Psychological causes of acne
Acne is a problem that we most often try to hide from others. However, worries about this only worsen the condition of the skin. This is the conclusion reached by Norwegian scientists. They found a relationship between stress and pimples.
What does stress lead to?
A recent study of girls and boys aged 18 and 19 in Norway found that acne is common among teenagers who show signs of anxiety and depression, and the worse the skin condition, the more problems in life.
But does every sad thought provoke the appearance of pimples?
“Not necessarily,” says Mathew Avram, MD, a dermatology laser and cosmetic center at Massachusetts Hospital in Boston. “The study revealed a connection, but not a pattern.”
One thing is well established: skin condition can worsen during times of stress or depression. It is also possible that a person already feels depressed because of existing acne. This means that the whole thing is in the body, more precisely, in its reaction to stress.
It turns out that during times of excitement, our sebaceous glands begin to work much harder and produce more sebum. “As a result, waste products accumulate and clog pores,” explains Diane Berson, MD, a member of the Women’s Dermatological Society (USA).
Next: take the test and identify the cause of acne
A good mood and proper nutrition will return the skin to a healthy, beautiful appearance.
Hormone game
Hormonal changes have the same effect. That is why many girls report that their hair becomes more oily a week before the start of the cycle.
Examine the cosmetics you are using. Are you using pore-free products?
Does it happen that your cycles are irregular?
Have you noticed an increase in facial inflammation and greasy hair before your period starts?
“If you answered yes to these questions, hormonal surges are affecting your skin problems,” says Dr. Bernson. – In this case, your doctor will most likely prescribe birth control pills for you to help regulate your cycle.
Power failures
Long-term studies by nutritionists have shown that women who eat few raw vegetables are more likely to suffer from acne than those who include vegetables and fresh herbs in their daily diet. “Of course, celery in one go will not cure acne,” says Coco Auerswald, MD, University of California, San Francisco. “You need to constantly eat healthy vegetables and fruits.” But don’t be too hard on yourself, there is no evidence that a slice of delicious pizza will ruin your complexion.
Fortunately, dermatologists have a wide range of remedies to improve skin condition, relieve acne, enlarged pores, and redness. “There are medications that can target specific problems,” says Bernson. “Just visit a beautician.” And remember, problems won’t go away right away. But if you have the patience, you will definitely be able to handle them!