Psychiatrist, psychologist or psychotherapist?

Psyche in ancient Greek means soul. The names of professions beginning with this word most often refer to people dealing with the human psyche. Currently, we have a number of institutions that can help us with mental problems or disorders, but do we always know when to go to whom? So let’s explain.


Psychologist – is a person who graduated in psychology. These are uniform studies granting the master’s degree, lasting 5 years. There are many universities in Poland offering this field of study, most often they are studies at psychology and humanities faculties. After graduation, a psychologist can work in a hospital – as clinical psychologist, in workplaces – as psychologist whether to cooperate with athletes – as sports psychologist. These are just some of the possibilities. Completion of studies already gives the right to work in the profession, however, after graduation, you can additionally complete various courses and specializations, which grant additional qualifications.

A clinical psychologist often helps to diagnose, for example, dementia syndromes, using appropriate diagnostic tests. In addition, the psychologist may issue various judgments and opinions to the court.


Psychotherapist – most often it is a psychologist who additionally completed 4-year studies in psychotherapy. Moreover, apart from psychologists, such studies can be completed by persons with a diploma of doctor, nursing, psychology, pedagogy and rehabilitation. The psychotherapist helps patients with psychiatric disorders and diseases, e.g. depression, anorexia or bulimia, as well as with personality disorders. Many studies have confirmed the effectiveness of psychotherapy in the above-mentioned problems (especially in combination with pharmacotherapy).

Psychotherapists operate in various currents: cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, systemic, which differ in the ways of working with the patient. Most often, one meeting with a psychotherapist is not enough – patients arrange a series of meetings that may last several weeks or even several years. During the meetings, problems are most often discussed, the appropriate techniques used (e.g. imaginative), the psychotherapist may order homework, and the bond between the patient and the psychotherapist plays a huge role. Therefore, it is extremely important to trust each other and find a suitable psychotherapist who will not be ashamed and afraid.


A referral is needed to a psychologist and psychotherapist, preferably from a psychiatrist. Meetings with a psychotherapist may be reimbursed by the National Health Fund. Neither a psychologist nor a psychotherapist can prescribe medications.


Psychiatrist – it is always a doctor who, after completing his studies and a 13-month postgraduate internship, started or completed (then he is called a specialist doctor) a specialization in psychiatry. They work in psychiatric hospitals or mental health clinics. They prescribe appropriate medications, refer them to a psychologist or psychotherapist, consult patients in other departments. They deal with patients with psychiatric disorders and diseases, and give opinions to the court.

Psychiatric drugs can be ordered by any doctor – including a family doctor, but it is a psychiatrist who can properly diagnose the disease in order to choose those with an appropriate profile and effect from a wide range of drugs.

You do not need a referral to a psychiatrist.

I hope that the differences between a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist have been clarified a bit. It is important to know who to go to in case of problems, or to whom to refer the closest person in case of disturbing symptoms.


Read also:

  1. When to go to therapy?
  2. What are the types of psychotherapy? Indications for a visit to a psychotherapist
  3. Hug me and save me, which is the worse face of psychotherapy

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