The film «School of the Mind»

Advises Alexander Rapoport

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Psychological consultation is usually a one-time, situationally oriented conversation between a psychologist and a reasonable client about his life situation.

For example

I’m confused. I have forgotten how to want, it is not interesting to live. But it can’t go on like this anymore. I want to change. Psychological consultation: guidelines for where to move and clear instructions on how to improve your condition, how to want to live again.

Types of psychological consultation

Psychological consultations are professional and everyday, everyday, such as «just talk.»

Professional advice is a conversation (a series of conversations) and the provision of psychological assistance, when it is announced as a consultation, the consultant introduced himself as a consultant, indicated the expected fee and received the explicit consent of the now client. Informal conversations outside of these terms are not considered consultations, do not require licensing, and are not taxed.

The relevance of psychological counseling

Psychological consultation is possible while the client is in the position of the Author and is generally responsible for the direction of his life.

Psychological consultation is a rather rational procedure. At a psychological consultation, the client is in the position of a sane, active, strong person who knows how to solve his problems himself, knows how to determine his goals and priorities for himself. A psychologist in this situation helps to look at situations from new points of view, share his (sometimes very rich) life and business experience, show examples (options) for solving certain life tasks that are relevant to the client.

When the client does not hold the position of the Author, goes into the position of the Victim, is not ready to take the necessary steps himself, but expects a decision from the consultant, this is a more difficult situation, and work in such conditions takes place in a different format: once hypnosis, sometimes more long-term format of psychotherapeutic counseling.

Methodology of psychological consultation

Psychological consultation is usually a one-time, situationally oriented conversation between a psychologist and a reasonable client about his life situation. You can work right away, no special care is required for the client’s condition, it is normal to turn to the client’s mind and together with him, having understood the present, build the desired future. See →

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If you decide to consult a psychologist

Be prepared to pay for your questions. Which makes no sense to ask. A little about literacy Describe the problem in detail. Formulate what you want — not in a negative way, but in a positive way. How to ask a question so that you definitely want to answer it … See →

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