Psoriasis – causes, symptoms, treatment, photos. What do the different types of psoriasis look like?

Psoriasis is a common ailment (in about 2-3% of white people), the causes of which are very complex. Genetic determinants and chronic, latent bacterial or viral infections as well as many immunological, cytological and vascular phenomena play an important role.

Psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic, inflammatory, relapsing and non-infectious skin disease that affects approximately 2-4% of the population. It can occur at any age and in both sexes, and the development of lesions depends, among others, on genetic, immunological and environmental factors. Although numerous studies have been carried out, the causes of this unpleasant disease are not fully understood.

Psoriasis is associated with increased, mild epidermal proliferation, which together with the inflammation leads to skin changes of varying intensity – from discrete papular lesions to extensive plaque foci of ordinary or pustular psoriasis. In a certain group of patients, changes in the osteoarticular system can be noticed, which significantly worsen the quality of life, and in extreme cases cause irreversible disability.

It is worth mentioning that psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases, affects 1-3% of the population of the temperate zone countries. It occurs equally often in both sexes, only articular psoriasis occurs slightly more often in women.

It can appear at any age – from early childhood to old age. The peak incidence occurs in adolescence and the period between 50 and 60 years of age.

As an adjunct in the care of psoriasis skin, use Optima Natura Natural Grape Seed Oil, which should be regularly massaged into the skin. We also recommend Dr Duda’s Psoriasis Skin Cosmetic Set, which is currently available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

The importance of genetic factors in the development of skin psoriasis: in approximately 30% of patients, psoriasis runs in families, and inheritance is defined as autosomal dominant with limited penetrance.

The coexistence of psoriasis in fraternal twins in 15-20% of cases, and in identical twins in 65-70% of cases, supports the confirmation of the participation of the genetic factor. The risk of developing psoriasis in a healthy family is 1-2%, when one of the parents suffers – 10-20%, while when the disease affects both parents, the risk of developing psoriasis increases to 50-70%.

If you have a problem with psoriasis, reach for Psoriasis – a mixture of herbs to prepare an infusion, the regular drinking of which improves the condition of the skin. On the skin, you can use Farm-Vix peat ointment for psoriasis.

Depending on the course of the disease and the relationship with the HLA system, there are two types of psoriasis.

  1. Type I – onset of the disease – before the age of 40, the peak incidence is between 18 and 22. year of life. Frequent occurrences in the family are observed, not infrequent relapses and extensive skin lesions.
  2. Type II – late onset – after the age of 40, peak incidence after the age of 55. Type II is characterized by a lower familial incidence and a high influence of environmental triggers.

Psoriasis risk factors: in all forms of psoriasis, large intra- and extracorporeal factors that may initiate or aggravate the disease process and trigger further relapses. The most common triggers are:

  1. physical factors – dermabrasion, vaccinations, burns, insect stings, injections, surgical wounds, cuts, scratches, tattoos and ultraviolet radiation (UV),
  2. infections – acute and chronic streptococcal infections,
  3. chronic bacterial and fungal infections,
  4. inflammatory dermatoses – e.g. shingles, chicken pox, acne and seborrheic dermatitis,
  5. hormonal factors – menopause, puberty, pregnancy and childbirth,
  6. stress,
  7. medications taken – corticosteroids, lithium salts, antimalarials, beta-blockers, NSAIDs, inerferon,
  8. diet, alcohol, cigarettes,
  9. metabolic disorders in the form of uremia or hypocalcaemia (e.g. during dialysis),
  10. HIV / AIDS – Psoriasis is more common and more severe in HIV-infected people.

Also read: Psoriasis of the scalp – what are the symptoms, causes and treatment?

People affected by psoriasis can reach for the Psorisel scalp psoriasis set or choose one of the following cosmetics:

  1. Psorisel night liquid for psoriasis,
  2. Psorisel night emulsion for psoriasis,
  3. Psorisel psoriasis shampoo.

Skin psoriasis and other diseases

Psoriasis can coexist with other diseases: in people with psoriasis, an increased incidence of cardiovascular dysfunction and metabolic disorders can be observed.

