Psychodrama: everyone can find their star

How to meet love? How do others see me? Can I behave differently? .. Many people are concerned about these kinds of questions, but not everyone is ready to solve them with a psychotherapist. Well, there are other ways – for example, participation in the Psychodrama Conference.

Here you can talk with psychologists, see how they work, and it is not necessary to become their client. Psychodrama conference will be held June 9-12 in Moscow. About who comes to it and what gets, we asked the chairman of the organizing committee Olga Malinina.

Psychologies: Psychodrama conference is different from most others. How?

Olga Malinina: It differs twice: we do not have what usually happens at conferences – reports, abstracts and important inaccessible people. And there is something that usually does not happen at conferences: active interaction, laughter and jokes, close acquaintance with others, deep work with oneself. This is explained simply: such is the nature of the method itself – psychodrama. It does not imply reasoning about the problem, but an almost instantaneous transition to action.

How is it?

Imagine – the client is in thought, two or three problems have surfaced in his mind at once – where to start? The psychodramatherapist will offer to “choose with your feet”: designate topics symbolically, with the help of objects – often these are colored ribbons – and listen: where your “legs are carrying” it. The choice is at the level of sensations. And the scene is already unfolding…

But doesn’t the stage, the show, contradict sincere living?

Display does not mean that we are doing something for show, even more so that we are pretending. And by the way, in psychodrama there are no spectators – all participants, because the action is not invented, not rehearsed, the client extracts it from his experience or fantasy and unfolds it simultaneously in two spaces: physical, real, and in the metaphysical space of his experiences. And everyone who is present, watch, deeply empathize. After all, we are talking about topics that are important for everyone: relationships with parents, children, parting, memory, meeting.

It turns out that psychotherapeutic work is going on at the conference?

Yes, that is right. At the same time, everyone can adjust the depth of inclusion. Someone wants to work with their problem, to be the main character, someone wants to play the roles assigned to them by the main character, for example, the role of Mother, Child, Tree, Sun … And someone wants to remain just a spectator – and he has such an opportunity there is. Nobody is forced to do anything.

What if someone gets too involved in their problem? After all, not everything can be solved in three hours allotted for a master class, can it?

First, a qualified facilitator knows how to regulate the depth of immersion in the problem. Secondly, between the master classes, additional events are held, psychological relief. There you can talk about the feelings that remained after the master classes, or do some kind of physical activity: go to dance classes or gather around a symbolic “bonfire” and sing along with the guitar. Or choose a craft workshop. For example, Alena Burenkova conducts classes every year, where she shows how to make rag dolls-amulets – without seams, without scissors. This year we will make a Grace doll.

At the conference, I stated the problem – I’m dissatisfied with my personal life, I can’t meet anyone. And right there I met a man

Is this only for women?

Not at all! The men always come too. This is not just needlework, it has a deep meaning, an appeal to myth, to the connection of generations. But the opportunity to do something with your hands – not because it is necessary, but because it is pleasant and interesting – this is what the townspeople lack.

As I understand it, several workshops are going on at the same time, you need to choose …

Yes, and many say that it is difficult, because often you want to get into two classes at the same time. But making choices is an important life skill, so we kind of train it that way. In addition, you can come to the leaders you like on an individual basis – after all, these are all practicing psychologists, they lead both groups and receptions.

Do you need a specially organized space for such a large number of workshops, different halls?

Every year we look for a suitable place. And this year we were very lucky: we were invited to Khoroshkola – this is a new school, they have their own building, recently built and very suitable for us in terms of atmosphere – there is a lot of air, a feeling of spaciousness and at the same time comfort. There are tables on the ground floor, you can pour tea, take dried fruits, sit on a bench, talk to each other or just relax. This is very suitable for us, the organizers of the conference, because it is important for us that all participants have a sense of freedom, openness, and creativity.

Something that is often missing…

It is true that in ordinary life such a state is rare. In everyday life, we don’t really open up, it’s not safe, and people around us are not always ready to hear us, to find out what we think. But for each person, this is an important experience – to be open to the world and to be accepted, to feel respect and interest from others and at the same time, one’s involvement with a common action, experience, inclusion. It all happens at the conference. Of course, these four days are different from the ordinary. And maybe that’s a good thing. Because to live in such a deep immersion in yourself is difficult, it is a very intense experience.

This year we will have a special psychodramatic exercise and breakfast so that the participants do not feel lonely, especially if they are with us for the first time

Why then dive into yourself at all?

The value of immersion in yourself is that it opens up the possibility of significant transformations. We change ourselves – and then we can change our reality, life.

Can I have an example?

I will tell about myself. It was many years ago, at a conference where I was a participant. I was then dissatisfied with my personal life, I could not understand why I could not meet anyone … And right there, at the conference, after the workshop where I stated this problem, I met a man – I went up and spoke to him. And it suddenly turned out to be quite easy, although earlier it was not just difficult, but completely impossible!

Who comes to the conference? Is special training needed?

No, preparation is not needed. Once a man called the organizing committee: “I’m in Moscow for a few days, I want to spend them with benefit, I was advised your conference. Are you interested?” “Yes,” we answered, “come.” And he came and said later that he was pleased with his choice. Although there are many psychologists among the participants and those who are interested in psychology, self-development, maybe they want to choose a psychotherapist for themselves or plunge into an atmosphere of trust and acceptance, feel it, find new acquaintances. It also happens that the psychotherapist invites the client to participate in a group after individual work. This year we will have a special psychodramatic exercise and breakfast – so that the participants do not feel lonely, especially if they are with us for the first time, so that they can get to know others and get involved in what will happen next. Special training is required only for leaders – and these are psychologists with extensive experience, with their own ideas, topics.

Are they only psychodramatherapists or are there representatives of other areas?

Of course have! We are trying not only to unite the community of psychodramatists, but also to show other methods, so we have psychoanalysts, narrators, family psychologists, Gestaltists speaking.

Every year the conference has a new unifying symbolism. What is this year?

This time, the metaphor will be a journey through the universe, and the hero will be the Little Prince. The idea behind this is this – everyone has their own star, and I want everyone to find it. So the organizing committee and volunteers will wear a small crown so that they can be seen and anyone who needs any help can turn to them.

About expert

Olga Malinina – psychodramatherapist, chairman of the organizing committee of the 16th Moscow Psychodrama Conference.

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