Pseudohygrocibe chanterelle: description, edibility and photo

Pseudohygrocybe chanterelle (Pseudohygrocybe cantharellus), another name is Hygrocybe cantharellus. Belongs to the Hygrophoraceae family, department Basidiomycetes.

Pseudohygrocibe chanterelle: description, edibility and photo

Mushroom of a standard structure, consists of a stem and a cap

What does chanterelle pseudohygrocybe look like

A distinctive feature of mushrooms of the Hygrophoraceae family is the small size of the fruiting body and bright color. Pseudohygrocybe chanterelle can be orange, buffy with a scarlet tint, or bright red. During the growing season, the shape of the upper part of the agaric changes, the color of both young and adult specimens remains the same.

The external description of chanterelle pseudohygrocybe is as follows:

  1. At the beginning of growth, the cap is round-cylindrical, slightly convex, in adult specimens it is prostrate with concave smooth edges. A recess is formed in the center, the shape resembles a wide funnel.
  2. The protective film is colored unevenly, in the area of ​​​​the recess it can be a tone darker, dry, velvety. Radial longitudinal lines are clearly defined along the edge.
  3. The surface is even, finely scaly, the main accumulation of scales is in the central part of the cap. Towards the edge, the coating thins and turns into a fine pile.
  4. The hymenophore is formed by wide, but thin plates with even edges, resembling an arc or triangle in shape. They are rarely located, descend on the leg. The color of the spore-bearing layer is beige with a yellow tint, does not change during the growing season.
  5. The leg is thin, grows up to 7 cm, the surface is even, smooth.
  6. The upper part is the color of the hat, the lower part can be lighter.
  7. The structure is fibrous, fragile, inside the leg is hollow. The shape is cylindrical, slightly compressed. In the mycelium, it is wider; thin white threads of mycelium are visible on the surface near the substrate.

The pulp is thin, cream-colored in mushrooms with an orange color, if red prevails in the color of the fruiting body, the flesh is yellowish.

Pseudohygrocibe chanterelle: description, edibility and photo

The central part in the area of ​​the funnel is painted in a darker color.

Pseudohygrocibe chanterelle: description, edibility and photo

The species grows in compact, few colonies without forming colonies.

Where does chanterelle pseudohygrocybe grow?

The cosmopolitan mushroom pseudohygrocybe chanterelle is common in Asia, Europe, and America. In Our Country, the main concentration of the species is in the European part, in the Far East, less common in the southern regions and the North Caucasus. Fruiting from the second half of June to September, in a mild climate, the last fruiting bodies occur in October.

The fungus is found in all types of forests, preferring mixed, but can also grow in coniferous. It forms small scattered groups on the moss litter, along forest roadsides, and pseudohygrocybe chanterelle is also found among meadow grasses. Rarely settles on rotting, mossy wood.

Is it possible to eat chanterelle pseudohygrocybe

The pulp is thin and fragile, tasteless and odorless. There is no information on the toxicity of the fungus.

Attention! Pseudohygrocybe chanterelle in mycological reference books is in the group of inedible species.


Pseudohygrocybe chanterelle – a small mushroom with a bright color, does not represent nutritional value. It grows in the temperate climate zone and regions with a mild climate – from June to October. It occurs in meadows and in all types of forests among mosses and leaf litter.

Hygrocybe cantharellus – fungi kingdom

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