This is related to the following observations:

  1. Psoriasis risk factors are also risk factors for heart disease and metabolic disorders
  2. smoking, overweight, stress, dyslipidemia;
  3. both in psoriasis and in diseases of the cardiovascular system, we can observe an increased concentration of total cholesterol and LDL fraction and a decrease in the concentration of HDL fraction, an increase in the concentration of triglycerides, apolipoproteins and the acute phase index;
  4. an important relationship has been proven between the aforementioned parameters, the risk of heart disease, premature development of atherosclerosis, and the severity and duration of psoriatic lesions;
  5. pro-inflammatory cytokines produced in the inflammatory process in psoriasis have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system, glucose, fat and uric acid metabolism;
  6. in obese patients, numerous adipocytes are a significant source of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

In patients suffering from psoriasis, the following occurrence is more frequent than in the general population:

  1. coronary diseases and myocardial infarction,
  2. arterial hypertension,
  3. hyperlipidemia with accelerated development of atherosclerosis,
  4. glucose metabolism disorders and diabetes,
  5. obesity,
  6. thrombophlebitis
  7. pulmonary embolism
  8. stroke.

For the care of skin with psoriasis, you can use Blue Cap shower gel for scaly and itchy skin, which is available at a promotional price on the Medonet Market.

Also read: Know the seven diseases you see on your skin

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

Red and red-brown flat lumps are specific for psoriasis, of various sizes, clearly demarcated from the surrounding skin and covered with white-silvery scales. When you try to scratch the lesions, the scales fall off, forming thin flakes resembling candle scrapings, then a shiny surface becomes visible (a symptom of a stearin candle) and a pinpoint bleeding (Auspitz symptom). Development is also a characteristic feature psoriatic lesions at the site of skin trauma (Köbner symptom). In the care of skin with psoriasis, you can use Bioherba’s Enchanted Tonic cleansing for oily and combination skin, which soothes inflammation, irritation and redness.

Depending on the size of the lesions, the following are distinguished:

  1. punctate psoriasis,
  2. plaque psoriasis,
  3. geographic psoriasis,
  4. erythrodermic psoriasis.

Psoriatic lesions can affect all areas of the body, however, the most characteristic places of occurrence of lesions are:

  1. elbows and knees,
  2. straight surfaces of upper and lower limbs,
  3. lumbosacral area,
  4. torso,
  5. hands and feet,
  6. hairy scalp,
  7. skin folds,
  8. nails.

Psoriatic eruptions are usually symmetrical.

Skin with psoriasis requires proper care. You can buy Cannaderm skin care ointment for skin with psoriasis at Medonet Market. You can also try Atopos cream for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, which has an anti-inflammatory effect while nourishing and regenerating the skin.

Also, learn more about psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis – the course of the disease

Psoriasis is distinguished by a chronic and recurrent course. There are asymptomatic periods of varying duration. They alternate with the seasons of skin lesions, which occur most frequently during spring and autumn, often under the influence of various stimulants. There are two main types of psoriasis – psoriasis vulgaris and pustular psoriasis.

Usually, psoriasis includes various diseases that differ in the morphological image of the lesions, as well as in the location and course of the disease. Pustular psoriasis is a type where pimples are seen on the skin, with an erythematous basis.

When your skin develops psoriasis or needs a high dose of hydration, check out Atopos Moisturizing Milk. The product is a composition of natural ingredients, including hemp oil and sage, which cares for the skin of the whole body. Adapted to the needs of the skin with psoriasis is also the anti-wrinkle face elixir with vitamin C 5% Vianek. It has a strong moisturizing effect, reduces swelling and soothes irritation.

Hemp seed coffee also works as an auxiliary in the treatment of psoriasis, and drinking it regularly helps with skin problems. Also try the special hemp ointment available on Medonet Market, which works well in the case of dry epidermis with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Psoriasis – clinical variants

Clinical variants of psoriasis:

1. Small-flecked psoriasis (psoriasis guttata) – usually occurs after a streptococcal infection in young people; papular eruptions less than 1 cm in diameter are very numerous and symmetrically spread over the skin of the whole body; skin lesions are characterized by persistent itching; Köbner’s symptom is very common. To relieve the symptoms of psoriasis, try Dr. Michaels skin care ointment.

