The concept of «psychoanalysis» and «psychoanalytic approach» was introduced into wide psychological (and cultural) use by Sigmund Freud, and therefore, for many people, «psychoanalysis» still means the approach of Sigmund Freud: the idea of Id, I, Super-I, dominance libido and oedipus complex. Today, however, it is no longer possible to say so, since at present a fairly large number of authoritative specialists with different theoretical ideas consider themselves to be psychoanalytic currents, and Freud’s psychoanalysis today is only one of the varieties of psychoanalysis. More often it is called classical psychoanalysis, or Freudianism.
Next to Freud, the main line of the psychoanalytic approach is represented by Alfred Adler (individual psychology) and Carl Gustav Jung (analytical psychology, Jungian psychotherapy). Representatives of neo-Fredism, in particular Harry Sullivan, Karen Horney and Erich Fromm, already proceeded from the social determinism of the human psyche, but they are also representatives of psychoanalysis.
What unites today all researchers who in one way or another hold a psychoanalytic view of what is happening in man and with man? Psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic approach today is the explanation of human behavior by psychological causes in himself, of which he himself is not aware. It is clear that today a huge number of specialists, practicing psychologists use such explanations.
For example, we analyzed the behavior of a person and understood the internal benefits hidden from him.
Mom swears at her daughter «loafer», but she herself does not let her daughter work. Why? Because in fact, she is unconsciously afraid of the independence of her daughter, who can leave her alone. “It was psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis of internal benefits.
Or, we were able to learn about significant or recurring events in our patient’s life that are highly likely to have shaped her current habits, attitudes, and emotional responses.
It turns out that the mother always told her daughter “Men cannot be trusted”, and today an adult girl avoids close, trusting relationships with men. Her current behavior became clear to us — it was also psychoanalysis, at the same time social psychoanalysis and at the same time psychoanalysis of problematic beliefs «Men cannot be trusted,» and today an adult girl avoids close, trusting relationships with men).
A wide variety of childhood impressions (including those not connected with sexual experiences in any way) or childhood decisions and habits can impose a serious influence on adult life, and it is the task of psychoanalysis to understand and unearth these childhood influences.
The theme of the importance of motherly love in childhood is a major theme in psychoanalysis. It is possible and necessary to argue whether childhood grievances and the fact that you have not forgiven someone affect your life today — but you need to be aware that this is psychoanalysis. In this case, the psychoanalysis of childhood roots in adulthood.
For all the prevalence of such explanations, psychoanalysis is not synonymous with the indisputable. Talking about birth trauma and its impact on the life of an adult is a variant of a very controversial psychoanalysis.
Examples of psychoanalysis
- Psychoanalysis of Adler: confusion in the market
Evaluation of the analytical approach
As a theoretical approach, psychoanalysis provides rich and valuable material for understanding the behavior of both children and adults. As a practical approach aimed at changing the approach, the analytical approach can be useful, plays its own role, although in most cases, working with the present gives both faster and more real results: see →.
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