Psychiatric consultation – when is it worth using? WE EXPLAIN

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A psychiatric consultation is a conversation with a doctor, the main purpose of which is to improve the mental state of the patient. Unfortunately, few people decide to meet because they are afraid that they will not be understood. Why have there been so many false myths around psychiatry? What does a psychiatric consultation really look like? We check when it is worth using it and how to prepare for it.

Psychiatric consultation – who should take advantage of it?

Psychiatric consultation is mainly addressed to people who have mental problems, but also struggle with somatic ailments that make it difficult to function and perform daily activities. Patients who want to know the diagnosis of their health condition, as well as implement the doctor’s recommendations and at the same time change their lifestyle, also contact a psychiatrist.

Also check when it is worth using the help of a psychologist

Psychiatric consultation – questions that should be asked before the visit

The question of who should go to a psychiatric consultation is also associated with a series of questions that you should ask yourself before visiting a doctor for the first time. These can include:

• Are you in a crisis?

• Do you have a mood disorder?

• Are you depressed?

• Do you suffer from bipolar disorder?

• Do you feel nervous?

• Do you feel afraid of leaving home? Do you suffer from social anxiety disorder?

• Do you suffer from headaches and stomach pains that worsen under high stress?

Even one affirmative answer qualifies the patient to go to a psychiatric consultation.

Psychiatric consultation – who runs it?

Psychiatric consultations are conducted by psychiatrists who have obtained a medical diploma with a psychiatric specialization. They can issue prescriptions, medical certificates and medical leaves ZUS ZLA (L4).

Find out what a psychiatrist does

Psychiatric consultation – should you be afraid of it?

A lot of false information is circulating around a psychiatric consultation, which is why some people are afraid to go to the doctor. However, it is enough to overcome your own fear to find out that talking about your mental health is nothing to be ashamed of. A psychiatrist is a doctor whose task is to make a diagnosis and propose the best form of treatment to deal with specific disorders.

Fear of the first psychiatric consultation – how to deal with it?

The previous issue is related to the fear of the first psychiatric consultation, which is a normal reaction to a new one – meeting with a stranger. In order to feel fully prepared for the visit, it is worth having medical documentation prepared, as well as a list of medications that the patient is taking, including those prescribed by the family doctor.

Worth knowing

Psychiatrists advise that, in extreme cases, questions important to the patient should be printed on a piece of paper.

Psychiatric consultation – first impression

During the psychiatric consultation, it is worth mentioning that it starts from the moment the patient enters the office. The first impression is very important for the doctor. A person who is depressed may wear dark or contrasting colored clothes to unconsciously emphasize their mental health. It is similar with patients with mania – they choose flashy stylizations more often.

During the conversation, the doctor will discreetly pay attention to the patient’s posture, maintaining eye contact, as well as the pace of speech and the performance of restless movements (including frequent movements of the fingers and involuntary trembling of the legs).

Psychiatric consultation – next steps of the visit

During a visit to a psychiatrist, the doctor checks whether the patient shows disorders such as:

• orientation disorders – a psychiatrist checks whether the patient has autopsychic orientation disorders (the patient knows who he is) and allopsychic orientation (the patient knows what situation he / she is in, what time it is);

• mood disorders – the doctor may ask the patient to mark his mood on a specific scale, eg from 0 to 10, where 0 would be depressed and 10 would be euphoric;

• perceptual disturbances – the patient may be asked if he perceives or hears anything beyond the operation of a particular sense. This is primarily about the occurrence of hallucinations related to schizophrenia;

• thinking disorders – mainly about the pace of speech and disturbances in the content of speaking, which may result in delusions and obsessions. All kinds of intrusive thoughts as well as compulsions (e.g. washing hands too often) are also connected with the issue of obsession.

Psychiatric consultation and suicidal thoughts

Asking about suicidal thoughts is often considered unethical by people unrelated to psychiatry, because they believe it may lead to their creation. However, this is a mistake because a psychiatrist may ask such a question.

Your doctor may ask you about suicidal thoughts.

He wants to know the way of thinking of the patient. On the other hand, a person who comes to the consultation will feel safe in the company of a doctor who cares about his health.

Psychiatric consultation – what else can a doctor ask?

A psychiatrist may ask the patient about the patient’s medical history, as well as events that may seem insignificant at the moment of the conversation, because they are seemingly unrelated to the patient’s disease. The psychiatrist, wanting to get to know him as best as possible, may also ask about the psychoactive substances and stimulants used (alcohol consumption, smoking), as well as conflicts with the law. In addition, the doctor may order laboratory, psychological or neuroimaging tests.


Already during the first consultation, in most cases, the psychiatrist is able to propose a specific treatment plan to the patient and, if necessary, select the appropriate pharmacotherapy.

Online psychiatric consultation – does it work?

Online psychiatric consultation is also a form of help. It will work mainly for people who have social phobia. In this case, however, you should carefully browse the websites to find a doctor and try to call him to make an appointment for the first time. The psychiatrist will certainly understand that we are afraid to leave the house. A patient who is undergoing therapy can also make an on-line consultation, especially if he or she wants to go on vacation without interrupting treatment.

Check how patients behave on the Internet

Psychiatric consultation – frequency of meetings

The frequency of subsequent psychiatric consultations will depend on the symptoms the patient has and how many visits he or she needs during the week. It may be even 3-4 meetings with a psychiatrist. There are also less frequent visits (e.g. once a month).

Psychiatric consultation – how much does it cost?

The price of a psychiatric consultation depends on the doctor’s qualifications. It can vary from PLN 100 to PLN 300 per visit. Differences also arise from the place where patients are admitted, including the city. Psychiatric consultations are also reimbursed under the National Health Fund (NFZ).

Psychiatric consultation in children and adolescents – what does it look like?

First psychiatric consultation for children and adolescents looks completely different to adults. The minor patient comes to the meeting with the parent / parents. During the interview, you will surely ask questions about the reason for the visit, the course of treatment, as well as selected information about the child’s functioning at school or a group of peers.

The diagnosis of a minor patient does not have to be made during the first meeting with a psychiatristwho may need at least 2-3 appointments to diagnose a medical condition. After the diagnosis, an appropriate form of treatment of the child can be introduced, usually consisting of subsequent visits to the doctor. He may also prescribe medications.

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