2. Plaque psoriasis (plaque psoriasis) (Figure 13.6) – is considered the most common form of psoriasis; disease foci appearing on the body have a diameter of a few to several centimeters; skin lesions have the character of infiltrated foci of red-brown color, covered with scales; in addition, changes in the scalp and nails often coexist; chronic course with periods of exacerbation and remission. For the care of psoriatic skin, we recommend, among others Dr. Michaels regenerating skin conditioner or Dr. Michaels soap for daily care of sensitive skin.

Figure 13.6 Plaque psoriasis

3. Psoriasis vulgaris of the hands and feet (psoriasis vulgaris palmo-plantaris) (Fig. 13.7 and 13.8) – its range covers mainly the hands and soles; skin lesions are red foci, very infiltrated, with a significant thickening of the epidermis; numerous cracks are observed in the area of ​​skin lesions; unfortunately, they are very resistant to treatment and make everyday activities difficult.

Special EPTADERM cosmetics are intended for psoriatic skin. Order EPTA PSO 10 Skin Emulsion for psoriasis or EPTA PSO 50 Plus Intensive Cream for psoriasis lesions today.

Figure 13.7 Plaque psoriasis of the hand

Dig. 13.8 Plaque psoriasis of the feet

4. Inverse psoriasis (psoriasis inversa) – skin eruptions are located in skin folds, around the external genitalia and anus; erythematous changes slightly infiltrated with slight exfoliation of the epidermis; in the vicinity of inflammatory lesions, skin irritation, exudation and the formation of painful skin cracks often occur. For the care of psoriatic skin, use Bioherba’s Soap Bar for sensitive and dry skin, which soothes inflammation and promotes skin regeneration.

5. Psoriasis of the scalp (psoriasis capitis) – it is characterized by infiltrated and red erythematous eruptions of various sizes; very extensive changes can extend beyond the hairline to the skin of the forehead and nape; exfoliation may be severe; the lesions are covered with thick, hard, white-gray scales; not infrequently, the disease is accompanied by persistent itching; usually no hair loss occurs. For washing the body and head, you can use, for example, the Dr. Michaels body and head washing gel available on Medonet Market. As an adjunct in the treatment of scalp psoriasis, it is also worth using Bioherba enzymatic scalp peeling, which soothes lesions and supports skin regeneration.

6. Erythrodermic psoriasis (erythrodermia psoriatica) (Figure 13.10) – known as confluent dermatitis, which occurs spontaneously or is caused by triggers; redness and infiltration of the skin of the whole body is specific; severe exfoliation of the epidermis is observed, especially in the area of ​​the hands and feet; not infrequently changes in the area of ​​nails (Beau’s lines, drooping nails) and scalp; itching of varying severity and increased body temperature may appear.

Dig. 13.10 Psoriatic Erythrodemia

7. Nail psoriasis (psoriasis unguium) (Fig. 13.11) – nail changes very often accompany skin changes, may be the only symptom of the disease or precede the appearance of skin changes; this type of psoriasis very often accompanies articular psoriasis.

For the care of nails with psoriasis, it is worth using a special conditioner, which you can buy on Medonet Market in the Comprehensive EPTA PSO Psoriasis Body, Scalp and Nail Care Kit or in the EPTA PSO 50 Body Care Kit with 50% urea.

Dig. 13.11 Nail psoriasis

Characteristic symptoms of nail psoriasis:

  1. pinpoint depressions of the nail plate – a symptom of a thimble,
  2. subungual papules visible in the form of yellow spots on the plate – a symptom of an oil stain,
  3. intense keratosis, leading to thickening of the plate and lifting of the free edge of the nail,
  4. longitudinal furrowing,
  5. transverse furrows – Beau lines,
  6. separation of the free edge from the matrix-lysis,
  7. change in the color of the nails,
  8. thickening, excessive brittleness and brittleness of the nails

To reduce the symptoms associated with the occurrence of psoriasis, use the thermal iodine-bromine brine for the Zabłocka bath for your daily care. It soothes psoriasis, moisturizes the skin and improves its appearance.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski “Practitioner’s guide. Dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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