It happens that a vigorous and healthy person suddenly loses energy: a person lowers his hands, his eyes go dim, there is no strength. As a rule, this is not the disappearance of vital energy in itself, but its blocking.
If something else is poured into the tank instead of high-quality gasoline, the car will stop. A punctured tire or a broken gearbox gear is the same. A block is a hard obstacle in the way of vital energy.
The block can work due to the triggered negative anchoring, or it can be created as an unconscious protest reaction, revenge on life or drawing attention to yourself.
Psychological blocks can get in the way of many processes. So, in addition to blocks of energy, one can distinguish blocks of desires (suddenly — you don’t want anything), blocks of happiness (suddenly — happiness went out), blocks of love (in order of revenge, he blocked his love).
Run processes, on the contrary, the keys of these processes. For example, the keys of happiness, the keys of love.
What is considered blocks, what is not: the boundaries of the concept
Blocks are often called things that only look like them, but are not blocks.
A block can be called an inefficient mental process in which a lot of energy is wasted: pity, self-blame, suppression of internally unacceptable desires, etc., when energy is wasted, it goes to the wrong place.
For example, see →
Yes, and this also leads to a decrease in energy, but the blockage is that. and a hole in that. — different things, although problems with water arise in both cases. These are not blocks, but an energy leak, an inefficient energy-intensive mental process, leaky processes in the soul.
Some psychotherapists call blocks rigid maladaptive, limiting beliefs, “You can’t” or “It must be so” with categoricalness without explanation (must-anism). It is clear that they also interfere with life and development, but it is probably more correct to call them not blocks, but rigid limiting beliefs.
Is it really about the blocks?
Many psychotherapists immediately see a block interfering with normal life behind any difficulty; for them, the cause of any difficulty in a client is, of course, a block.
If you want development, look for blocks. If you want to find love for yourself, look for your deformities, which you hide from others and which take a lot of energy to suppress.
It should be borne in mind that the causes of problems can be in no way connected with psychological blocks. Energy often disappears after several days (or years?) In a row, a young man led an unhealthy lifestyle, was stupid in front of the TV in the evening and went to bed only in the morning. The feeling of happiness is tightly connected with health: if untreated teeth have been hurting for a long time and diarrhea has begun, it is apparently not a matter of psychological blocks — put yourself in order. Love is the same: a man may not be familiar with this feeling if he lives at the level of an animal, speaks obscenities and, in principle, does not consider women to be people. Psychological blocks are the problem of sufficiently developed, healthy and educated people.
Opportunities and limitations of working with blocks
Psychotherapists love to look for blocks and work with blocks. You can often come across the idea that when we remove the interfering block, the client will automatically be fine, all problems will disappear — at least in this direction. This is hardly true.
If a blood clot clogs a vessel, blood circulation is blocked. However, if the clot is removed, the body will not automatically become young and healthy. If the body is not trained, then removing the fitness block will not add to the body, and if the client was drunk, then he will remain so.
The girl complains that she does not have relationships with men, she cannot find her man in any way. The constellation psychotherapist finds a block in the third generation of ancestral memory and, having carried out the procedure for forgiving the great-grandmother who had an abortion, the girl (suppose) was freed from the block. What, she is now guaranteed a man? Even if a girl (this happens) does not know how to organize herself, cooks poorly, is not used to doing sports, communicates in conflict and dresses tastelessly? — It is obvious that the girl has nothing to count on an easy way. Anything is possible, but she has a lot of work to do. Working with blocks is an important thing, but there is no need to be under illusions: it will not replace the client’s own work.
Working with blocks
When working with blocks, a professional should not forget about the role of suggestions. If any girl is given a rich experiential ritual and told that now, after passing it, the blocks that interfere with her have been removed, now she will have enough love, desires and happiness, it is likely that the girl will feel exactly that. Question: is it true that the blocks have been removed or only a qualitative suggestion has been made? And how many days will it last?
How to find blocks, how to work with them?