Psychics about the causes and consequences of the coronavirus epidemic

Psychics about the causes and consequences of the coronavirus epidemic

The number of people infected with coronavirus continues to grow around the world. Healthy Food Near Me turned to several psychics to find out how they explain the pandemic in the world of subtle matters, and most importantly, what awaits us in the future.

Psychics about the causes and consequences of the coronavirus epidemic

Looking through the Instagram feed the other day, we came across a publication by Andrey Malakhov. The TV presenter posted a joke that he found, apparently, on the Internet: “20 seasons” of the Battle of Psychics “, and none of them said about the coronavirus!”

And then we thought … No, not about presenting the clairvoyants of all Russia for their short-sightedness, but about asking them to comment on the situation. Where did this virus come from? For what? What for? And what will be the consequences of its spread for our country and the world as a whole?

Nicole Kuznetsova I am sure that all the events taking place in the world are nothing more than a consequence of the struggle between the forces of good and evil. “Wars, epidemics, diseases, hunger – all this evil has been inherent in the universe since the time of its creation. People should receive punishment, get sick, grow old and disappear from this world – therefore, health breakdowns are embedded in our nature. And during a pandemic, the appearance of these “breakdowns” becomes landslide and massive, “the psychic believes.

Nicole assured that there is no need to be afraid of infection and panic. “Each has its own life span, and until it is over, death will not take a person. If he gets sick during a pandemic, he will definitely recover. Nevertheless, any test is sent in order to teach people a lesson. Fear, suffering during illness, the feeling of an imminent catastrophe – all this reboots the soul. Each person gets the opportunity to show their best qualities, to do something kind and good for others. The coronavirus pandemic is a story in the spirit of “there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped,” Kuznetsova is convinced.

The psychic also looked into the future to see what awaits us in this difficult period. “The fact that Russia is being scolded abroad and within the country will do it well. Strong power, a steady hand, order and discipline are not overly appreciated in quiet times. However, in times of rampant illness, people feel much safer in just such an environment. There will be no panic or catastrophe in Russia. Everything will remain under control, our country will suffer minimal losses, ”Kuznetsova is sure.

Asks to leave fear and panic and Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova… “The coronavirus is not as bad as people say. Yes, there are outbreaks of epidemics, but I can say that this will affect Russia to a lesser extent. The virus takes power from human panic. He is deadly only when a person is afraid of him. Now we are witnessing the third world information war. People are in fear, and it is he who prevents them from making the right decisions, ”the clairvoyant assured.

In describing COVID-19, Kazhetta refers to it as a mutating gene. The disease itself, according to Akhmetzhanova, is similar to pneumonia, but has some “improvements”. The psychic believes that the causes of the coronavirus are not only natural.

“There is, of course, a political component behind all this, as well as a divide and rule principle. I think that after the pandemic, the number of citizens traveling abroad on vacation will decrease. Also, countries want to take control of illegal travel abroad to work. However, it is not just about politics. The planet itself in this way gives signals to humanity about its problems. Apparently, fires, floods and other natural disasters do not affect people’s consciousness as much as a virus. The earth tells us that it is fighting for its rights. Man has forgotten that not only he inhabits the planet, and therefore it strikes back. In this situation, we have no choice but to learn a lesson and be attentive to each other, ”the psychic explained.

“I don’t see a massive quarantine in our country like what is happening in Europe now. Restaurants will be partially closed, cultural centers, schools and institutes will switch to distance learning. Transport links will operate normally, ”continued Cashetta.

Akhmetzhanova looked into the future and saw that the situation would improve by the end of May, and in June we will all breathe a sigh of relief. “People will go back to normal life. In the summer, everything will work, we will have something to do, ”the psychic concluded.

Nadezhda Shevchenko I am also sure that it was the person who had a hand in creating the infection. “It is a laboratory virus containing three powerful viruses. We can say that this is a biological weapon against humanity, ”the psychic shared.

Hope is confident that the pandemic is not accidental and that this should serve as a lesson for all of us. “This is a punishment for the bestial attitude to nature, to ourselves, to our soul. We forgot that the Earth is our mother and stopped taking care of it, ”Shevchenko noted bitterly. The clairvoyant said that the world will cope with this epidemic, but he will have to pay a very high price.

As for our country, Nadezhda is sure: we ourselves are responsible for the outcome of events. “We continue to take precautions lightly. People chasing money have forgotten the value of life itself. In my opinion, the peak incidence in Russia will be in September-October, but we are able to reduce mortality: increase immunity over the summer, protect the elderly (do not contact directly, supply food, help with medicines), take all precautions. If we continue to disregard everything, to go abroad by hook or by crook, the mortality rate will be very high. We got on one ship, there are few boats, so let’s think not only about ourselves, but also about others, ”Shevchenko said.

Nadezhda also gave some practical advice on how to prevent the spread of the virus.

“More positive emotions, more joy, less hysterical television that includes fear. Bath with pine brooms, hot drinks with black thyme, herbal teas, fresh air, aromatic oils, oxolinic ointment (can be applied right around the nose), vitamins, fruits, vegetables – in general, everything that will strengthen your immunity and protect against the virus. And do not forget about hygiene: after visiting the street with the simplest soap – household, bath – wash your hands up to the elbows, face (in contact with the eyes), shoes. If you don’t have an antiseptic at home, buy vodka. Change towels often. And be healthy! ” – the psychic shared her advice.

Psychics urge you to take precautions

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Galina Yanko gives a more optimistic forecast, believing that the coronavirus epidemic will decline from the end of April. “People will forget about this infection as quickly as it appeared, return to normal life. For our country, I do not see any serious losses. The Russian economy will not suffer as much as in the European Community, ”the psychic noted.

Yanko echoes his colleagues and believes that the coronavirus is a biological weapon against humans. “China’s population is incredibly high. Many countries are afraid of such a massive increase, and, perhaps, thus, war was declared on the Celestial Empire. However, no evil goes unpunished, and now the coronavirus is everywhere. A change of power is coming in world politics. In my opinion, in the future, Russians will not be able to visit many countries, since they will change the rules of entry for our citizens, ”Galina said.

Believe in the above or not, it’s up to you. However, we note that the majority of psychics agreed that Russia will be able to withstand the coronavirus epidemic with dignity and with minimal losses. And how much this turns out to be true depends only on you and me. Be healthy, take care of yourself and your loved ones.   

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