Psoriasis: is it a genetic disease? 12 scientific facts about psoriasis!
Psoriasis: is it a genetic disease? 12 scientific facts about psoriasis!Psoriasis: is it a genetic disease? 12 scientific facts about psoriasis!

Psoriasis is one of the most mysterious skin diseases. Its symptoms and symptomatic treatment are well understood, but scientists still argue about the causes of the disease. Most scientists believe that psoriasis is a genetic disease. However, it is not excluded that it arises due to environmental factors. Psoriasis affects up to 4 percent. across the population, men and women are equally affected.


Everything you need to know about psoriasis!

  1. Psoriasis is a genetic disease because when it is detected in one identical twin, there is an 80% probability that the other twin will also develop it.
  2. However, fraternal twins have a 20-25% chance of getting the disease. Sometimes the disease also manifests itself without a clear genetic background, so it is difficult to predict whether a person will get it.
  3. If the parents are sick, it doesn’t mean that the children will be sick too. In the case of psoriasis, the risk of developing psoriasis in one child if one parent is affected is 25%. If both father and mother have the disease, the child can inherit the disease 60 percent of the time. cases.
  4. There are at least a dozen types and forms of psoriasis. One disease is not like another. Determining the type of psoriasis allows for the appropriate selection of drugs and further management of the patient.
  5. Most psoriasis symptoms affect the back, scalp, elbows, and knees. Sometimes though symptoms of psoriasis they also appear elsewhere.
  6. Not all types of psoriasis cause pain. Patients complain of pain when they suffer from e.g. psoriasis.
  7. Pimples in psoriasis appear in all types of psoriasis, but they are most common in psoriasis pustular psoriasis.
  8. Pimples may start to bleed, exudate may appear on the folds. Such symptoms are characteristic of exudative psoriasis.
  9. The first symptoms of psoriasis very often appear after a viral or bacterial disease that has greatly affected the body’s immune system.
  10. Symptoms of psoriasis may also appear as a result of using certain heart drugs, e.g. beta-blockers.
  11. The disease is treated with drugs and anti-inflammatory ointments. Steroid ointments bring very good results. Sometimes the doctor also prescribes immunosuppressants. Painkillers are also helpful.
  12. The vitamin recommended for patients with psoriasis is vitamin D. It improves the condition of the skin, regenerates and repairs it. Also, vitamin A can have a nourishing effect on the skin and inhibit the appearance of further symptoms.

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