
​​​​​​​Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

The schizoid needs help and accepts it with great willingness, following the psychologist even in directions that are paradoxical for ordinary consciousness. Basically, he is looking for books, trying to understand himself and his relationships, but he also willingly goes to live counseling. We understand now that all psychotypes need counseling. But mostly schizoids understand this, because they generally understand more in the world of science.

Other schizoids are difficult for psychocorrection, because they often seek help in esotericism or religion. They often delve into unscientific or even anti-scientific jungles and prejudices and sincerely believe in them, albeit not as stubbornly as paranoid ones, and not as firmly as an epileptoid trusts the constructions of paranoid authorities. Schizoids are quicker to logic, because they themselves think logically, and if they haven’t thought of something, they accept reasoning and information for reflection.

I see such help primarily in educational information, no matter how it is transmitted: books or the Internet — it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that books for the clouded brain of the schizoid are created not only by schizoids. And then “fog” on “fog” turns out to be “fog squared”. But it can also be lectures, discussions, trainings. In a clinic, polyclinic, in a separate psychotherapist’s office, in a school psychology circle, in psychological classes through the personnel department, in classes in the psychotechnics of communication and the psychology of relations in the contact zone in production or in the marketing field … But it is most fruitful to deal with schizoids in the club of psychological culture.

Such a club can be predominantly educational and training, such as the already mentioned «Little Prince». His principle is “here in the skete” and “there in the world”. This principle was professed by the elder Zosima Dostoyevsky. He did not invite Alyosha to the skete, but sent him into the world so that he would sow good things “out there in the world”. I understand the good in a different way than the writer Dostoevsky, but I welcome the «organizational side of the method» of Zosima.

So, “in the skete”, that is, in the club, we drink tea, get to know each other and make friends, help each other financially and morally, get married, have children and even get divorced (alas!).

But the main thing is that we are reshaping our worldview, obtaining practically important psychological knowledge and conducting trainings, acquiring new, optimal forms of interaction with people. And at the same time, we do not fence ourselves off from life, but stay in it, adapt to it and remake it. The main part of life passes «in the world», and not «in the skete». Those interested in the Little Prince Club are referred to my book Labyrinths of Communication (AST-PRESS, 2002) for details.

Another option is also possible. A club can be a kind of social niche in which the main part of the intellectual and emotional life of people unfolds. We are reshaping the worldview, passing on practically important psychological knowledge, conducting trainings, introducing new optimal forms of interaction with people. But!

The main thing is that we drink tea, get to know each other and make friends, help each other financially and morally, get married, have children and even get divorced (alas!).

“We feel good here, and we don’t need an external life with its rudeness and injustice,” many members of such a community decide. They, without completely shutting themselves off from extra-club life, prefer to communicate with like-minded people. Most of their lives are spent «in the skete» and not «in the world.» A network of such clubs in Russia, which has become a kind of psychological empire, was created by my student N. I. Kozlov. Many have read his already famous books “How to Treat Yourself and People”, “Philosophical Tales”, “The True Truth, or a Textbook for a Psychologist in Life”, “Personality Formula”. And he called his club network «Sinton» — a laconic word that has become popular and means «consonance». This refers to the consonance of souls. I refer those interested in such a system to his books.

My former employee N. Sugrobova (Aisha) has created an even more «cool» option — a community in a Russian village. In it, on the basis of Eastern beliefs (a mixture of Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, etc.), people live even more closed, although not quite: they communicate with the villagers, learn agriculture from them and work, conduct subsistence farming. They eat what they grow. They eat exclusively plant foods. Trust in the community. Married couples are also formed there, children are born and raised, everyone understands each other. Each day ends with a «psychological circle» in which people share their experiences. Theoretical problems of psychology that are of practical importance are also discussed. There is absolutely no competition. It is superseded by mutual aid. In this community, schizoids (however, there are sensitives, hyperthyms, and even epileptoids) are psychologically comfortable. At the same time, it is not a sect. There is no forced socialization of property. They earn by psychological help, counseling, healing, selling agricultural products. And they buy another village house once a year, improve it and receive people from different parts of the country who have nowhere to go.

I experienced the beneficial effect of the whole situation at Aisha’s. Therefore, I recommend her method not only theoretically. But according to my psychotype, I feel more comfortable in society and therefore prefer the method used in the Little Prince club.

Probably, it is necessary to do what I have, and what Kozlov has, and what Aisha has.

Often the creation of communities is associated with esotericism, religion, excessive authoritarianism of their founders. In my opinion, unfortunately. Schizoids, of course, are critical. But the psychological comfort that they receive in such «monasteries» (without actual monasticism) turns out to be more important for them. At the same time, schizoids themselves are prone to esotericism. They love esotericism in themselves, and not like hysteroids, themselves in esotericism, so they easily get along with the main direction of the leader and with other schizoids with deviant thinking.

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