Alas, none of us is born with instructions on how we are arranged and how we can live this life happily. We make mistake after mistake, and that’s okay. But knowledge about the structure of the brain will help you quickly understand everything and even change your life for the better.
1. Our brains can be «reprogrammed» to think and act differently.
And it’s not about surgical intervention at all, but about controlling your thoughts. After all, they largely influence how we behave and how this or that situation is ultimately resolved for us, says Dr. Conor Hogan, neuro- and social psychologist, co-author of books on mental health.
We are able to create new neural connections in the brain ourselves in order to:
- start thinking more positively
- to control events that used to have complete power over us,
- easier to accept reality as it is.
And due to all this — and to form new, healthier habits, which in turn also improves the quality of life. But how do we choose thoughts? This will be discussed in the next paragraph.
2. What we think about just before falling asleep affects our dreams and the unconscious.
What we see in a dream often resonates deeply with what we feel in connection with the events that occur in different areas of our lives. And the good news is that we can consciously choose what to think about before bed. This will directly affect our unconscious.
The neuropsychologist recommends treating these nightly thoughts as the products that we “feed” our brains with. And it is up to us to decide whether they will be useful and healthy or not. Fresh vegetables or fast food? Cola and alcohol or pure water and herbal tea? This evening’s «menu» definitely should not include regrets, reflections on the failures that have befallen us and limiting attitudes.
3. People stay in our lives simply because we keep them in it.
You may object: what about the family? How about close people? We don’t choose them! Yes and no. Living under the same roof or kinship does not oblige you to put up with negative comments or do just what the other person wants.
We are adults and are responsible for our actions and choices. We are able to distinguish bad from good and understand what is best for us and how.
So think about whether you should associate with people who do not support you, do not help you achieve the goals you are striving for, criticize and devalue your achievements. Even if these people are relatives or friends «from the cradle.»
4. Others trust us more if we show them our weaknesses.
Our mistakes and vulnerabilities make us more alive and human. Of course, going to a doctor or other specialist, we first of all want to see a professional who can provide us with quality assistance. And yet, in order to truly open up to another, we need to understand that he is the same person of flesh and blood as we are.
Therefore, it is so important that a professional is not afraid to be himself and be honest with his clients. Try to remember this the next time you make a mistake and are about to scold yourself for it. Down with excessive self-criticism and negative thoughts — they have never helped anyone.