Psychoanalysis – How Does It Work? Who created? Contemporary psychology

It is quite difficult to define psychoanalysis in a sharp way. This problem stems from the fact that psychoanalysis has undergone many changes, both when it was developed by its creator, Sigmund Freud, and his students and successors. Nowadays, psychoanalysis occurs in many varieties (one line is from e.g. Carl Gustav Jung and James Hillman, different from Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Žižek) and is associated with many fields – not only with psychotherapy, but also with culture criticism or literary studies. . This is because at the heart of psychoanalysis is a deep desire to understand people, their actions and motivations

Psychoanaliza it is therefore primarily a method of getting to know a person, the structure and operation of his mental apparatus. Subsequently, this knowledge enables the treatment of psychopathology, i.e. situations in which the aforementioned mental apparatus works improperly, which results in psychoses.

Zygmunt Freud – theory of psychoanalysis

although Sigmund Freud he changed his mind many times about the various elements and mental processes, and at different stages of development psychoanalysis emphasized its different aspects, one can indicate an outline theories joy based on a few key concepts. We should start with the subconscious, which is an area of ​​the psyche that we are not aware of, and which has a great influence on us. Various contents are stored in the subconscious mind – memories, desires, fears, etc. – that we do not think about on a daily basis. However, they can influence our conscious choices. According views joy they can also take various forms in which, when masked, they appear to us within our consciousness, e.g. in the form of dreams, predictions, slips.

Freud’s psychology also posits the existence of a triad known as Id, Ego i Superego. In fact, Freud did not use names id, ego, superego – they were introduced and popularized by English translators. In Freud we find German terms that can be translated as To, I and Over-I. Psychoanaliza assumes that Ego (i.e. I) is the most conscious instance of our psyche. Ego it’s the way we identify ourselves as we are. It is stretched between two other instances: Superego (or Nad-Ja) that accumulates different patterns of behavior (ethical, religious, professional, family) and Id (i.e., It) which represents all our primitive desires, sexual fantasies, aggression, etc. Ego it is the field of collision between “high” values Superego and “low” cravings Id. In this way Id, Ego i Superego they embrace what we are and what we would like to be – both sublime and primitive.

An equally important element views of Sigmund Freud is libido. Its character changed over time, initially Freud believed that it actually exists in the human body, with time he considered it psychic energy or a metaphor. In any case, libido is the energy that drives human actions that is primarily sexual in nature. Psychoanaliza he pays a lot of attention to human sexuality, although it must be remembered that he is not limited to it. Libido, if it does not find a sexual outlet, can, for example, be sublimated and expressed in the form of art. It can also be repressed and come back in a negative form, e.g. aggression.

Freud and psychology

although psychoanaliza had a great influence on contemporary development psychologythen you have to remember that Freud’s theories and psychology they don’t always go hand in hand. The biggest difference is that in psychology – generally speaking – we have a certain model of “normality”, to which we should lead patients who, as a result of upbringing, accident or trauma, have moved away from it. In psychoanalizie it is very difficult to talk about any norm. The mental apparatus develops individually in everyone, and although various obstacles have certain consequences, they are common. In other words: psychoanaliza it does not presuppose a norm, because if it did, one would have to conclude that everyone deviates from it and that we are all (in different ways) abnormal.

It doesn’t mean therapy psychoanalytic has no purpose. Freud made it clear that it was an effect psychoanalysis it should be to bring the patient to a state where he is ready for love and work. This means that psychoanaliza can introduce ways to control your own behavior that will help you function properly again and enjoy life to the fullest. However, due to the individual approach to each case, it is difficult to judge how long it will last psychoanaliza. These types of therapies often go on for years.

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