What is psychoanalytic therapy, how does it differ from psychoanalysis and Jungian therapy, what tasks does it set for itself and for whom is it suitable?
1960s By this time, it became clear that psychoanalysis as a method of therapy is not suitable for everyone who needs psychological help. Psychoanalysis takes a long time and requires large financial outlays; its purpose is not to cure a certain symptom, but to uncover the underlying causes of its occurrence. The development of psychoanalytic psychotherapy begins.
Both of these psychotherapeutic practices are based on an analytical approach to the human psyche and its disorders. The difference between the two is that in therapy the emphasis is not on the exploration of the psyche, but on the resolution of specific behavioral and psychological difficulties that the patient faces.
Today, psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a common practice that allows patients to achieve tangible improvements in a relatively short time.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is often referred to as a lightweight version of psychoanalysis. The objectives of this type of therapy are as close as possible to the goal of psychoanalysis: to help the patient become aware of his unconscious conflicts – the causes of his behavioral and emotional difficulties.
To achieve this goal, the psychotherapist listens to the patient (by the method of free association) and interprets unconscious contents. However, unlike psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic therapy places more emphasis on supporting the patient.
Operating principle
Psychotherapy, in its broadest sense, is a set of psychological actions aimed, firstly, at eliminating painful symptoms, and secondly, at the patient’s personal growth. To achieve these goals, representatives of various therapeutic schools use different techniques and methods. Psychoanalytic therapy, like psychoanalysis, addresses the unconscious.
It plays a leading role in the formation of symptoms, adjustment problems or relationships.
However, this direction has many differences from psychoanalysis. The patient does not lie on the couch, the session takes place “face to face” – the therapist thereby emphasizes a benevolent attitude towards the patient (in contrast to the neutrality of the psychoanalyst).
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy, like psychoanalysis, is a “treatment with words”: the patient tells the therapist everything that comes to his mind, and thereby gives vent to his painful emotions, experiences and fantasies. Talking about past traumatic experiences has a therapeutic effect in itself.
On the part of the therapist, it is reinforced by the interpretation (help in understanding) the patient’s unconscious conflicts, as well as his non-critical, friendly attitude and support, which allows the patient to gain a new experience of communicating with another person.
The first 3-4 meetings are devoted, as a rule, to clarifying the complaints with which the person came to psychotherapy. The result of these meetings is the joint formulation of goals that the therapist and the patient can achieve as a result of work.
After the conclusion of the therapeutic contract, the psychoanalytic psychotherapist, as it were, fades into the background, giving more space to the patient and encouraging him to express as fully as possible everything that comes to his mind. Gradually, the patient learns to freely express his thoughts and feelings, doubts, questions to himself, mentions his dreams and fantasies.
The therapist focuses on his unconscious, trying to find the causes of difficulties in it.
Psychological transference also becomes an object of interpretation, as in psychoanalysis. This helps to see, right in the session, how the patient’s past relationship is reproduced in his current relationship with the therapist.
Indications for use
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is effective not only for neurosis, depression, phobias or personality disorders (like psychoanalysis). Her technique has also been adapted for the treatment of more severe disorders – psychosis and psychosomatic diseases (in these cases, the psychotherapist usually works in tandem with a psychiatrist or general practitioner). In addition, a new direction has been actively developing recently – psychoanalytic couples therapy.
How long? How much is?
The duration of the course of psychoanalytic psychotherapy is shorter than that of psychoanalysis: from several months (short-term therapy) to 3–4 years. Meetings take place once or twice a week; their frequency depends on the psychological state of the person who applied for help, and on his material capabilities. The spread in prices depends on the experience and qualifications of the psychotherapist and ranges from 2500 to 5000 rubles per session (1 hour).