For a long time, European psychologists have studied the behavior of progressive humanity living in the European Union. And they came to disappointing conclusions. It turned out that every European between the ages of 18 and 45 has at least five devices. Thus, 93% actively use a cell phone, 73% – a laptop, 60% – a DVD player. At the same time, almost half of Europeans said that they could not live without their mobile phone, and 42% – without a laptop. About 10% of the respondents admitted that they have several obvious signs of psychological dependence.
It is not difficult to determine Internet addiction, a morbid addiction to technical devices, as well as gambling addiction, this can be done by both the therapist and the patient himself. You just need to calculate how much time is spent on the Internet, how much is spent on calls and SMS correspondence, and how much is spent on live communication with people.
In which countries do the most addicted people live?
United Kingdom… Here, a third of residents buy appliances unnecessarily.
Poland… 19% of Poles reported that they feel angry if they cannot take advantage of a particular technical innovation.
Italy… This country is home to only 4% of gadget-dependent citizens who make unreasonable purchases of cell phones and other equipment.
Russia… Among our compatriots, the greatest losses are among young people. 85% of residents aged 18 to 35 have gone headlong into the wonderful world of cellular communications. Half of them are also psychologically dependent on players.
Should this disease be treated?
Internet addiction sooner or later, but most importantly, takes a person away from reality for a long time. This condition is especially dangerous for adolescents, whose goals in life may remain unfulfilled.
How to get rid of gadget addiction?
All treatment lies in one’s own determination. You need to find strength in yourself and set yourself limits. For example, instead of a player, take a book on the road. Do not strive to buy new gadgets, but give yourself a week to think. And, most importantly, communicate with real people in the real world more often!