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Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that occurs in psoriasis. Inflammation includes the interphalangeal, spine, sacroiliac joints, but also inflammation of the skin and nails. Psoriatic arthritis is classified as an autoimmune disease, i.e. a disease in which the immune system destroys the body’s own cells.
Psoriatic arthritis – a description of the disease
Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints that often occurs together with psoriasis of the skin, but it is not necessarily the case. Experts say psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a form of psoriasis, as it develops in 40% of people. patients with skin psoriasis.
Psoriatic arthritis is often confused with ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis. The disease cannot be transmitted through any contact with a sick person. It is an autoimmune disease, but people with the HLA-B27 antigen are more likely to develop it. Psoriasis is not considered an inherited disease, but skin psoriasis is one of them.
The most characteristic symptom of psoriatic arthritis is changes in the interphalangeal joints (near the nails) in the hands or feet. Another typical symptom of the disease is the formation of bone spurs around the affected joints and asymmetrical involvement of the joints. There is no rheumatic factor in psoriatic arthritis.
Psoriatic arthritis develops mainly in the peripheral joints, but can also affect the spine and sacroiliac joints. In addition to the joints, tendon attachments, synovial bursae and periarticular tissues may also be involved. The disease leads to joint deformities and very often to disability. An example of an attack of psoriasis on periarticular tissues is the sausage finger symptom. The affected finger can actually be compared to a sausage because it is swollen, strongly red and the skin on it is very warm. These symptoms are also accompanied by pain.
Specialist cosmetics are necessary for the care of skin with symptoms of psoriasis. It is worth considering, for example, Dr. Michaels cosmetics. At Medonet Market you can buy: Psoriasis – body and scalp washing gel, Psoriasis – regenerating skin conditioner, Psoriasis – soap for daily care of sensitive skin, Psoriasis – skin care ointment.
In relieving the skin symptoms of psoriasis, use thermal iodine-bromine brine for the Zabłocka bath. It has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin. Perfectly moisturizes and can also be used in the case of acne, stretch marks or cellulite.
Psoriatic arthritis – types
Psoriatic arthritis can be mild or severe. Like most joint diseases, this one is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation of symptoms. The prognosis of this condition depends to a great extent on the patient’s age at which the first relapse appears. The earlier the disease appeared, the worse the prognosis was.
The disease most often affects people between the ages of 20 and 40. Women get sick as often as men. Carriers of the HLA-B27 antigen, which can be determined from a blood sample, are more at risk of an attack of PsA, as well as of skin psoriasis.
Specialists distinguish several types of psoriatic arthritis:
- Classic variety – the disease affects the distal interphalangeal joints of the hands and feet, which makes it easier to distinguish it from rheumatoid arthritis. This type of PsA is more common in men than in women. Psoriasis lesions usually appear on the nails and are called the thimble symptom. This means that the entire nail looks like it has been pierced with a pin, you can see distinct depressions, like holes. Over time, the joint next to the nail deforms.
- Arthritis mutilans variety – it is a rare form of the disease, in which there is significant deformation and loss of finger bones as a result of osteolysis, i.e. bone dissolution and resorption as a result of inflammation in the joint.
- Symmetric polyarthritis – This type of psoriatic arthritis is difficult to distinguish from rheumatoid arthritis, especially when RA develops without the presence of rheumatoid factor in the blood (a seronegative form of rheumatoid arthritis). This form of the disease often occurs together with skin psoriasis. Only when the lesions affect the distal interphalangeal joints can you be sure that it is not RA. With this form of the disease, joints quickly become stiff and inflammation can spread to tendon attachments as well. Another symptom of polyarthritis is the loss of bone density around the joints.
- Non-symmetrical arthritis – the most common form of psoriatic arthritis, which also develops in the joints of the feet. But this does not mean that it cannot attack the joints of the hands or knees as well. Joint exudations are characteristic of this type of disease. Arthritis is accompanied by skin psoriasis. Often the sick also have the sausage finger symptom.
- Variation affecting the joints of the spine – diagnosing this form of the disease is very difficult and is sometimes confused with ankylosing spondylitis. However, after an X-ray of the spine has been performed, it can be seen that the sacroiliac joints are attacked asymmetrically. Over time, the disease spreads to the peripheral joints and tendon attachments.
If you are at risk of developing arthritis or suspect the disease, you can perform a mail-order examination for arthritis of the spine and limbs. It focuses on the diagnosis of spondyloarthritis, which is a group of diseases that include psoriatic arthritis.
Treatment of psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is classified as an autoimmune disease, i.e. a disease in which the immune system destroys the body’s own cells. To date, no effective treatment for this disease has been developed. However, good management of psoriatic arthritis is possible. Since PsA leads to joint destruction and stiffening, the main goal of treatment is to prevent disability. That is why the cooperation of the patient with the doctor is so important.
- If you suffer from psoriasis, try Psoriasis herbal blend. The infusion prepared on its basis should be drunk 3 times a day.
In the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, moderate exercise, which prevents stiffness of the joints, plays a huge role. The type of exercise and the extent of physical exertion are best discussed with your doctor, as overloading the joints may accelerate their deformation.
The patient should also know that taking fish oil has a beneficial effect on his body. Avoid any situation that may trigger another relapse, i.e. severe stress, infections and injuries. Whenever possible, patients with psoriatic arthritis should avoid beta-blockers, anti-arrhythmic drugs and lithium salts as they may adversely affect the progression of the disease.
In the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, pain relievers are used, i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying drugs (e.g. methotrexate, sulfasalazine), which are selected depending on the type of disease. For example, sulfasalazine is more appropriate for the spinal strain, and methotrexate when the inflammatory process affects the peripheral joints. Disease-modifying drugs are not administered to patients when psoriatic arthritis affects the distal interphalangeal joints.
If the deformities are advanced and the joints are not very mobile, the doctor may offer the patient a surgical procedure. It is possible to perform arthroplasty or synovectomy, i.e. an operation to remove the synovial membrane in the joint, altered by the inflammatory process.
The Allnutrition brand offers a high-quality dietary supplement supporting the good functioning of the joints. The wealth of natural ingredients, including collagen, has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling and helps to counteract musculoskeletal diseases. You can buy Flex All Complete 400g at an attractive price on