any name calling, humiliation, blackmail, threats and manipulation are recognized. Over time, they take a recurring and increasing form.

According to statistics psychological violence far more often it concerns men who abuse women. However, please note that this is not necessarily the case. While some researchers believe it may be genetic or evolutionary, others talk about cultural issues and parenting patterns. Statistics may also be against men when they fall victim to this form of violence, but they are ashamed to report it. In any case, while the model is more likely to abuse a woman, the reality is that anyone can be a victim psychological violence. It occurs not only in partnerships, it can occur between parents and children (and vice versa: between children and parents, if the parents are older and the children take over the role of the head of the family), between superiors and employees, between teachers and students, etc.

It should be noted here that according to the law in force in Poland, psychological violence is a crime.

Psychological Bullying – Effects

although psychological violence leaves no physical traces, carries serious consequences for the victim and his surroundings. Victims of this form of violence are more likely to fall into depression, are stuck in anxiety states, and often attempt suicide. Their self-esteem and self-esteem deteriorate significantly. If the victims psychological violence children fall, this may have an impact on their emotional and intellectual development.

For adults, psychological bullying has effects in changing their behavior. Victims psychological violence they become withdrawn, passive, quiet. For experienced psychological violence They often blame themselves, becoming convinced that their behavior deserved such a reaction. In this way, a relationship of attachment to the torturer is created, and sometimes attempts to escape from reality into alcohol and other drugs.

Mental Bullying – Examples

Mental abuse it can take many different forms. They are often individual in nature, but there are also several repetitive behaviors. Among them are:

  1. disrespect towards the victim, which is manifested, for example, by disregarding her work, not taking into account her opinion, etc .; is often accentuated in the presence of third parties;
  2. limiting the victim’s contacts with other people, which may take the form of following correspondence, controlling conversations or any attempt to limit them, loosen relations with family and friends;
  3. morbid jealousy, accusations of treason or willingness to betrayal, finding its hallmarks in every action towards third parties;
  4. threats of physical aggression, hitting walls, countertops, slamming doors, destroying household appliances (throwing plates, etc.);
  5. verbal aggression, screams, quarrels, insults – but also persistent silence.

This type of behavior is always a manifestation psychological violence, however, everyone has moments of weakness in which they behave inappropriately. Psychological harassmente is a long-term effect violencewhich is characterized by a certain internal organization. The aggressor tries to isolate his victim by limiting or breaking their contact with the outside world. It also tries to cut off the victim from any activities that would be appreciated by others – such as work or hobbies. In this way, the aggressor makes his victim dependent on himself. Then he manipulates her in such a way that she begins to blame herself for what happened psychological violence. For this purpose, he can pretend to be a victim, for example, use crying to arouse pity. Apart from the violent episodes, there are times when he tries to be nice and good. The victim begins to suspect that they are responsible for any negative situations themselves, which of course is only the result of manipulation.

Victim psychological violence I need help. It is very difficult to get out of such a relationship on your own. The support of family or friends is important here, but in many cases not enough. It is worth contacting the National Ambulance Service for Victims of Domestic Violence, i.e. Blue Line.

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