
Many people wonder who he is and how he differs from a psychiatrist or psychologist.

A psychoanalyst is a specialist who practices psychoanalysis. In order to engage in this field of activity, it is necessary to obtain additional higher education.

What does he do?

The main task of his work is to help the individual to understand himself. The specialist helps patients reorient their life path, reveal hidden factors in psychological behavior.

If you notice any mental disorders that do not give you the opportunity to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, then the first thing to do is to seek advice from a doctor in this category.

This is a kind of psychotherapist who has basic knowledge of psychology, professionally trained.

How is an appointment with a psychoanalyst?

The specialist has one medical tool – this is the word. He only heals them.

At the doctor’s appointment, communication takes place, the result of which can assess the degree and importance of psychological influences. During the conversation, the doctor must interpret all the important events, share them with the patient. It is worth going deep, getting acquainted with the most distant experiences, re-experiencing them. Today, situations can be perceived differently, that is, to interpret what is happening. Thus, a person will be able to understand for himself what exactly traumatized his subconscious and left a deep mark.

Freud called this treatment “truth therapy.”

The result of remembering, realizing and understanding the truth gives the client the opportunity to know the truth of all his past experiences.

Psychoanalysis can last several months with regular long conversations. Treatment will be considered successful if a person can independently search for the causes of his subconscious conflicts and successfully resolve them.


There are several methods of psychoanalysis that help to get to the depths of the human subconscious. Let’s take a look at them

free association

To achieve free association, there should be the most comfortable, favorable conditions.

During treatment, the person should be as relaxed as possible. He is asked to sit on a soft chair with a back, to say all his thoughts, memories aloud (absolutely everything that comes to mind). It can even be absurd, trivial, illogical thoughts. An important condition for such treatment is the absence of a doctor. The client only needs to hear it. Thus, the patient can relax as much as possible.

The main goal of free associations is to reach the deepest connection, which is located at the very depths of the human subconscious. Thus, the specialist will be able to find out the reasons that suppress a person so much.

Interpretation of resistance

As scientific studies show, a person usually fails to remember what the subconscious mind has some resistance to. In his subconscious, the client wants to change something, forget, stop his suffering and unconsciously resists. The main task is to rid him of the old, unsatisfactory behavior pattern.

It is very important that the specialist correctly knows how to work with resistance. Only then can a positive result be achieved.

Dream analysis

There is another interesting method that will reveal all the secrets of the unconscious. To do this, we need to analyze dreams. Freud always maintained that the content of a dream is the repressed desires of a person. He conducted a lot of research and came to the conclusion that through sleep you can determine the unsatisfied desires of a person, his experiences.

Psychoanalysts tend to say that if you work with dreams correctly, you can understand the depth of the individual, his symptoms, motivational conflicts.

Emotional relearning

It is the process of encouraging patients to use new, intellectual insights from their habitual way of life. Each of the methods of psychoanalytic treatment leads to the fact that the patient becomes deeply aware of the causes of his behavior.

This method of therapy is already carried out at the final stage, since first self-awareness is necessary.

How to find a good specialist?

Do not search through advertisements, newspapers or the Internet. If a person really has knowledge of this field of activity, has a great productive experience, then he will not need advertising.

A person who received qualified assistance, was satisfied with the result, will definitely tell his friends and acquaintances about it.

Psychoanalysts are not accepted on the territory of simple hospitals. They work on the territory of private clinics, since effective communication requires a favorable, comfortable atmosphere, and, unfortunately, a public hospital does not have such conditions. The psychoanalyst works independently, does not ask for help from other specialists.

Child psychoanalyst

A child specialist needs to achieve a location for himself, that is, to interest the conversation as much as possible. The moment of conversation can be diluted with role-playing games, communicate, reward for good behavior.

Why does a child need such help?

A pediatrician will help to deal with problems of communication, behavior with peers. It will also help to find the true causes of hyperactivity, lack of perseverance, suspiciousness, impaired attention, shyness, stubbornness, absent-mindedness, insecurity and many more children’s problems at the psychological level.

What are the benefits of a qualified psychoanalyst?

A real doctor gives patients more space. Always friendly, respectful, not directive to customers. He carefully listens to all free associations, tries to find out the provoking factors of the problems of internal self-knowledge. This doctor will help his knowledge, experience, conscious empathy.

Always listens to the feelings that arise during the process of communication with the patient, and then analyzes everything heard.

Remember that in the course of work between the doctor and the patient there should not be any relationship, only a conversation – and that’s it. Moreover, during some treatment methods, the patient does not see a specialist at all. There is a so-called conversation with oneself in private.

The psychoanalyst has no right to disclose all the information received. Everything remains only between them.

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